There’s so much to unpack here but I’ll, for now, focus on one thing. Pornography destroys everything it touches. Period. I’ve seen it over-and-over. I was a police officer for 25-years before it was common to see women in police work. The men I worked with were my brothers and we became friends. But never lovers. I saw their marriages destroyed by pornography. Pornography is a strong addiction. That dopamine rush is thrilling. For some men those fantasy women were too strong a draw and dulled their view of their wife. Some “convinced” their wives to engage in it with them…and eventually even that became too mundane. So they tried swinging. All their marriages ended. And for a female perspective I was their confidant. They were miserable at the loss of their families. But had a difficult time even acknowledging that their pornography addiction was cheating their wives and themselves of a loving, long-term marriage.

These days, with the easy availability of pornography everywhere I’m sure the women may be gaining in this form of self-destruction.

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As more and more women that have skipped marriage and children mature in their work roles, more women will be CEOs and challenge the "patriarchy" a term I am growing extremely tired of. Men in many cases are on their heels (no trans-pun intended) with women calling the shots. Of course the irony is lost on many woman that they are in control while screeching about the patriarchy, yet it continues. I believe we are at a point where it is up to women to decide what they want. Men need to focus on being the best they can be, but the idea that men are just going to figure out a way to out-earn women so they are attractive enough to be dateable is silly. We live in an era where women can make 100k/month showing their butthole on Only Fans, or in many other less overtly sexual ways that men simply can't match. Women are in charge. If they want to look down on men, they can. If women choose to see the value in men, that is also up to them. But, trying to force women to adopt any particular strategy is a lost cause. Like most things these days, I imagine a lot more pain before anything improves.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

We need to figure this out, because something’s not right.


I will address that having spent my entire life 'traveling'

In China the pictogram for 'GOOD' is a woman holding a baby, and a man holding a spear/sword and they are embraced together; That is GOOD; ( HAO - pinyin); and all other 'good' things come from this basis of 'good'

The satanic women of USA have removed men from their relationships, they have quit breeding they have banned weapons and self-defense, they are what would be called anti-good in Confucius thinking; So these barren child-less women, who have no self defense end up miserable, because they rejected 1,000's of years of civilization accumulated knowledge & wisdom, erased it and followed some bat-shit crazy satanic religion, not much different than scientology for lesbians, and there is such a thing called "RC" re-evaluation counseling and like Scientology it too was created by CIA, by a Harvey Jackins ex-CIA, where scientology was L Ron Hubbard;

IMHO all this human misery is not by accident, the satanic powers long ago wanted to destroy the 'family' unit in the USA and now we have 'mission accomplished'

Yes I agree on the sodomy thing with the kids having pro-lapsed rectums, Austin the US-MIL defense chief almost died a few weeks ago from having his ass-tucked in a failed routine pro-lapse surgery.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

Animals would kill out satanic witches and never tolerate them in their packs.

They have no use, they don't collect food, they don't contribute, they just bitch & moan. They don't breed, they don't care for the village young; They're almost always obsessed with homo-sexuality and ergo don't breed; They're self absorbed, they're narcissistic, today we call them 'karins' long ago we just called them ugly bitches

Worthless in the Darwinian evolution of the species.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

I took notice that +40 years ago the only 'women' who were pushing any femi-nazi bullshit were butt-uglt jewish feminists who another time would have been called bolsheviks and been dismissed

There method was always the same yell in your face and make you hate them, but never respond to them and hope they would go away

They didn't go away from the 1970's to 1990's they gained power, by 2010's they attained county offices and took over school boards, and now suddenly their evil bullshit is forced down our throats.

Long ago I would just avoid them, walk away when they were talking and then I just left the towns they controlled and eventually bailed the USA altogether

Enjoy your satanic nation ran by bat shit crazy witches;

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"...putting the crack in the dam..." Good one! Big guffaw!

Zinnia's writing is real nice - more women speaking out on their own, not singing the feminazi chants, is much needed all over. It immediately robs the PC-crowd of their claims to speak for all women/blacks/whatevers in a way you or me can't no matter how cunning our reason, since we're "white men".

(How do they know that I wonder? It is a very racist and sexist assumption on the part of the PC-wokes.)

There was this episode or three of a Survival-type show, where they had Penis-island vs Vagina-island. It didn't go all that well for the ladies. The guys had their row about who's boss over what and I think one bloke just effed off and quit when everyone else thought he was a right twit for wanting to be boss just because. Then they got working on shelter, fire, food and water and had a cozy camp in no time flat.

The ladies, not so much. Bitching, passive-aggressiveness, no leader, no proper shelter, no good fire, and getting lost all the time inside a mile of camp.

Granted, the show may have been biased in editing, but I don't think so. I've seen so many similar things that I know that's how different we are in groups. To the ladies, group conformity and cohesiveness is more important than practicalities.

Small wonder, considering evolution.

Sure, we can argle-bargle that women can do, and they can too - but remove the technology, and try again. The tree is 25 meters tall. It is 60 cm thick at ground level. There are X numbers of branches to lop off and Y square feet of bark to peel. A 2 meters by 40 cm piece isn't weight-less, and you need to get it from where you felled the tree to where you stack and dry your firewood.

The weaker you are, the less firewood you get per hour spent working.

Which is why I do the sawing and chopping and such, and the wife does laundry at the communal laundry down in the village.

We could swap, but that'd be an objectively poorer solution.

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Even if gender distinctions were entirely learned (which I don’t for a minute believe), they would be an ingenious way of creating order out of chaos— and a key to human thriving. In fact, as much as feudal- or caste-based systems are oppressive, they also reassure people: you don’t have to spend a lifetime struggling with how you “identify” or where you “belong.” As discouraging as this may be if you discover that your social role is to be abused while cleaning sewers, and whatever Maslow might have to say about your likelihood of transcendence, current trends tell us that going too far in the other direction is not just depressing, but soul-crushing. Nobody should be born into the business of human excrement, but the giant leap forward into calling individuals “they” and declaring one’s pronouns really stinks.

As a side note, I’m a firm believer that (1) we are all sinners and every man is flawed and every woman is flawed and that (2) a good marriage is perfecting insofar as anything can be. A misogynist doesn’t create a better wife, and a misanthrope (because I think this is a better term than feminist even though it generally refers not just to men) can’t improve her husband. Socially, feminist misanthropy doesn’t improve men; but the modern-day misogynists (many of whom claim to be conservative) degrade women even further. No matter how bad a person behaves, we must treat them as if someone noble— either ladylike or chivalrous— is hiding inside, because I do believe that’s the truth (once we shovel off the social dung).

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Yes Zinnia's essay was a very good one - exploring the large territory byond the cliches of the standard journalistic man vs woman narrative. In that vein I replicate here my own comment on her piece:

"A fascinating piece Zinnia. I would like to add to it this, my own 'different perspective': "Something that gets very little attention in journalism about romantic and sexual pair bonding is the huge difference between the fortunes of what one might term the More and the Less Desired of each sex. Most sex-relations journalism is always framed in terms of a generic species called ‘Women’ and a generic species called ‘Men’; as if the perceived asymmetries under discussion are entirely ones BETWEEN the sexes...... The huge intra-sexual differences between the experiences of pretty women and ‘plain’ ones; and between confident ‘alpha’ males and ‘betas’ – this never gets discussed." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/the-less-desired

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Long ago I had a ex-wife who had been a lesbian in her younger years, super intelligent woman, and fun to be with and witty.

Her explanation for 'feminism' was that women wanted to attain 'freedom of choice' & liberty; I took notice that ALL of her friends were 'single' old lesbians that lived alone, that all their mates had died of breast cancer or what not, after 20 years of 'marriage' she asked to be single, I"m like sure set me free; Its now been 20 years and like all her friends she lives alone, she is miserable, she still reads the NYT every sunday, and still drinks 1-2 bottles of wine alone at home as she has always done her entire adult life, but now only in her early 60's she's talking about entering an old folks home, she's ready to die;

They used to say that a man is as old as he feels and a woman is old as they looks, my ex-wife even 10 years ago look 20 years old than her real age, and now today she looks in her 90's, but when she was in her 20&30's she was still 'hot'; I had convinced her in her early 30's to quit private and go work in GOV, by her 50's she was making top bank and had the best pension and healthcare; She got all the shit her & her ilk had been demanding from society all along; But in the end she has nothing but misery;

They also used to beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness goes to the bone, all these feminists who hate the patriarchy, and ergo human civilization end up miserable from what I see;

For me I still keep traveling ride my bicycle everyday and make a point of hanging out with 'women' 1/2 my age :)

Like my mother used to say, and I would still tell young fellas today, you hook up with a woman, take a long-long look at the mother, cuz that is what your going to get;

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Outstanding analysis Rudolph. 👍

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I, for one, think all the noise about this general matter is something of a largely inconsequential mathematical residual. Underneath all this noise, at least half (if not more) of the modern human population is still going on following evolution's 'binary' dictates and is pretty much generally happy with their lives because they do. For one piece of indirect evidence that this is so, there's the fact that the general level of male happiness in the US started going up very appreciably (no joke imagery intended) with the discovery and marketing of PDE5 inhibitors. For a second, more direct indication of the continued forward march of humanity's sexual nature, it's been shown that the stability of a marriage can be quite accurately predicted by the simple formula, "frequency of lovemaking minus frequency of quarrels". (Daniel Kahneman commented about this particular finding that you don't want the result to turn negative. Original paper mentioning this predictive algorithm was by Robyn Dawes and can be downloaded from https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/sds/docs/dawes/the-robust-beauty-of-improper-linear-models-in-decision-making.pdf.)

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Biblical marriage is a sacrament; feminist "marriage" is an abomination.

A rarely discussed problem is that our legal system no longer supports marriage in any sense that our ancestors would recognize.

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