Dump 95% of everything produced within the humanities and social sciences departments since 1960, and reboot from there.

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I think the last of the Ten Commandments is pertinent to this problem: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is they neighbour's." Too much these days revolves around the politics of envy.

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Brilliant, and spot on. Arguably, we are all privileged just to be alive and, possibly, conscious 😂

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I can only laugh quietly at the irony of it— the whole concept of “privilege” could only arrive from people so immensely privileged that they think silence is violence and microaggressions are worth spending more than a microsecond reflecting on. Grow up, kids. Life’s not fair, which is why freedom is so important. Otherwise the absolutely equitable thing to do is not just disallow reading aloud, but to disallow parenting— to shove us all into institutions where if one person gets sick, we all get sick, and if one person dies— well, it’s hardly fair for the rest of us still to be living, is it?

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Someone try and convince my husband how working 10-hour days for forty years as an industrial ironworker, in 110°+F temperatures for half the year, and then has the government steal 40% of his wages in taxes, is somehow living a life of white, male privilege.

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I wish I had the ability to fuck other people over and climb to the top.

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For every supposed unfair advantage a person might get, there are usually as many unfair disadvantages; you get read stories, but you are part of a one parent houseold, or you got birthday parties but also have a physical ailment of some sort. In the end, for most, things balance out to a life that is hopefully at least not too horrid, because of some of the decent, right, and nice things that someone in your life may try to do for you. Such actions are like small islands to rest on in what otherwise is often a rather torrid sea, life. Especially lately.

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Indeed, Peggy's privileges actually flowed from her poshness, rather than her skin colour. But making class invisible has been a key objective for many a year....

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