The loss of faith in public health may well cause more deaths than covid over the years to come.


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Jan 31, 2022·edited Jan 31, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Doctors ain't what they used to be, assuming they ever were.

I used to think the movie "The Exorcist" was the scariest thing I had ever seen until I watched portions of Senator Ron Johnson's hearing with MKM and other doctors. The suppression of early treatments, refusal of pharmacies to fill Rx's, and the threat to revoke a doctor's license for straying outside the CDC's guidelines to essentially do nothing until covid becomes life-threatening is terrifying.

The full 5 hour hearing (I found it on Rumble) is worthy of the time invested to view it. One can reasonably conclude that they're trying to take, not save, lives. That is what a different kind of doctor--Dr. Mike Yeadon--has been saying for a year now.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Noorchachasm seems to anchor his belief on a fallacy, that because it's called a vaccine it must therefore be effective. Another of big pharma's useful idiots.

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The key point of his in my view "who have already lost trust in their government and expert institutions,"

Which goes directly to the title of your post here. He's appealing to authority. He's not challenging so much on medical grounds but on a "come back guys, don't wreck this" basis.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I am 69 years old and healthy. Theresa Brown, YOU ROCK!! Unfortunately, I was lied to about these vaccines (and what they contained!) and received both jabs of Moderna BEFORE I learned

the truth about them. I trusted the medical & public health officials, and it may end up costing me my life. If so....I will die spreading TRUTH, and not lies!!

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Dr. Hooman Noorchashm seems more concerned about protecting the reputation of untrustworthy institutions than in the health of actual hoomans.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I am really, really annoyed by the reframing of the word "immune" (or immunize, or immunization). It should mean something like "not being affected by something" (like not being affected by local laws if under diplomatic immunity. These people are using "immunization" as a synonym for "injection". It's not about the consequences anymore, all about the process.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I will go a step further and say what many people might be thinking but may not be all too comfortable to say it out loud. Allopathic medicine is simply not good enough and its inadequacies have never been more glaringly demonstrated than in the last two years.

I am from India and used to have such blind trust and faith in Western Allopathic medicine and vaccines...until i realized all that allopathy seems to be capable of is treating the symptoms of disease, but not the root cause.

We have had the vaccine jointly produced by Oxford and Astrazeneca here and another vaccine produced locally in India... They have not generated the same type of horror stories that i have seen with the mRNA vaccines.. I hesitate to call them effective because i feel that the vaccines in India have been redundant at best and completely unnecessary at worst.


I studied, lived and worked in the US a long time ago and never in a billion years would have dreamt of uncovering so many uncomfortable truths about America...no i am not talking about any garbage spewed by Ibrahim Kendi here, but the demonstrable and openly corrupt functioning of the US medical establishment and the real power behind them.

There have been very few voices of reason.... very few people with courage to take on the US medical establishment ..even those that are trying are being slammed shut with Big Brother Technopoly in near total control of public discourse.

I am only digressing slightly here but the Canadian truckers who are currently standing up to the fascism of both the US and Canadian governments are fighting for something much larger than their own health and freedom

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Dr. Noorchashm appears to me to be controlled opposition. A bit of truth (previously infected should not be vaccinated) combined with state approved lies (everything else he says). He should be ashamed of himself but, unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in anymore.

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From the beginning of this overhyped "pandemic" the governing elites have been creating mass hysteria amongst the weak minded. They've been dogmatic in their assertions that this threat justified locking everyone down and stripping away their rights. They assured everyone that they were doctors and scientists who should be trusted. Simply comply and they would lead us to the promised land. However, they never offered any data or scientific evidence to justify their prescription of isolation. They promoted fear and said trust us, we're doctors and scientists. Yet every treatment they prescribed proved to actually do more harm.

They've reversed themselves more times than Austin Powers in a Las Vegas tunnel. And each reversal is, as Rudolph identified, filled with logical fallacies.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I, too have lost trust in the faces of the lettered agencies...CDC, FDA, NIH. Not to mention the cardiologist who, without actual evidence, told my twice recovered Covid kid, to get Pfizer Jab. He has an aortic stenosis that has been stable since it's diagnosis seven years ago, and an echocardiogram showed no change. When he asked about the potential for Mycocarditis because he's 22? She told him if he got another strain of Covid, and mycocarditis it would be so much worse than the shot! I know that people can recover without incident, but his antibodies will protect him past any weaker strains at this point. He will not listen to me, because I do not have the MD behind my name and suggests all my links are garbage. He is smart, but I am not speaking his language. I also asked if he would get an antibody test and cardiac enzymes, Troponin and D-dimer to check normal values. So that if he has an injury, I can prove it. I could still lose my job because natural immunity is not recognized while all inoculated around me have gotten sick.

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Feb 2, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Thank you for an excellent article.

Please be patient with me. I am just an ignorant retired lawyer, but what safe and effective vaccines have been developed in 9 months? I agree with McCullough and Kory about the safety and efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ but respectfully disagree concerning whether anyone should be taking these rushed experimental “vaccines” (REVs) when there are safe and effective therapeutics. I think the evidence is clear that these REVs don’t work and no one, I repeat no one, knows what they will do to people in the long term.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

The damage done to the title “Doctor” is incalculable.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I’m tired of people advocating the Vax for ANY age group, including elderly. There is NO proof of efficacy, but great evidence indicating dangers with NO long term testing at all. Does long term not matter because they are Old??

More importantly, if we don’t face the TRUTH- people were diagnosed with COVID and subsequently murdered. You put any elderly on a vent long term, Remdesivir, isolation, paralytics and sedatives (which reduce, even eliminate oxygen), don’t bathe them.. the protocol is nothing less than torture and death is the likely outcome. The WHO and CDC are certainly aware of these facts. VAP has been on the WHO’s list of top five preventable medical deaths for decades

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Everything you need to know about this Noorachasm charlatan is summarised by the fact that he uses the 'preventing severe or fatal illness' claim - which was the first 'narrative pivot' when it turned out that the clot-shots didn't do what their EUA was all about - viz., 'dead end'-ing infections.

The EUA for the clot-shot - the basis on which the clot-shot is available - was not based on reduction of severity of symptoms.

The primary end-point that was the basis of the FDA EUA approval of the Pfizer trial (NCT04368728) - the end-point that was used for the '95% efficacy' claim - was primary end-point #19 ("Confirmed COVID-19 in Phase 2/3 participants without evidence of infection before vaccination").

'Preventing severe COVID19' was NOT a primary end-point: it was a SECONDARY endpoint (secondary end-point #10, for those playing at home). Prevention of death [from or with] was not an end-point at all (although by inference, if the clot-shot prevented severe disease, it prevented death).

Again for those playing at home: the '95% efficacy' number was arrived at as follows:

In the clot-shot leg, 99.96% of the 18,198 participants DIDN’T develop COVID-19 symptoms.

In the placebo leg, 99.12% of the 18,325 participants DIDN'T develop COVID-19 symptoms.

Pfizer’s acclaimed vaccine, despite assessment of 95% efficacy (a measure of relative rather than absolute risk), thus made a difference of just 0.84% within the study population.

1-0.04/0.88 = 0.954 (i.e., 95.4%)

There were 8 cases in the clotshot group, and 162 in the placebo group.

One caveat to this: there were "3410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group."

Caveat 2: there were 371 individuals excluded from the efficacy analysis for "important protocol deviations on or prior to 7 days after Dose 2." There is a weird imbalance between these excluded individuals: 311 from the vaccine group vs 60 on placebo.

The trial was deliberately flawed, and they pulled the pin deliberately so as to avoid reporting waning efficacy. They used the usual lie of "Our results are so good that It would be unethical not to treat the placebo group immediately"... which they did, thus de-blinding the trial and preventing any evaluation of longer-term safety and efficacy.

The people who did this - and the people who enabled it - deserve the death penalty.

A good discussion of this happened in the BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/04/peter-doshi-pfizer-and-modernas-95-effective-vaccines-we-need-more-details-and-the-raw-data/

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I was an 'early adopter' of the Original Wuhan Flu, and obviously survived to tell.

Later in this fiasco, while navigating the ever-changing govt. 'guidelines' I was searching for a lab to do B-cell T-cell antibody screening so as to 'prove' I had 'natural immunity'. In that timeframe, I came across an interview with Mr. Noorchashm wherein he recommended folks like me go to Adaptive Technologies Lab Corp. for the process and report.

Back then, there was a caveat posted on their frontpage that stated you must be willing to provide you test results with Microsoft AI. Anybody see red flags here?? What are [they] looking for in the recovered and healthy?? That hugely revealing prerequisite statement shortly disappeared from their site and likely buried deep with 'terms of use' legal lingo.

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