What went wrong is simply a more nuanced version of "nothing is forbidden" as a result of post-Enlightenment liberal thought and, once uncaged from the boundaries of morality based in religious dogma, viable social behavior simply found the edges in nature where being sufficiently ridiculous makes you starve, get killed, or die alone.

The good side is we discovered there's quite a lot more room for individual expression and that certain notions of the limitations placed on people are dogmatic rather than accurate. The bad side is that when you do open mike night you get a lot of slam poetry in between the other stuff, and you have to allow it because your principles (classical liberalism) said you would even if you were kind of hoping everyone would have the common sense not to do that.

We will have to build a new cage for ourselves that will likely (hopefully?) be larger and more accommodating than the one we lived in 1000 years ago was, but we are basically coming to the conclusion of experimenting with postmodern critical theory and concluding that no, you DO have to hang civilization on something consistent, we cannot literally all go in different directions.

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Great comment GM

I'm all for liberalism - if someone wants to be a pansexual, non-binary, lunchbox that wears a tutu and a Darth Vader helmet then have at it, Sir, errrr Madam, errrr Thing.

For me the problem is that *everybody* is expected to play supporting roles in these myriad surrealist dramas whilst these eccentric individuals take centre stage.

A lot of these 'woke' ideas start in a good place. The original notion of intersectionality, for example, made some sense. It could certainly be the case that a black woman could face a discrimination that was different to being 'just' black or 'just' a woman. But like a lot of these ideas, they just spiralled out of control.

We went from a recognition that, perhaps, some of our ways of doing things might have impacted PWHC's (persons wot have colour) in ways that were more subtle, to "all white people are racist" in a very short timescale.

I think all they've actually done, to a large extent, is to exchange one set of religious values with another.

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I'm not at all convinced that this "spiralling" out of control is happening naturally.

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Or: everybody wants equality until they realise that unless they can compete and perform, they're at the back of the line anyway, but in an equal way.

And that hurts, emotionally, so a mythos of rights is invented so as to rationalise and explain away why a certain someone isn't out there setting new records, inventing new things or otherwise trying to excel - or just get by even.

And as we all know since the dawn of ages, there's lots and lots of money and power and control to be gained from being the interpreter of the mythos.

Or even shorter: this is what freedom without order looks like.

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"Do what thou wilt" shall be the whole of the law, someone said...

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Get out of my head. I was thinking about the connection between Crowley and liberalism all afternoon after having written this.

Or, as my old TOOTGD acquaintances would say, "love is the law, love under will."

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Okay, I give: "Uncle!" - tried googling, tried the Duck, can't find the acronym TOOTGD. All I got was stuff like ads for "toothed drive belt" or articles about toothed whales...

Crowley knew the magician's true trick (same as a tachers by the way): mae sure you know more obscure stuff than others, and make sure you can repackage to make it seem both ancient and discovered by yourself. Not dumping on him, though. To compose the treatises he did, you have to be ludicrously well read. Funny how neither de Sade nor Crowley counts as philosophers, isn't it, while the well-known pervoids of France do.

But if we want a real profit-prophet for today, how about La Vey? Monomaniac, egocentrist, building a mythology about himself full of information that cannot be confirmed, and masterfully wielding the "is he for real or is he putting on an act"-routine.

Speaking of philosphy and theosophy and the rest of the Sophies, have you read 'Small Gods' by Pratchett? The adventure of the story aside, the man makes very poignant points about the faith - religion - cult triangle drama.

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Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn. :)

La Vey is hilarious. The Church of Satan had a few high publicity sites in my former hometown.

And yes, Brothermouth has insisted I read at least a few essential Pratchett novels.

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Ahahaha! I was certain it was something dirty!

Pratchett can be read two ways I'd argue:

Either one is an avid reader of fantasy, at home with Moorcock and Leiber and being a regular at The Vulgar Unicorn, or one is a fan of Dickensian-style literature. Pratchett's genius was, excepting his first novels, combining these into a fantasy fairy tale suitable for all ages while at the same time writing subtle (or in his last books overt) social commentary without becoming didactic (again, excepting his last books).

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Great comment.

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I think the algorithms have become self aware and we are all being punked. They be like “I bet ya I can make PhDs believe and sound like raving idiots.” “Okay yer on. I bet three mass manipulations to your state “safe and effective” propaganda. Whoever loses gets to wear a “misinformation” necklace around their neck for one month.”

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Which reminds me of the guy doing a PhD entitled "Using Masturbation as an Ethnographic Method in Research on Shota Subculture in Japan"

Shota is, according to this "scholar": a Japanese genre of self-published erotic comics that features young boy characters.

His, erm, 'research' consisted of jacking off to these comics and recording his own feelings.

I wish I could say I was making this up.

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Oh. My. God. Talk about unreferenced subjectivity taking over the planet. New academic department: Erotic Egocentrism ? First class: Incel 101.

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The weird thing for me is that I am now able to make the kind of mocking remarks I’ve always wanted to and the people I’m talking to think I’m as earnest and woke as they are— a true ally. I can literally sigh to my neighbor with the “trans” kid (a biological male), “oh, honey, now you really have a reason to fight for abortion rights! Can you imagine someone forcing your little girl to give birth against her will?” and to suggest that I’m mocking would make them the transphobes! It’s why I don’t trust that anybody else is saying what they really mean either. I mean…can any of these people be for real?

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Most of it is an Overton Window test of mass psychology I suspect but the effects are real even if many of the sources are fake.

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Much love from the bigoted type of lesbian.

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I think future historians will describe this period in our history as the Ineffably Weird Age

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perhaps the IWA #3 or #4?

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I'm shocked! Clearly you are a "Dick Exclusionary Radical Feminist" (DERF). See how my label puts you in place and effectively shames you into rejecting your lesbianism-- in favor of "transpositive" patriarchy. (You just couldn't make this stuff up...) And the lunacy of it, is not only that these people cannot see how twisted their "social justice" is, but how absolutely oppressive (i.e. anti-social justice) it is. When a heterosexual white guy, has to team with lesbians to put a stop to biological (largely hetero) white males calling themselves women and insisting that woman of all colors do what they say, including sexually, we have officially entered an alternate dimension that the Twilight Zone or Outer Limits could not have imagined. Yet, here we are. All I can say, is "you go, woman". The world is behind you, even as this lunacy is in front of you.

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Once, in 2019, I was at a party. As 15 people sat around and conversed, I said to the group that I have a special pronoun that I developed myself, because none of the available pronouns fit me. The room grew quiet. I explained that as a woman who Dresses Like A Dude but Thinks Like A Biddy (ie a Grandma), I chose the pronoun DLADTLAB. If you say it right, a little bit of spit forms in the corners of your mouth. The room went quiet. I just kept repeating DLADTLAB, DLADTLAB....you could've heard a pin drop, till one person started laughing. Then we all were laughing. Ah, good times.

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I am rolling on the floor. It is just this humor and creativity that will break this dour beast hopefully, gut bustedly, wide open.

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I said something on a different page a few days ago, about using humor on the Bad Guys, and mocking them, because they hate that. Some dolt got TRIGGERED (this is my latest word to MOCK people), and he got all up in a raging dither, a Perfect Conniption, I could feel the vibrations of his flailing in the air around me, and he eventually insisted that I APOLOGIZE to him for saying such a thing, because we should never, ever LAUGH when children are being slaughtered.

Well, I really can't understand what ISN'T funny about dead kids. (Seriously?????? Wouldn't it mean, by his view of life, that LAUGHTER should be illegal??? After all, somewhere, someone is ALWAYS dying, kids are being punished, dogs are being leashed...)

I told the guy he should send me chocolate immediately, or I'd have to stop talking with him. I still haven't received any chocolate, nor even any BACON. Grrrrrrrrr. After I bite this flea, I'm going to laugh at it...

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Clearly this man you speak of does not understand the code if the pack nor the inestimable emotional intelligence (EQ) of the canine.

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Oh, people are just silly as hell these days. It made me laugh, but clearly, he was Not Amused. Waddayagonnadoooooo?!

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^_^ I'm laughing now.

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Omg, great comment. 😍

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LOL Right on!

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I second that, I'm definitely the bigoted type of lesbian! 😄

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I take it you feel you have a right NOT to have sex with anyone you don't want to? For whatever reason you want? Oh, a scandal.

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This gave me a good laugh! 😅

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A most excellent word and one that should be used at every opportunity, when talking to the suicidally hard of thinking.

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"Suicidally hard of thinking". Nice.

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I'm gonna rememble that and ooze it.

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A trans woman had a period? Impossible! But maybe she identified as a man who identified as a woman.

Edit: I didn’t write what I meant! I’m hope I wrote what I mean this time. Lol

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lol Probably actually a squirrel...

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While I also see more and more people waking up I worry that it's too late and/or an insufficient number will awake to elect better representatives.

Note: I intentionally refuse to refer to those elected as leaders. If your being led you are almost certainly being misled.

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On the man made climate change, and in particular on the CO2 culprit hoax, I agree. Where were these sceptical scientists that are now increasingly crawling out of the woods over the last 20 years?!

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Fact: Plants must have CO2 to live.

Fact: Actual CO2 is extremely low right now.

Fact: It is difficult to know what to believe because of the plethora of official lies coming from the Insanity Factory...

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It will collapse into its own lunacy, and yes, sound electoral thumping. That's cold comfort in the medium term, as the chief beneficiaries will be anti-gay traditionalists, but... first things first.

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ELECT BETTER REPS? You kiddin' moi?

I think this miiiiiiight take a bit more involvement than VOTING.


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Used to be you dropped a heavy amount of acid to disconnect from reality.

Nowadays, you go to college or work in the media.

I'll say it again: the origin and pace where all of these things take off correlates perfectly with the shuttering of mental institutions from the 1980s onwards.

Also, based on by now more than 30 years experience both privately and via career/work, virtually all people "reasoning" like the above examples are on some kind of SSRI or neuroleptica, often "self-medicating" (read: substance [ab]use but can't own up to it), not seldom a cocktail of the garden variety pills combined with smoking pot or other upper/downer as the mood dictates.

And they collect diagnoses the way scouts collect medals. In the 1980s, bi-polar was the in-thing. Everybody was "feeling a little bipolar". In the 1990s it was supressed memories and alternative personalities, those old go-to frauds from the 1950s and 1960s, debunked again and again. Post-2000 it was eating disorders, briefly. Then "assburgers" and alphabet-diagnoses made a real breakthrough, having been made so vague the became vogue. And dontcha know it, girls and women "expressed" autism differently, so differently only they could know and to question that or demand clinical trials was "assault".

And we must not forget the old stand-by, the ever popular "depression".

Think of society, kultur, and civilisation as the fabric, lines and poles of a pavillion. Where the centre pole holding it all up is called normal. Remove normal and while the rest will hold together, it will collapse in a tangled heap.

That's what is to be accepted even by people thinking "live and let live" is a good maxim: agree to people like the above remove normal and you hav no society, no kultur and no civilisation.

Until a more aggressive, more vibrant and dominating race moves in and does away with the heap. There's no remedial course in real life history.

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All you need is DOGS.

When peeps get insane, DOGS make them hide.

When bad guys come and fuck around, DOGS chew they bootox.

When somebody is being a shit, DOGS bury their keys in the backyard.

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Great post, thanks for the laughs. 😄 A monty python skit, exactly! We are living it sometimes. I don't think you're grumpy, although I assume I don't quite understand the younger generation simply because I'm not in it. But it seems beyond a generational gap.

I watched an interesting video on the collapse of societies and how they follow a predictable pattern. That civilizations are like a biological organism whose lifespan follows a predictable pattern. When a society gains wealth, people get unrooted from the basic needs of being a person. The wealth gives spare time to explore and be concerned about more abstract things, which eats away at connection, work ethics and a good moral foundation. Here's the 14 minute video, maybe you've seen it from academy of ideas:


I looked into the science of climate change a bit, and I couldn't quite understand it fully, it didn't interest me enough to dive into. But at least I know what I don't know. I think that's important, and keeps my mind open to all possibilities. I just don't know how much geoengineering, weather warfare, and climate change are each contributing.

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The science involved in 'understanding' the climate is complex and can be very technical indeed. I certainly don't have an understanding of it. But, like many things, we can step back a bit and try to see some of the 'big picture' trends.

With the climate change issue we see exactly the same things we saw with covid. A set of proposed 'solutions' that are more political, than scientific, in nature. The critical question for the lockdowns, for example, is "how many lives did they save?". Yet we focused on how many people were dying and just *assumed* the lockdowns were helping.

The question for countries should be "how much impact on climate change will banning the sale of internal combustion cars in 2030 actually make?". Again, the *assumption* is that it will be a significant enough difference to be worthwhile.

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Right, very good point. 👍🏽

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Legalizing pot isn’t helping. I’ve watched people that I know turn into idiots in just a couple of years....

Fire away....

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I've known some regular pot users who are unaffected, but like you, I've also seen some people go from being articulate and bright individuals to shambling wrecks who can barely construct a sentence. Often with a sprinkling of paranoia on top, just to spice things up.

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We've gone from "opiate of the masses" as a dire warning of one form of mass formation, to "opiate to the masses" as a right and an entitlement.

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Just when I think the insanity can't get any more insane, you post another article that proves me wrong. I think I must've said "OMFG, WTAF?!" (and a few JFC's for good measure) to myself at least 20 times reading this article.

"Bioessentialist violence"?!?

Breathing freely in the same vicinity of others is like having sex with them?!?

I. just. can't. even. with. this. anymore. I swear we've somehow transported to some upside down parallel universe.

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We have to remember that we are, in truth, only talking about a small section of society. These weirdos get amplified on Twitter and it makes it seem like everyone is going nuts. I'm guilty of perpetuating that a bit - but it's a lot of fun pointing out the madness.

On the other hand, there are quite a few directions and 'philosophies' that are a bit "fucked in the head" that we do need to be concerned about.

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It's even more absurd. This was my head scratcher and laugh out of desperation of the day. https://m.bild.de/regional/berlin/berlin-aktuell/berlin-hauptstadt-bekommt-erste-schwul-lesbische-kita-81488574.bildMobile.html?t_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.brave.com%2F

Germany gets it first homosexual+ nursery.

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i blame the CIA for all of it!

in regards to co2 and climate, its still 0.04%, if it went down by half plants would begin dying off

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No, you are not alone. Would that I shared your optimism however I am reminded that " ... The total amount of intelligence available in the known universe is a fixed quantity. It is a scarce, limited resource with limited availability. The population continues to increase. ... "

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That last meme says it ALL.

And since when has science been able to give trans men-to-"women" a functioning uterus, menstruation, and CRAMPS??? I don't believe it for a second.

These people are truly, absolutely either utterly insane, or being PAID to seem that way, or both.

It cannot go on forever, because these are the most-jabbed, as far as I can tell, so ...

Every day I thank Dog Almighty that I have no television, and can choose NOT to listen to the radio.

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