Things really are getting weird aren’t they?
There’s too much going on to even try to put it all into some kind of coherent whole. I’m not even sure if there is a coherent whole to put it all into.
After announcing his suspension from the presidential race it now seems that RFK Jr is being forced to remain on the ballot, but only in places where it might hurt Trump.
Ya gotta love all this democracy stuff. It’s like playdough. You can munge it into whatever shape you want.
Before RFK Jr teamed up with GODD (Great Orange Destroyer of Democracy) they tried to prevent him from having his name on the ballot. Now they’re trying to prevent him from removing his name from the ballot (but only where it suits).
They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. The term Our Democracy™ is now synonymous with “any system in which we win”.
Does anyone trust these folk to conduct a free and fair election?
Along with feeling the “joy” you can just Feel the Steal™ can’t you1?
If the polls are to be believed, and I strongly suspect they shouldn’t be, GODD and KOCK (Kamala Of the Campaign Kackle) are neck and neck at this point in time. Let’s see what happens with the passage of more time - because that’s important.
If only Kamala had been trans - not only would she have ticked another diversity box, but she and Trump could have had a decent swordfight.
The teaming of RFK Jr and Trump (and now Tulsi Gabbard has joined them) could be a pivotal moment. RFK Jr has been on the ‘left’ all his life - he’s deeply committed to justice and has spent a good deal of his life and effort helping to make that happen. But he no longer recognizes in the Democrat Party the values he holds so dear - and the values that his father and uncle (moderately famous Democrats) held so dear.
He’s saying that : Trump is not perfect - and I disagree with him on lots of things - but the Democrats represent a far greater threat to America than Trump
Like most things, this ultra-salient point will not be picked up on by the media, or properly discussed. They will, instead, just attempt to portray RFK Jr in the most negative possible light.
Contrast this with Sam Harris’ comments about the suppression of the Hunter laptop story. He said the following in an interview with Triggernometry that went viral
At that point Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared
He then went on to say :
My argument is that it was appropriate for Twitter and the heads of big tech and the heads of journalistic organisations to feel that they were in the presence of something like a once-in-a-lifetime moral emergency
Touché, Mr Harris, Touché
And is there something that just goes wrong in the heads of people called Harris?
Sam, God love him, is clearly so far above us lesser mortals that he has all the answers and believes those answers need to be imposed on everyone else.
Trump has been portrayed as being so unspeakably evil that almost anything is acceptable if it stops him from becoming president. Harris just parrots this ridiculous position in this interview.
At what point must we concede the same argument being applied to the Democrats? RFK Jr has clearly reached that point. It is the Democrats of whom we must speak in terms of “something wicked this way comes” and not Trump.
The Democrat machine is very powerful. It has, more or less, the entire media at its beck and call, most of the Big Tech companies, Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, the Censorship Industrial complex, the judiciary, and the 3-letter agencies.
It can set the frame of any debate and make it stick. Konstantin Kisin talks about the power of framing in his recent piece, but I don’t know what he goes on to say because it’s behind a paywall.
He’s right. Those on the ‘right’ lose ground because they try to approach from the frame of logic, whilst those on the ‘left’ approach things from the frame of emotion. And the well-oiled Democrat machine is a master manipulator of emotion.
With the current Harris campaign, emotion seems to be all they have - because they seem very reluctant to let this appalling tit speak unscripted. Let’s face it, GODD can also be a bit of an appalling tit at times too, but at least he has the balls to face things head-on - no cowering cackle for him - he leaps up after being shot, determined to face his attackers2.
This, then, will be the frame in which this election is won or lost - at least if we could guarantee a free and fair election, which we cannot.
It will be all about emotion and, if the Republicans want to win, they need to meet this challenge, because they aren’t going to be able to change the frame - there are just too many malignant forces arrayed against them. They need to find a bottleneck so that they can better control that frame.
It’s quite remarkable the press U-turn we’ve seen. Harris has gone from being a deeply unpopular and ineffective VP to being The Virgin Mary3. She and Joe (anyone remember him?) were said to have delivered the economic goods - most of the press argued so - but now Kamaltoe will ‘fix’ that in a way that she and Joe were unable to fix for the last 4 years?
And, although I haven’t seen the details, the demented witch is now said to be in favour of a border wall.
You what? Is there any font big enough to carry the full weight of the WTF that I want to say?
Is there anyone who can look at the totality of the Democratic machine and, in all honesty and in possession of their full mental faculties, describe it as “good”?
I can’t. Not by a long way. It’s a hydra-like infestation of corruption, malfeasance and manipulation as far as I can determine.
If we’re not careful, “something wicked this way comes” will morph into “something wicked this way will stay forever”.
This is not to be confused with the career-enhancing technique employed by Harris of feeling the steel
Anyone remember that assassination attempt? The media would very much like you to forget all about it
But without the virgin bit
"Those on the ‘right’ lose ground because they try to approach from the frame of logic, whilst those on the ‘left’ approach things from the frame of emotion."
To quote myself from a recent El Gato Malo-thread:
"I think one fundamental difference is this:
Do you approach a conflict as something to (re)solve, so that the source of the conflict ceases to cause conflict?
Or do you approach a conflict as something to win/lose?
It can be plotted as one of them Pareto-square thingies, where upper left corner is solve-solve and the bottom right is win/lose-win/lose.
So if your opponent is of the "conflicts can be won/lost"-variety, you'll always lose if you go in with a "resolve"-frame of mind.
How to achieve mutual trust and so, well I'd need some 20 000 words for that one."
"One can add a Z-axis to the box grid: making winning impossible/making victory (or resolution) undesirable."
(Re)solve the conflict, or win. A more vulgar version would be a someone following a set of gentlemanly rules for a nice bout, facing someone fighting for real.
Given that most are doubly injected with poison that has remote control activation, I would say the wicked has arrived and quite literally set up shop in the veins of the world. It's hard to argue against the fact that the injected children of today will likely be dead early in life, barring some true miracle cure.