I don’t have an answer either. It’s possible they want to kill us, it’s one hypotheses! I think they certainly want to punish the not vaccinated. Not necessarily because we haven’t taken up their “kind” offer but because those not vaccinated understand that there is medical malfeasance and great corruption. This is enough for them to make our lives as hard as possible so the truth is not exposed. However, it’s a numbers game and they can’t keep it up forever. Hang on in there, you’re doing a fantastic job. I’m pretty sure the psychopaths know they’ve lost and will wind things down from April. People will forget soon enough then the truth will be exposed but no one will pay any attention to it! However, life will never be the same for many of us and it’s our duty to the children to start to create a better world, parallel communities are a start. This doesn’t mean you have to move home, it doesn’t have to be that radical. But it’s important we never forget what they did.

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Ahhhh, that phrase, 'never forget'- I love that. Except we have already. Even a great many of 'my own kind' both in the UK and abroad seem to have 'forgotten' already the horrors of the past; they tell me to stop being 'ridiculous' and 'it's not the same thing'. I want to weep.

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I get that response too - even from my Jewish Israeli friends who can see through the nonsense but keep getting jabbed for inexplicable reasons! They just don’t see the parallels of the 1930s, they focus only on the death camps, as if they popped out of a vacuum, then say it’s not the same. Obviously it’s not the same! Have you read Elie Wiesel’s “Night”. The first chapter is worth reading as an example of cognitive dissonance. Here’s a link of the first chapter: https://genius.com/Elie-wiesel-night-chapter-1-annotated

My tactic now to wake up more people is to focus on early treatments that are being suppressed, for whatever reason. This reduces the fear which helps them see more clearly.

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Thank you, I'll take a read. I'm not a medic so I don't know anything about early treatments etc- any links to those that I could use would be helpful.

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Check out the World Council for Health. It was set up last year by a group of doctors and scientists disgusted at the WHO, which is totally corrupt and has been for decades. They have all the covid treatment protocols, most of which you can buy over the counter or on a GP prescription. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/

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Again, thank you.

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There are a lot of high-end anti-covid thinkers (eugyppius, el gato) who think this is essentially a world-wide case of monkey see, monkey do by would-be junior varsity tyrants. However, here in the US we have the strange situation of former Planned Parenthood President and current Tolkien villain/unofficial WEF spokesman Leana Wen announcing some cruel torment that needs to be meted out to the unvaccinated and within a few days Democrat politicians follow through with these dehumanizing policies. If it seems that there is a conspiracy, there probably is.

Yeah, never attribute malice to that which can be explained by the ever-present stupidity/incompetence of government officials, but Occam's Razor is a useless tool against willful evil. As a person of faith, I sense we are confronting the greatest evil the world has ever faced.

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I find it very hard to write all of this off as a case of panic and hysteria amongst governments. Maybe I do politicians too much of a favour, but apart from a few notable examples, most of them are not stupid. The data is pretty incontrovertible now - whatever we've done (lockdowns, masks, sanitize, distance, vaccines, vaccine passports) - it hasn't worked by any reasonable definition of the word "work".

Yet they still push on with this nonsense - and I don't know why. Hard to ascribe this to mere "misguidance" or an over-reaction. But it might be. Whether by accident or design, I totally agree that we're facing a great evil. The so-called "faith leaders" of the world have been appalling - exposing a sickness at the very top of their respective institutions.

I used to be religious - less so these days - but maybe I also have that wrong too. There certainly does seem to be a hole in our hearts these days that has been opened up by tearing out the fibres of faith that held things together.

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God damn every single "faith leader" on board with this discrimination. As a Catholic, I was baffled by the Pope declaring that getting vaccinated was an act of charity, apparently unaware that herd immunity through these crappy vaccines is impossible. Taking the evil to another level, Abp Welby outright declared the unjabbed as "immoral." Thankfully, my faith is in God, and not the buffoons who purport to speak on His behalf.

As someone who was once exactly where you are now, faith-wise, I don't want to go all "holy roller" on you, but I would encourage to re-examine your faith. Faith in God does give meaning and purpose to life, a point Nietzsche made so eloquently in his "madman" speech.

Looking at the roll call of the technocratic, godless villains (I'm looking at you, Schwab & Gates) taking center stage during this "crisis" I shudder when I recall Dostoevsky's warning that "without God, all things are permissible."

I enjoy reading your well-written amusing take on this madness. Hang tough. Keep up the good work.

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"I cannot find an “innocent” explanation for this lust to get everyone injected with the Goo. "

Neither can I. Increasingly, it all points to one conclusion.

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I think the most important part of Trudeau's criticism also might appear to some to be relatively innocuous: "They don't believe in science."

We are experiencing a modern, pseudo-secular Inquisition, and here's a hint to the Inquisitors: if you think it's okay this time because the people you're crushing really ARE scum, it may surprise you to learn that nobody ever committed genocide thinking, "I am an evil villain and the people I am destroying are unfairly maligned victims of my wicked rhetoric."

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The bottom line is that if we don't have autonomy over our own bodies, we have NOTHING--all is lost--we are quite literally screwed! Forget freedom--that's the point at which we are owned by the state--and then the real fun can begin. I can't understand how so many people that otherwise appear to be sane are unable to see this and march so willingly to their own slaughter while acting like those of us who refuse are crazy.

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I always said, if they can enforce a vaccine they can come for your kidney.

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It's amazing to me also that people don't get this. They might agree today, but what if governments tomorrow use the precedents that have now been set to impose something they disagree with?

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My mother who died in the late 90's--never smoked and disliked it but when a lot of people starting saying the government in the US should ban smoking she'd school them on what that meant. If Big Daddy Guvment can tell you not to smoke then what's next and next. She'd ask people what happens when that steps on your toes--won't be such a hot idea then. Many times it seemed like something connected--how could they not have considered this before! What we're seeing now is all of that on steroids.

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Really enjoy your posts, thanks for keeping me sane with your irreverent insights. I hope you will forgive my borrowing your tone in this reply.

I don't believe anybody has a definitive explanation. The situation seems to be inexplicable by design. Perhaps this is in itself part of the "reset" (or whatever the hell it's called). Propagation of uncertainty was just about the only dead cert of the past two years. So now we get ratcheting of measures when a one-eyed rat can see the risk analysis is moving in the opposite direction. Nobody is that illogical by accident. As to why the colossal ongoing mind****? Well, we have a chocolate box assortment of conspiracy theories to choose from. Thing is I ate too many at Christmas. I don't even want the big purple one right now.

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borrow away - I borrowed my tone too!

Thanks for your kind words - I'm glad I'm helping even a little bit.

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Yesterday my sister and I were talking about a particular type of power. We were had both seen many videos of white "karens" trying to tell black people what to do, or get them in trouble for something... Mostly while the black people were simply living their lives. Amy Cooper in New York City calling the police on a black man walking his dog, the white woman having a meltdown in Victoria's secret. My sister and I noticed in each of these situations, as the white person began to recognize their lack of power in controlling the black person, their hysteria escalated. They thought they had power, they acted on that power to control the black person, and when they lost their perceived power, they wigged out. Heads of state thought they had the upper hand to wield power. Exerting their power was easy when SARS Cov 2 first emerged. Not only did it get harder and harder to inject the governments favorite vaccine into their citizens, the vaccine inefficacy and side effects, and the cost of lockdowns, are probably not lost on them. Now they've lost their power AND their virtuous knowing "what's best for everyone" pedestal. That's a big psychological fall and narcissistic insult, and they can't handle it. They are wigging out and they will take this to the bitter end because they can't tolerate it. In addition to this narcissistic psychological difficulty, there may be other reasons why they want everyone injected with this vaccine. Something that doesn't have to do with people's health, some ideas are pure profiteering of their pharma owners via continual boosters, surveillance of the vaccine passport, and possibly something else related to the occasional magnetic properties of the vaccinated.

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a nice take

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stark raving psychopaths...

there is your answer.

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I'm afraid the end goal isn't vaccines or vaccine passports, it is digital ID on your smart phone and digital currency, which they are pushing using the pandemic as an excuse. Until you go there in your thinking, its just craziness. But when you realize it is only against Western Democracies, and that our leaders are either corrupt and willing participants, or their families have been threatened, that any of it makes sense.

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You can get more insight into the inner reality of government corruption by reading Catherine Austin Fitts’s account of her experiences in and around the US government, written in 2006:


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I've seen some of her interviews - not sure what to make of it, to be honest. But these days I'm much more prepared to listen to "alternative" voices. Whether she has it right or not, there's definitely something very rotten - and this whole covid mess has really brought the deeply rotten core to light - even if we don't fully understand everything about it.

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Uncle Joe Brandon's superpower: he can check your vaccination status by smelling your hair.

I guess we will have to await the effects of Omicron. Currently I am willing to bet against vaccine mandates (in Germany).

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haha - Creepy old Joe. I really don't get why people like him - he really creeps me out. I feel like I have to have a shower every time I watch him speak. Maybe it's just me, but he seems utterly insincere and slimy. Urgh.

Good news about Germany - let's keep our fingers crossed.

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