And it's a perfect time to have a loose-boweled, shi*-for-brains, Lothario of little girls lead the "free world." He is the perfect cat's poo...er, I mean paw, to usher in this new era. "And a nasty old man in urine-soaked trousers shall lead them," to invert Isaiah 6 for this crappy era.

It's going to be very hard when this relatively free internet goes away. Not sure if you're aware of this, but in the late Summer of George, in the US, conservative and Christian websites were unable to be accessed via Google for a few hours. They complety disappeared from searches. A glitch, they informed us later. And like all evidence of vote fraud later that year, our media watchdogs were not stirred from their slumber to perform even a perfunctory investigation, as far as I know. When it goes down (Putin!) and gets reorganized by the worldwide Ministry of Truth, that's when we'll know things are really getting serious.

God help us from whatever's coming.

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The bucolic picture emerged in my mind, after reading this, of that day our puppy slipped her leash and raced into a large pasture. It wasn't the cows that interested her, but the enormous flock of migratory geese that had made it their way station. Puffy clouds sailed across the cerulean sky above our heads. The children and I, inadequately shod in flip-flops, raced over and under the wooden fence, our feet softly sinking into cow patties as we chased our rambunctious pup. The geese took flight, honking melodically, hundreds of them awkwardly darkening the sky as they rained wet streaks of green-gray shit upon us (and the occasional feather.) We eventually caught our dog, whose low-slung belly was as thoroughly dung-coated as our feet and ankles.

(This comment is already ridiculously long and rambling-- what's new, Diana?-- but I agree that we're being herded toward something, and there is more excrement involved than that day in the pasture. By the by, and apropros of nothing, have you ever considered hiring a sensitivity reader? I couldn't help noticing that you don't capitalize "Black.")

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haha - I think your average 'sensitivity' reader might have an apoplectic episode if forced to read some of my stuff.

I wouldn't be capitalising black whatever they said. Not going down that racist route :-)

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Wondering: do you capitalize "white"?

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This feels like a microaggression and I am triggered. (Or, because tone is hard online: part of the manure these days is that you can’t even read a recently published novel, or a news story, without being subjected to the carefully policed language of “sensitivity readers.” The good news is that I’ve gotten better at solving mysteries now that I know no character described as “Black” will be involved and the perp has typically murmured grumpily about feminists and served as a cop. I was joking about the need for one here but at the same time could do a stellar impersonation of one!)

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Um... Okay. Not sure what you just said, exactly. Your language is loaded with terminology I might associate with maybe a police psychologist or someone playing one on TV.

I had no intention of "triggering" you, but was simply wondering why these days it's expected of us to capitalize "black," when referring to folks with negroid attributes, but "white" is NEVER capitalized. Maybe I'm not young enough, or "woke" enough to understand all this absurdity, no offense, but I really think there's some manipulative, behind-the-scenes coaching going on, and I think it's maybe not necessarily noticed or well-understood. I wonder if you are under the age of say, 30? I am curious, from a sociopolitical standpoint. And honestly, I am not trying to offend you, promise.

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Dad joke alert:

If girls with big breasts work at Hooters do girls with one leg work at IHOP?

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First time here, and YAY. Your PUNishment is much like MY dad's, and our punny repartee. Cheers.

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welcome Herder, and thanks

I try my best. My long-suffering daughters tolerate my humour, at best

"Dad, if wit was shit, you'd be constipated"

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LOL! I'm tolerating it quite easily. ^_^

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The image of bees wearing tiny little white pillowcases on their heads made me LOL. Thank you, I needed that.

Have to take issue with you dissing paper straws, though. I think anything that can cut down on plastic production, consumption and pollution - and not harm marine wildlife - is a good thing.

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yeah I take your point with the paper straws - although I think there are many more important ways to cut down on plastic use. Targeting plastic straws, whilst having a small impact, is another example of (largely) performative virtue signalling that allows people to feel like they're "doing" something.

We're going to need plastic for quite some time - the issue isn't with its use, the issue is with why the hell is it ending up in the oceans? That's where the problem is - and where the focus needs to be.

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A few years ago we had plastic straws wrapped in paper. Now we have paper straws that are so sensitive that they have to be wrapped in plastic.

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It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Plastic use is out of control. And last I heard, only 20% is being recycled. Microplastics are in most people's blood (from air, water, food, personal care products), causing health problems. Marine animals are dying because they mistake garbage for food. We lived in Japan for 3 years, where they wrap e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. in plastic. Simply cutting down our consumption of single-use items could make a huge difference.

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Yes, there is way too much plastic, but focussing on minor examples (plastic straws) means distraction from the big issues. In our little street of 14 families, we are the only one getting by on a single car. And our kids have never flown on a plane. Here in Germany, company cars are a big thing, which means that many people are driving much bigger cars than they would if they had to buy (instead of lease) them.

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It is too bad that at the voting booth, we only have the choice of going #1 or going #2, especially when "none of the above" is the optimal choice.

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I always go with #3, if there is one. I know it doesn't really count, but I hope it at least sends a message. But just imagine if we all did that.

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Just imagine if We the Peeps took over the entire process...

What if we had a Rota system?

So many possibilities, and I trust NO ONE in our current govt. When the USA first started, the Fed Gov was very limited... Some of that was problematic, but it might be worth re-visiting the idea...

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Right? It's not really a choice at all, is it?

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Continuing to speak figuratively, maybe we all need to just get in our boats, and float peacefully atop the effluent.

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I remember listening to a student giving a talk on the swedish witch trials during the 17th century. It was the usual tripe about the patriarchy killing off the remains of mother worship and other revisionist and anti-historical historionic "Jean M Auel wrote factbooks"-school of thought. Even the fantasy-culture of pre-glacial vegan feminist pacifist matriarchy (which more feminists than feel reasonable actually believes in for real...) destroyed by the fallocratic Kurgan warrior society got a mention. You almost thought she'd bring up Lemuria or Crom or Thothamon too.

I also remember her being lectured by a professor in history and political swcience on that all reminaing records show the instance of men being tried for sorcery/witchcraft/heresy/apostasy outnubered the number of women by more than 20:1. And that the men far more often were executed.

Her reaction was the proverbial goose getting water poured on it. Or piss off a toad's bac it might have been.

What was the most interesting (in the same way opening the belly of an animal is to a carnifex) was the reaction from the other female members (snigger, "female member" sure takes on a whopper of a double entendre these days eh?) of the audience.

They immediately rushed to her defence, or defense even. The professor was a bully. He was a "silverback" (patriarch sounding wrong in swedish since that would make everyone think of a greek orthodox priest). He was insensitive to the plight of women. He had no respect for how motherhood/sisterhood joins all women together through the ages.

If you've ever seen magpies mob an owl, that was it.

Insert obligatory caveats as deemed necessary. If you're unsure, ask your local scholastic terrorist.

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