The interesting part that no one mentions is that the makers and providers have 100% immunity from civil liability for injury or death - even if their actions are negligent or reckless. In other words, if you get injured, you can't sue them - Federal law in the US, laws in UK and Commonwealth countries, and if you're killed, your next of kin can't sue for wrongful death. So all of these people with their syrupy unctuous talk about "greater good" and the rest, what it comes down to is that they don't give a sh*t if you get hurt and have to pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars. My response is "go be virtuous with *your own* money, f*ck off with asking me to risk *my* money."
Out of interest, with all the other 'proper' vaccines, polio, MMR etc etc (which I've been happy to take and give to my kids) what liability do the manufacturers have over those?
In the US, basically none. For vaccines on the childhood schedule, there's a vaccine injury fund run by the government. It's no-fault and was established specifically to shield vaccine makers from lawsuits so that they would continue producing vaccines. (It looks like you may still be able to sue outside of this in some situations. I assume it's probably only in cases of negligent manufacture and the like; e.g., the vaccine you got was contaminated.)
It's been speculated that this is why pharma in the US is pushing so hard to vax kids and in the meantime is playing legal games with the vaccines available*. Once it's on the childhood schedule, they're not longer liable for injuries caused by the approved version.
* It's Schrodinger's vaccine. In the US, you cannot get Comirnaty, the approved Pfizer vaccine, only the EUA version. Pfizer claims they're both legally distinct and legally the same, depending on what benefits them at the time.
My thinking was far more simple (not being as clever as you lot; I was mighty proud of my B in Physics at 'O' level, but clearly needed to have concentrated more in Chemistry and Biology..)- if the vaccines worked, why did they not, like, work? Anyway, currently trying to memorise your various phrases, such as the Doctrine of MoralDuty, and Covid Catechism as well as the various risk levels and yes, I will claim them as my own when I meet up with the previously mentioned wicked stepmother this evening!! In the meantime, having been indoctrinated with the Covid Catechism I did have the first 2 but have refused the supermanboosterwooster.
Although my recommendation would be not to get Goo'ed at the moment - I would always stress to someone that this is based on my own interpretation of the data and that many others have a different interpretation. Any decision of consequence should be made taking into account as many different perspectives.
I don't think the vaccines are an immediate "death sentence" for the vast majority - but that doesn't mean they are acceptably safe, either.
The worst vaccine outcomes come from a small percentage of batches. In a recent video, Dr. Yeadon makes a convincing case that this is a deliberate attempt to test poison in the general population. Pharmaceutical companies are incomparable in producing a uniform product from various manufacturing facilities; a tylenol tablet is exactly the same in America as in India. This is not the case with the poisonous shots. From the beginning of vaccine rollout, he has written that the bad effects would manifest themselves from subsequent injections, not from the initial pricks.
Avoid all shots as if your life depended on it, because it probably does.
2 years before I had the full series rabies shots plus tetanus for a bite from an animal I knew wasn't rabid...but for $100 I figured why not? No thought other than get the damn lidocaine before you jab me.
I had the hinky feeling back in December 2019...I was sure it was a bioweapon when that Indian paper was taken down in 24 hours,saying there was a furin cleave and HIV in the virus and after looking into MNRA and Sars vax development.....that all the animals died, that it had never been successful, and that Didier Raoult found a simple cure....I said no way. In March of 2020 I was firmly in the NO WAY camp...and nothing I have seen since has made me change my mind.
What bothers me now is what is going to happen (or worse not happen) to those who created it, unleashed it, followed it up with fear and destruction campaign, the massive vax failure...I want all responsible tried and the institutions that gave rise to them gone.
This is almost exactly my thinking on the entire overblown plandemic. I too had high hopes for the "vaccines" and like you I was not going to be a test subject, especially for a product that was being pushed as so absolutely safe that the companies producing it were given blanket immunity. Additionally, far too many things simply do not add up.
I do not claim to have proof that this virus was intentionally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, I'm not even asserting it was intentionally leaked. However, the outrageous lack of curiosity by the media is baffling. And the absence of real scientific data used to justify all of the safety protocols, policies, and mandates can only be explained by assuming a hidden agenda not associated with saving lives.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the justifications being proffered are ignorant at best. And while I at this point I have no concrete evidence to support a nefarious Spectre plot Occam's razor leads me to believe there is either some type of omnipotent moral busybody plan in motion, or a massive cover up of epic proportions.
There's definitely something going on over and above a concern for "public health" - what that is I don't know. The slice of carrot I left on my dinner plate last night could reason that vaccine passports make no medical sense at all with a non-sterilizing, not entirely safe, vaccine.
Could almost every government and official health body really be this incapable of such elementary reasoning from the data? I find that much harder to believe than that there is some dastardly dark plot behind the scenes.
1. A campaign to put a social credit control system in place, and
2. A depopulation/sterilization campaign,
using "public health" as a ruse, as a confidence trick, and the "police power" to enforce "public health measures" such as "vaccine passports" - the nascent social credit system - and the uptake of "vaccines" themselves, which neither prevent infection nor stop spread (which means they're not vaccines at all), but whose major effects are reduction in population via quick death (including stillbirths) or at least major reduction in life expectancy, and microcoagulation in ovaries and testes, leading to sterilization in females and reduction of fertility in males.
And that there has been, for some years, perhaps two decades or more, a plan to do this on a worldwide scale, by Klaus Schwab and the WEF and the structures backing them up, to infiltrate both governments and public health authorities, in order to promulgate and promote and finally enforce this plan. And now there's evidence from Schwab himself that this was done through the Young Global Leaders program and other "outreach" from the WEF. It looks like the WEF is a global government which, with collusion of governments - including in the US, both federal and those of many states - intends to rule in a totalitarian manner. As for the US, the pretty clear intent has been to totally abrogate the Constitution and Bill of Rights; as for Canada, the Charter of Rights; and for other putatively democratic constitutional governments, their constitutions. Essentially, it's a global coup-d'etat. As to the US, the WEF and its domestic collaborationists are the people whom some of us are sworn to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights against - they are the "enemies foreign and domestic" spoken of in the oath every officer in the Armed Forces takes, every attorney takes, every public official takes - "to defend, without mental reservation, the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Which means, of course, that we are at war, and so are all of the others in their countries who have taken similar oaths to uphold the founding principles of their governments.
It's pretty clear, now, that there was planning set in place by "public health" authorities, in conjunction with the bioweapons research structures of the National Security State(s), which have effectively supplanted and replaced elected governments, to create an epidemic virus, to propagate it, and to sabotage all effective measures to stop spread. But the point of the virus was to force people to take the "vaccine" - which is why very effective pharmaceutical treatments were blocked. And then there's the herding, via massive propaganda campaigns both via (globalist) government-controlled media, and the creation of "mass formations" via the unconstitutional and illegal mandates allowed to be put in place by governmental authorities. It's my opinion that the "mass formations" produced by the corporate- and government-favored and -sponsored and -financed "woke movement" were the "proofs of concept" for this subsequent "mass formation". It's herding the population through chutes, like cattle, for the kill shots and the castrations. And herds of cattle aren't even subjects, much less citizens in free societies, so a lot of the conditioning has already been attempted, if not done. Consent of the governed is no longer even the least restraint, so the authorities in charge of this must be overthrown and driven from power - this is what Jefferson wrote about, here: "[B]ut when a long train of abuses and usurpations, begun at a distinguished period, and pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject them to arbitrary power, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."
And that's the bottom line, and my conclusion in this. I throughly understand what is driving this - the depopulation/forced sterilization part, due to legitimate concerns about exponential population growth and exponential growth in non-renewable energy resource use and depletion, as against the limits imposed by finite resources - and the desire for totalitarian control, the latter because those who would exercise that control are deathly afraid what would happen if people came together to oppose them. Divide and rule is vitally important, and social credit systems would be instrumental in establishing, perpetuating, and enforcing that control. However, these are no legitimate grounds for abrogating the free exercise of essential liberties or mass murder and forced sterilization.
Please listen to this podcast. It describes (by a lawyer) how what they're doing is legal through the WHO and signing of an agreement by most, if not all, countries around the world, through the UN.
In looking through the WHO regulations cited by the above article, available at, I find none of the facts alleged in that article to be correct. Specifically, the phrase "global pandemic" is not found in those Regulations, nor is there any mention of suspension of constitutional rights. For what it's worth, I'm a lawyer, too, and I'm pretty used to looking up laws and regulations and case law. I'd suggest the authors of your article find themselves another lawyer.
I didn't find anything about Alaska. I did find that Arizona had these laws on their state books as being enacted in June of last year. (I still find that chilling.) I hadn't gotten to the WHO. I also didn't find anything in the CFR. Thank-you very much for the update!
This, I have regretfully come to accept, is pretty much where we are. I consider myself fully red pilled over the last 2 years. I always considered my self a light shade of pink pill, never willing to go down the 'globalists control it all' theory, so I do understand the unwillingness of many, even now, to not accept this, but when you take the time to lok at the facts, it's so bloody obvious.
Whenever I mention the “C” word to my 84 year old still politically active father, he rolls his eyes and tells me that I am simply unable to conceive how effing idiotic people in positions of power are, especially the current crop of global and political elites. He might have a point. That said, he didn’t want the booster jab, reasoning he’d be better off catching Omicron!
There are a range of options to choose from - all the way from panicked, almost impossibly incompetent people, to leaders with a saviour complex, and right on through to introduction of more digital control, and then all the way through to some nefarious depopulation agenda.
I've not found a single explanation that I'm happy with. I'm least comfortable with the two extremes (panic and incompetence vs global depopulation).
One thing's for sure though, I'm having a harder and harder time seeing our governments as "innocent" - I'm just not entirely sure exactly what it is they're guilty of! I guess things will become clearer as time progresses.
I really hope I'm wrong - seriously, I really do. I would much rather our governments be merely astonishingly incompetent than actively dangerous.
I think they're both incompetent and dangerous - and see my reply above. And the rush to inject children and people below 18, who face no cognizable risk from COVID - and a developing very great risk of myocarditis - is quite frankly odd. Actually, the same could be said about people under 35 for that matter. The bigger risk is for people over 60, but the survival rate is still over 99% - that goes down to 90% for people over 80. And it definitely causes sterility, a friend of mine's girlfriend sold her eggs every so often to a fertility clinic - then she got the jab, a few months after, she went in - and found she was barren. Sterile. Done for good and for all. And I'll bet that this is far more widespread than has been reported, at least to the public.
You're wrong, world population did not peak in the late 1980s - in 1989, the population was 5.2 billion, this year it's 7.9 billion, and the rate of increase is a bit over 1% per year, see The really important metric is the depletion rate of fossil fuels as against the supply, which is finite: With *current* use rates - assuming *constant* population, fossil fuels are predicted to essentially run out by 2050, coal by 2060. The trouble is, is that the population is growing by 1% per year, and there will be a corresponding increase in fossil fuel use - until mechanized agriculture, dependent on petroleum, fails, at which point the population will drop...
I strongly doubt it was intentionally leaked, simply because of the location. Remember, one of the reasons people initially speculated it might have come from a lab and not a wet market was that the bats that carry SARS-CoV-2's relatives live hundreds of kilometers (or some other very large distance) from Wuhan, while the WIV is literally right there and was publicly known to be working with bat coronaviruses. It's not impossible it was leaked on purpose, of course, but it's hard to believe that China and friends were simultaneously smart enough to predict releasing a virus would benefit them AND not smart enough to realize their natural origin story would be much more plausible if they bothered releasing it near some bats. If they didn't want to be blamed - and all their behavior suggests they very much don't - Wuhan was quite possibly the worst release site on the planet.
I suspect that, rather, it was an accident that a bunch of bad actors found to be very happy indeed.
Exactly how I’ve felt but been unable to express as eloquently. The added alarm bells for me started when I was told I was an anti-vaxxer and that my opinion was not welcome, this usually followed that request “have you had the vaccine yet?”
I couldn’t figure out why suddenly everyone was so interested in my medical information. It just seemed like further evidence that people were being hypnotised en masse. Having had some training in hypnotherapy I had already stopped listening to the news very early on. Despite being quite smart, having two degrees in psychology and statistics, have worked for the nhs, drug companies as well as several extra years of qualifications in health and well-being, I still got shouted down, told I was a conspiracy theorist and that people didn’t want to talk to me. Didn’t want to debate this weirdness.
I am truly grateful for some aspects of technology that have made me realise that I’m not stupid or mad and that actually there really are some dodgy people out there. So, thanks again for your stellar capacity to communicate clearly in a way that I wish I could. You have made this human being feel braver about her choices, and the right to make them!
Yep I was all up for getting vaccinated in 2020. Then the efficacy rates came out and I was suspicious, then the lack of data, then the intense pressure. Something wasn't normal.
Thanks for making my laptop screen a little more coffee-dabbled this morning.
Honestly, if there was a point in the Global Pandemic™ when getting the goo might have seemed a reasonable thing to do, now is definitely not it. The fact that they are STILL trying to push it (coming soon to an infant or toddler near you) seems definitive evidence, if you needed it, that this Great Narrative of Truth™ became unmoored from the actual truth long ago.
Even if all data would be released: we have no long term clinical data at all, so the risk of the vacc is unknown.
E.g. autoimmunity would only show up after a few years anyway.
it is remarkable that we see so many side effects already so early, even if everything is being done not to show any side effects. E.g. if young men show a higher risk of myocarditis, we can see it only because young man usually have no risk of myocarditis whatsoever, so any case of it is a strong statistical signal. I am sure old people will suffer even more myocarditis due to the vaccines, but we can just ignore it.
My initial thought on the vaccines was that I'd likely wait and see for a year or two, then get it if it seemed to be working and no concerning safety issues popped up. After all, it's not uncommon for safety concerns and other odd wrinkles to only show up a few years into release, even when drugs are tested extensively and in good faith. I wasn't high enough risk to justify taking any new drug, let alone one that had been expedited in this manner, and being a hermit anyway means my exposure to contagious disease tends to be low. In the meantime, I'd continue avoiding obviously sick people and staying home when sick.
Then the evidence started to come in - I'm sure everyone here is familiar with it - and the coercion started up. At this point, it's become a matter of principle, and I wouldn't get one even if they were 100% safe and effective and every injection came with a free unicorn. To give in would be to reward the coercion and manipulation we've all been subjected to, and behavior that is rewarded is repeated.
Good essay. There were more red flags being waved about this vaccine than there were during Moscow's May Day parade in 1947.
Indeed, the response to covid has been far beyond the threat level posed and extremely, extremely suspicious. Here's the bit of info that proved to me beyond a doubt that all this drama had absolutely nothing to do with public health: by December 2020 the city of San Francisco reported a grand total of 173 covid deaths for the year. The number of souls lost to drug overdose was 621. Clearly this has nothing to do with saving lives.
Part of my hesitancy (it was only hesitancy for a very brief period, before becoming certainty) was the knowledge that these 'vaccines' would probably only provide very temporary protection. I reasoned that I'd probably be better off waiting until the autumn, if I did go ahead with it. Why enjoy your peak protection in the spring or summer?
Anyway, glad I found your stack.
One error, surely of autocorrect: unless the Malteser has gone through a conversion, his surname is Javid, not David.
I hadn't thought about the length of protection at the time - but then I was thinking of these cov-vaxx things as being like all the other vaccines I'd previously had. You know, the kind where you roll up your sleeve, get jabbed, and job done, you're now protected - "don't come back to see us for at least another 10 years or more".
4 shots in a year and we're still calling this new Goo a "vaccine"? Hmmm, colour me sceptical here - maybe it's just a very modern vaccine - it only identifies as one.
Thanks for the error spot - much appreciated. Not autocorrect, sadly, more of a brain fart. For some inexplicable reason "David" looked right. Doh!
The interesting part that no one mentions is that the makers and providers have 100% immunity from civil liability for injury or death - even if their actions are negligent or reckless. In other words, if you get injured, you can't sue them - Federal law in the US, laws in UK and Commonwealth countries, and if you're killed, your next of kin can't sue for wrongful death. So all of these people with their syrupy unctuous talk about "greater good" and the rest, what it comes down to is that they don't give a sh*t if you get hurt and have to pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars. My response is "go be virtuous with *your own* money, f*ck off with asking me to risk *my* money."
Yes - I forgot to mention the only true immunity involved - that of Pharma from liability. That was another bit of a stumbling block too.
Out of interest, with all the other 'proper' vaccines, polio, MMR etc etc (which I've been happy to take and give to my kids) what liability do the manufacturers have over those?
As it turns out, the playing field is well-rigged against vaccine recipients in those areas as well, although not anywhere near the degree as with these so-called "vaccines" - see
In the US, basically none. For vaccines on the childhood schedule, there's a vaccine injury fund run by the government. It's no-fault and was established specifically to shield vaccine makers from lawsuits so that they would continue producing vaccines. (It looks like you may still be able to sue outside of this in some situations. I assume it's probably only in cases of negligent manufacture and the like; e.g., the vaccine you got was contaminated.)
It's been speculated that this is why pharma in the US is pushing so hard to vax kids and in the meantime is playing legal games with the vaccines available*. Once it's on the childhood schedule, they're not longer liable for injuries caused by the approved version.
* It's Schrodinger's vaccine. In the US, you cannot get Comirnaty, the approved Pfizer vaccine, only the EUA version. Pfizer claims they're both legally distinct and legally the same, depending on what benefits them at the time.
My thinking was far more simple (not being as clever as you lot; I was mighty proud of my B in Physics at 'O' level, but clearly needed to have concentrated more in Chemistry and Biology..)- if the vaccines worked, why did they not, like, work? Anyway, currently trying to memorise your various phrases, such as the Doctrine of MoralDuty, and Covid Catechism as well as the various risk levels and yes, I will claim them as my own when I meet up with the previously mentioned wicked stepmother this evening!! In the meantime, having been indoctrinated with the Covid Catechism I did have the first 2 but have refused the supermanboosterwooster.
Although my recommendation would be not to get Goo'ed at the moment - I would always stress to someone that this is based on my own interpretation of the data and that many others have a different interpretation. Any decision of consequence should be made taking into account as many different perspectives.
I don't think the vaccines are an immediate "death sentence" for the vast majority - but that doesn't mean they are acceptably safe, either.
The worst vaccine outcomes come from a small percentage of batches. In a recent video, Dr. Yeadon makes a convincing case that this is a deliberate attempt to test poison in the general population. Pharmaceutical companies are incomparable in producing a uniform product from various manufacturing facilities; a tylenol tablet is exactly the same in America as in India. This is not the case with the poisonous shots. From the beginning of vaccine rollout, he has written that the bad effects would manifest themselves from subsequent injections, not from the initial pricks.
Avoid all shots as if your life depended on it, because it probably does.
2 years before I had the full series rabies shots plus tetanus for a bite from an animal I knew wasn't rabid...but for $100 I figured why not? No thought other than get the damn lidocaine before you jab me.
I had the hinky feeling back in December 2019...I was sure it was a bioweapon when that Indian paper was taken down in 24 hours,saying there was a furin cleave and HIV in the virus and after looking into MNRA and Sars vax development.....that all the animals died, that it had never been successful, and that Didier Raoult found a simple cure....I said no way. In March of 2020 I was firmly in the NO WAY camp...and nothing I have seen since has made me change my mind.
What bothers me now is what is going to happen (or worse not happen) to those who created it, unleashed it, followed it up with fear and destruction campaign, the massive vax failure...I want all responsible tried and the institutions that gave rise to them gone.
This is almost exactly my thinking on the entire overblown plandemic. I too had high hopes for the "vaccines" and like you I was not going to be a test subject, especially for a product that was being pushed as so absolutely safe that the companies producing it were given blanket immunity. Additionally, far too many things simply do not add up.
I do not claim to have proof that this virus was intentionally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, I'm not even asserting it was intentionally leaked. However, the outrageous lack of curiosity by the media is baffling. And the absence of real scientific data used to justify all of the safety protocols, policies, and mandates can only be explained by assuming a hidden agenda not associated with saving lives.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the justifications being proffered are ignorant at best. And while I at this point I have no concrete evidence to support a nefarious Spectre plot Occam's razor leads me to believe there is either some type of omnipotent moral busybody plan in motion, or a massive cover up of epic proportions.
There's definitely something going on over and above a concern for "public health" - what that is I don't know. The slice of carrot I left on my dinner plate last night could reason that vaccine passports make no medical sense at all with a non-sterilizing, not entirely safe, vaccine.
Could almost every government and official health body really be this incapable of such elementary reasoning from the data? I find that much harder to believe than that there is some dastardly dark plot behind the scenes.
My theory is that there are two things going on -
1. A campaign to put a social credit control system in place, and
2. A depopulation/sterilization campaign,
using "public health" as a ruse, as a confidence trick, and the "police power" to enforce "public health measures" such as "vaccine passports" - the nascent social credit system - and the uptake of "vaccines" themselves, which neither prevent infection nor stop spread (which means they're not vaccines at all), but whose major effects are reduction in population via quick death (including stillbirths) or at least major reduction in life expectancy, and microcoagulation in ovaries and testes, leading to sterilization in females and reduction of fertility in males.
And that there has been, for some years, perhaps two decades or more, a plan to do this on a worldwide scale, by Klaus Schwab and the WEF and the structures backing them up, to infiltrate both governments and public health authorities, in order to promulgate and promote and finally enforce this plan. And now there's evidence from Schwab himself that this was done through the Young Global Leaders program and other "outreach" from the WEF. It looks like the WEF is a global government which, with collusion of governments - including in the US, both federal and those of many states - intends to rule in a totalitarian manner. As for the US, the pretty clear intent has been to totally abrogate the Constitution and Bill of Rights; as for Canada, the Charter of Rights; and for other putatively democratic constitutional governments, their constitutions. Essentially, it's a global coup-d'etat. As to the US, the WEF and its domestic collaborationists are the people whom some of us are sworn to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights against - they are the "enemies foreign and domestic" spoken of in the oath every officer in the Armed Forces takes, every attorney takes, every public official takes - "to defend, without mental reservation, the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Which means, of course, that we are at war, and so are all of the others in their countries who have taken similar oaths to uphold the founding principles of their governments.
It's pretty clear, now, that there was planning set in place by "public health" authorities, in conjunction with the bioweapons research structures of the National Security State(s), which have effectively supplanted and replaced elected governments, to create an epidemic virus, to propagate it, and to sabotage all effective measures to stop spread. But the point of the virus was to force people to take the "vaccine" - which is why very effective pharmaceutical treatments were blocked. And then there's the herding, via massive propaganda campaigns both via (globalist) government-controlled media, and the creation of "mass formations" via the unconstitutional and illegal mandates allowed to be put in place by governmental authorities. It's my opinion that the "mass formations" produced by the corporate- and government-favored and -sponsored and -financed "woke movement" were the "proofs of concept" for this subsequent "mass formation". It's herding the population through chutes, like cattle, for the kill shots and the castrations. And herds of cattle aren't even subjects, much less citizens in free societies, so a lot of the conditioning has already been attempted, if not done. Consent of the governed is no longer even the least restraint, so the authorities in charge of this must be overthrown and driven from power - this is what Jefferson wrote about, here: "[B]ut when a long train of abuses and usurpations, begun at a distinguished period, and pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject them to arbitrary power, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."
And that's the bottom line, and my conclusion in this. I throughly understand what is driving this - the depopulation/forced sterilization part, due to legitimate concerns about exponential population growth and exponential growth in non-renewable energy resource use and depletion, as against the limits imposed by finite resources - and the desire for totalitarian control, the latter because those who would exercise that control are deathly afraid what would happen if people came together to oppose them. Divide and rule is vitally important, and social credit systems would be instrumental in establishing, perpetuating, and enforcing that control. However, these are no legitimate grounds for abrogating the free exercise of essential liberties or mass murder and forced sterilization.
Please listen to this podcast. It describes (by a lawyer) how what they're doing is legal through the WHO and signing of an agreement by most, if not all, countries around the world, through the UN.
In looking through the WHO regulations cited by the above article, available at, I find none of the facts alleged in that article to be correct. Specifically, the phrase "global pandemic" is not found in those Regulations, nor is there any mention of suspension of constitutional rights. For what it's worth, I'm a lawyer, too, and I'm pretty used to looking up laws and regulations and case law. I'd suggest the authors of your article find themselves another lawyer.
I didn't find anything about Alaska. I did find that Arizona had these laws on their state books as being enacted in June of last year. (I still find that chilling.) I hadn't gotten to the WHO. I also didn't find anything in the CFR. Thank-you very much for the update!
What you've written makes a lot more sense to me than the official narrative coming from my teevee.
This, I have regretfully come to accept, is pretty much where we are. I consider myself fully red pilled over the last 2 years. I always considered my self a light shade of pink pill, never willing to go down the 'globalists control it all' theory, so I do understand the unwillingness of many, even now, to not accept this, but when you take the time to lok at the facts, it's so bloody obvious.
Whenever I mention the “C” word to my 84 year old still politically active father, he rolls his eyes and tells me that I am simply unable to conceive how effing idiotic people in positions of power are, especially the current crop of global and political elites. He might have a point. That said, he didn’t want the booster jab, reasoning he’d be better off catching Omicron!
There are a range of options to choose from - all the way from panicked, almost impossibly incompetent people, to leaders with a saviour complex, and right on through to introduction of more digital control, and then all the way through to some nefarious depopulation agenda.
I've not found a single explanation that I'm happy with. I'm least comfortable with the two extremes (panic and incompetence vs global depopulation).
One thing's for sure though, I'm having a harder and harder time seeing our governments as "innocent" - I'm just not entirely sure exactly what it is they're guilty of! I guess things will become clearer as time progresses.
I really hope I'm wrong - seriously, I really do. I would much rather our governments be merely astonishingly incompetent than actively dangerous.
I think they're both incompetent and dangerous - and see my reply above. And the rush to inject children and people below 18, who face no cognizable risk from COVID - and a developing very great risk of myocarditis - is quite frankly odd. Actually, the same could be said about people under 35 for that matter. The bigger risk is for people over 60, but the survival rate is still over 99% - that goes down to 90% for people over 80. And it definitely causes sterility, a friend of mine's girlfriend sold her eggs every so often to a fertility clinic - then she got the jab, a few months after, she went in - and found she was barren. Sterile. Done for good and for all. And I'll bet that this is far more widespread than has been reported, at least to the public.
You're wrong, world population did not peak in the late 1980s - in 1989, the population was 5.2 billion, this year it's 7.9 billion, and the rate of increase is a bit over 1% per year, see The really important metric is the depletion rate of fossil fuels as against the supply, which is finite: With *current* use rates - assuming *constant* population, fossil fuels are predicted to essentially run out by 2050, coal by 2060. The trouble is, is that the population is growing by 1% per year, and there will be a corresponding increase in fossil fuel use - until mechanized agriculture, dependent on petroleum, fails, at which point the population will drop...
I strongly doubt it was intentionally leaked, simply because of the location. Remember, one of the reasons people initially speculated it might have come from a lab and not a wet market was that the bats that carry SARS-CoV-2's relatives live hundreds of kilometers (or some other very large distance) from Wuhan, while the WIV is literally right there and was publicly known to be working with bat coronaviruses. It's not impossible it was leaked on purpose, of course, but it's hard to believe that China and friends were simultaneously smart enough to predict releasing a virus would benefit them AND not smart enough to realize their natural origin story would be much more plausible if they bothered releasing it near some bats. If they didn't want to be blamed - and all their behavior suggests they very much don't - Wuhan was quite possibly the worst release site on the planet.
I suspect that, rather, it was an accident that a bunch of bad actors found to be very happy indeed.
Exactly how I’ve felt but been unable to express as eloquently. The added alarm bells for me started when I was told I was an anti-vaxxer and that my opinion was not welcome, this usually followed that request “have you had the vaccine yet?”
I couldn’t figure out why suddenly everyone was so interested in my medical information. It just seemed like further evidence that people were being hypnotised en masse. Having had some training in hypnotherapy I had already stopped listening to the news very early on. Despite being quite smart, having two degrees in psychology and statistics, have worked for the nhs, drug companies as well as several extra years of qualifications in health and well-being, I still got shouted down, told I was a conspiracy theorist and that people didn’t want to talk to me. Didn’t want to debate this weirdness.
I am truly grateful for some aspects of technology that have made me realise that I’m not stupid or mad and that actually there really are some dodgy people out there. So, thanks again for your stellar capacity to communicate clearly in a way that I wish I could. You have made this human being feel braver about her choices, and the right to make them!
Thanks Sharon,
It has been a truly bizarre couple of years - for too many reasons to list.
I am honoured by your comments - I sometimes feel I go too far, try too hard, so it's great to get some feedback - much appreciated.
i also just wanted to wait and see what the benefits of the goo would turn out to be.
at some point i decided that this was no longer about health.
i haven't owned a tv for more than 10 years now, that is why i still am a rationally thinking human.
imagine what goebbels could have done had tv been a thing in the nineteen thirties......
Yep I was all up for getting vaccinated in 2020. Then the efficacy rates came out and I was suspicious, then the lack of data, then the intense pressure. Something wasn't normal.
Thanks for making my laptop screen a little more coffee-dabbled this morning.
Honestly, if there was a point in the Global Pandemic™ when getting the goo might have seemed a reasonable thing to do, now is definitely not it. The fact that they are STILL trying to push it (coming soon to an infant or toddler near you) seems definitive evidence, if you needed it, that this Great Narrative of Truth™ became unmoored from the actual truth long ago.
Even if all data would be released: we have no long term clinical data at all, so the risk of the vacc is unknown.
E.g. autoimmunity would only show up after a few years anyway.
it is remarkable that we see so many side effects already so early, even if everything is being done not to show any side effects. E.g. if young men show a higher risk of myocarditis, we can see it only because young man usually have no risk of myocarditis whatsoever, so any case of it is a strong statistical signal. I am sure old people will suffer even more myocarditis due to the vaccines, but we can just ignore it.
That's a good point Andreas - another one I didn't mention. The lack of long-term safety data was also very concerning.
My initial thought on the vaccines was that I'd likely wait and see for a year or two, then get it if it seemed to be working and no concerning safety issues popped up. After all, it's not uncommon for safety concerns and other odd wrinkles to only show up a few years into release, even when drugs are tested extensively and in good faith. I wasn't high enough risk to justify taking any new drug, let alone one that had been expedited in this manner, and being a hermit anyway means my exposure to contagious disease tends to be low. In the meantime, I'd continue avoiding obviously sick people and staying home when sick.
Then the evidence started to come in - I'm sure everyone here is familiar with it - and the coercion started up. At this point, it's become a matter of principle, and I wouldn't get one even if they were 100% safe and effective and every injection came with a free unicorn. To give in would be to reward the coercion and manipulation we've all been subjected to, and behavior that is rewarded is repeated.
Good essay. There were more red flags being waved about this vaccine than there were during Moscow's May Day parade in 1947.
Indeed, the response to covid has been far beyond the threat level posed and extremely, extremely suspicious. Here's the bit of info that proved to me beyond a doubt that all this drama had absolutely nothing to do with public health: by December 2020 the city of San Francisco reported a grand total of 173 covid deaths for the year. The number of souls lost to drug overdose was 621. Clearly this has nothing to do with saving lives.
Part of my hesitancy (it was only hesitancy for a very brief period, before becoming certainty) was the knowledge that these 'vaccines' would probably only provide very temporary protection. I reasoned that I'd probably be better off waiting until the autumn, if I did go ahead with it. Why enjoy your peak protection in the spring or summer?
Anyway, glad I found your stack.
One error, surely of autocorrect: unless the Malteser has gone through a conversion, his surname is Javid, not David.
I hadn't thought about the length of protection at the time - but then I was thinking of these cov-vaxx things as being like all the other vaccines I'd previously had. You know, the kind where you roll up your sleeve, get jabbed, and job done, you're now protected - "don't come back to see us for at least another 10 years or more".
4 shots in a year and we're still calling this new Goo a "vaccine"? Hmmm, colour me sceptical here - maybe it's just a very modern vaccine - it only identifies as one.
Thanks for the error spot - much appreciated. Not autocorrect, sadly, more of a brain fart. For some inexplicable reason "David" looked right. Doh!
This essay from 2010 about the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009 (which I vaguely remember) may help shed some light on our current situation. They analyse pandemic politics, the vaccine industry and the internal workings of the WHO, which remains corrupt.
Plus you can't find the approved shot... And they just pulled the same johnny nonsense with moderna and the remdesevir approvals.
Who trusts for profit medicine anymore? Only the idiots that believe profits = meritocracy
RR have you seen this? These are observations from a New Zealand doctor, which appear to show form of nanotechnology in the Pfizer vaccine.
This is an archive of the original page which has been taken down from here:
Here is a man called Dr Matt Shelton discussing the findings:
Being a physicist, I wondered if you might have access to a camera and microscope of sufficient quality, in order to investigate this for yourself.