From what I have read, the plug was maybe pulled by the person who forced the FDA to release the Pfizer trial data much faster than the FDA wanted.

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That's a very plausible assessment - thanks

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Don't you absolutely love it when people tell you you're "anti-science," when that's all the work you've done your entire adult life? 😑🙄

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haha - indeed it's quite comical.

My favourite incident was during my visit to the opticians where they really didn't like the fact I wouldn't use sanitizer (but did wash my hands). They clearly didn't get the memo that washing with soap and water is MORE effective. But they, and their other customers, were completely freaked out by my maskless visage. Lots of derogatory comments. I was made to hold a surgical mask in front of my face (I started to giggle uncontrollably).

When asked for my details and I said "Doctor - although technically, Professor" I've never seen eyes widen so much!

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Ha ha ha! Yesterday I went to the local post office and didn't put a mask on. I wasn't the only one, but nevertheless. And today, I walked into M+S sans mask as well. Felt quite brave...(it's a small town...)

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One of the things that has "impressed" me about this situation is how much bravery it takes to do something that should be obvious. (I am not talking about you. I am talking about me!) When I started going to the grocery store without a mask--after finally convincing myself they were worthless--my heart still raced. Wanting to fit in and follow the herd are amazingly strong outcomes of the programming members of our society receive!

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Absolutely!! I realised masks were nonsense ages ago but was doing it just to stop any awkwardness or ‘looks’ from others. But actually I didn’t get any (or none that i noticed). An elderly lady waiting at the exit of m&s had her mask hanging and then looked apologetically at me and said , “it’s so hard to breathe!” as if she needed to explain herself!! I told her it was far more harmful to her wearing it. We’ll get there.

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I was initially pissed off at the demand. But then I became calmer and just stood my ground. Now I don't get asked 90% of the time but when I do get asked I can (often, not always) see the look of resentment that I didn't do what I was told.

Other times the staff are apologizing for having to ask me. And sometimes giving me information on what they've been told.

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I've been, more or less, the only unmasked customer of the supermarkets in my town since August last year.

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We were always at war with Eurasia.

Oh wait, we were always at war with covid.

Pfizer and pharma are doubleplus honest

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I don't know. I don't care. But let's pin a medal on his/her/zhe's chest.

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Sometimes I wonder if severe punishment of the unvaccinated is the condition we must agree to in order for them to admit the vaccines are rubbish...

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The Catholic thinker Rene Girard had some interesting thoughts about the scapegoating process.

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I think we (meaning Team Truth & Team Science) pulled the plug! Prof Rigger: you can take a lot of credit for that. What on earth did these anti-science lunatics think they were doing trying to pull the wool over the eyes of scientists who practice science using the scientific method and non-scientists (like myself) who can see with their own eyes that this was not a deadly pandemic that affected everyone equally? And had friends injured by the vaccine, two quite seriously who will never recover. This was a massive battle but we haven’t won the war against science. God only knows what the next horror show is they will foist on an unsuspecting public! Probably something equally hideous such as geo-engineering ……

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On the one hand, it is good if natural immunity is being pushed on the stage. On the other hand, this should have happened in an earlier act. Might be a bad point in time just now. The anecdotal evidence seems to point to natural immunity, acquired by alpha/delta, being not that effective against omicron.

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Yes, I've read that too. I'm sceptical though. When you've been infected with one variant (Wuflu, or Delta, or whatever) you ought to have built an immune memory based on epitopes derived from the whole virus. I'm not convinced (yet) that this broader infection-acquired immunity is evaded by the mutations of Omicron (which are still only a very small percentage of the overall genome).

But as we must say these days - I am not an immunologist :-)

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We are all trained anecdotologists!

Of course natural immunity will still play a strong part but it's another one of these facts that are of statistical nature only:

- The virus is not harmless but neither is it a killer virus.

- The vaccines are not useless but neither are they game-changers.

- The vaccines don't hurt most people but will hurt a significant number.

- Natural immunity helps (presumably better than the vaccines) but is not perfect as well.

Due to their nature, all these can, and will, be used on both sides of the debate.

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Who pulled the plug? Likely many plugs have been pulling themselves, so to speak.

Facts sometimes (inexplicably) become obvious to the most obdurately and willfully blind and the awakening (inexplicably) goes viral.

But when the propaganda begins to shift, it probably has to do with the policy decision makers suddenly seeing the writing on the wall: the BS can no longer hide the truth from the many and chickens are about to come home to roost.

Court rulings are not being handed down in their favor and other criminal proceedings have only just been green lighted.

It looks like rats are getting ready to flee a sinking ship.

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Maybe the worst conclusion we can draw is that "the plug has been pulled." Throughout the COVID Dumpster Fire™ the forces of evil have been playing chess while the guys wearing white hats played checkers. IOW, if evil appears to be in retreat, it is indication of another strategy about to be deployed. CDC has been FOS for decades. Unlikely "we got them for good" this time. Apologies for sounding negative.

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No need to apologise Wilt.

I really don't know what's going on. It's nigh-on impossible to ascribe what's happened to "just a virus". In Quebec, for example, they look likely to impose a punitive tax on the unvaccinated. What in the name of Mother Theresa's thongs and suspenders are they doing? Makes no sense from any health or evidence perspective - yet here we are the world over - governments are just turning into Totalitarian Titheads.

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Imposing a tax on the "Clean Skins," huh? You already know how I think. That Pfizer and/or BMGF bribery loot cuts a wide swath through civilization!

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The "safety profile" thing seems to have been due to the person who originally reported this not understanding his English, apparently he was talking about the shingles vaccine from a competitor. (It was too good to be true!) https://dossier.substack.com/p/shock-video-pfizer-ceo-says-current/comments?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MjUyNjQ3MCwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDY5MDk1NzIsIl8iOiJZSENsViIsImlhdCI6MTY0MTg4Mzk0OCwiZXhwIjoxNjQxODg3NTQ4LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNjkwMDkiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.xxtUhdFZuHhucj8uo2kGpSoNrUeXD8n-ibPyTCWqDb4&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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That's also good to know. I get the sense that things are moving fast now. I'm certainly finding it harder and harder to check everything to the full extent I would like

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Yes there is so much and it’s moving very quickly. I just happen to look again ar the dossier substack and saw the correction about the Pfizer quote. I was all excited about it when I first heard it.

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