Great essay Rigger. If you don’t like a fact deny it exists and call it a conspiracy theory. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party Media is conspiring to hide the fact that the parents of Donald Trump’s slightly brown political opponent were not only university educated professionals but deeply red activists. But have no fear, Alexa says Kamala overcame many obstacles to get (sleep) to the top.

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Long, large, hard obstacles to get around. 😏

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I remain hopeful; you know you've won when Amazon are selling tee shirts that proclaim 'Proud Conspiracy Theorist' and 'Apparently I'm Far Right' - Amazon Marketplace has identified us as a business opportunity.

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I like it. Sadly, we don’t have the culture so as long as they say things first (as with “weird”) we are just the kid who says “I know you are, but what am I?” Or maybe “I’m rubber, and you're glue…” Or did you all ever say that to someone and have them look down and say, “oh, you’re right, I am glue and everything I call you is actually true of myself!”

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