This is what happen when faith in something (is allowed to, is made to) replace knowledge, reason and empiricism:

"Trust me, bro (or else)" becomes the law and the lore.

There's an old anecdote that once was used to teach the importance of not letting faith turn into the kind of dogma that gets in the way of (perception of) reality:

When telescopes had been developed to such a standard that you could clearly see that the surface of the Moon is indeed pockmarked and mountainous, an enterprising owner of such a telescope had rigged it on the street outside the Vatican, letting people have a gander for a small donation.

A cardinal walks by, and the "telescopiere" offers his grace a free look at the mountains of the Moon.

The cardinal declines, stating that his eminence the pope has declared the Moon to be a perfect sphere. As the pope speaks god's truth, there's no need to look since there can't be any mountains there to look at, and to to do so would be heresy.

While the (quite certainly made-up) anecdote refers to catholicism, it is equally valid for any set of belief: there's an arabic version where an imam is offered to look in a microscope at a fly, so he can see that flies - in contravention to the word of the prophet - doesn't carry venom under one wing and anti-venom under the other. Same thing.

Or a Brown being shown data proving that doing nothing but ingesting Zinc, vitamin D, resting and eating healthy works heaps better against covid than does mRNA-injections, masking, lockdowns, distancing, intubation and Remdesivir taken together.

Same thing.

"Will you for the love of _____ just pull over and look at the map! We're on the wrong road - we should see oceans on our right and all there is, is mountains!"

"No! I know this is the right road! The map is wrong!"

Same thing.

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Unfortunately they seem to be stitching up the internet quite effectively. You may be allowed to continue producing “mis/mal/disinformation” but no one but your closest friends will ever get to see it. Or, worse, they fine you or throw you in the slammer.

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Well, you know, they've gotta use those jails and prisons for something, because they're sure not using them for the murderers and rapists. They are catch and release.

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Gordon Broon is the numbskull who sold 3/4 of the UK's gold reserves, at an average price of $275 and ounce. 401 tonnes of the UK's 715 tonnes; he got shaken out near a generational bottom in gold, like a novice trend follower.

He's a fuckwit of the first water. Everything he says should be viewed through the prism of how much that single decision cost UK taxpayers and the UK economy.

These vermin claim that they are the right people to be custodians and stewards; fiduciary-obligation failure of the magnitude of Gordon Broon's gold trade, ought to attract the death penalty.

And nothing that he ever says should be taken seriously. Never, ever, ever.

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Deaths from skydiving, 1 in 400,000 or perhaps 1 in 200,000 depending on what stats you site. So skydiving is safer than the jabs. But if the government mandated everyone to skydive, well....that would not go over so well, probably. But it would be a step in the right direction, really.

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Well even if they succeed in shutting down all the alternatove voices, it still won't make me believe the story concocted by governments and globablists.

It will still be possible to come across alternative voices, just not on a search engine. All the ones I came across during the covid-created crisis was by accident so to speak through comments by others on blogs and websites (and not on anything major like twitter). In fact so many alternative voices that I don't have time to read/listen to them all. So to cut off all the alternative voices I think they would have to close down the internet altogether.

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Well, there is no “better for everyone,” is there, which is why I’m neither a believer in international bodies nor universalism. There are not just individuals but indeed cultures whose happiness rests upon the oppression or elimination of other groups of people. With Covid (and with college applications, but that’s another story), it was demonstrated that our neighbors in Western democracies can be just as fascistic, petty, and hateful as their leaders will allow/foment. We don’t need these people going global.

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