but seriously this is a mental illness imo and should be treated as such, no i dont mean meds i mean therapy and compassion.
the number of people that are one of these alphabet (i dont know and dont want to know all these pronouns) is truly tiny and yet if one were to go by the media you would think it was 30-40% of the population and not about 1-2%
the disproportionate attention they get is the reason i will not pay them any attention, it seems highly narcissistic to me
The culture of self-worship is the road that leads here. The obsessive focus on self rather than on the world outside the self is at the root of countless problems.
Exactly. Here in the US, we've raised a generation of navel-gazers focused solely on their well-being, and judged by the drugs young people are taking, they're not doing well at all.
Instead of teaching them the art of self-improvement (the true path to mental health), we've taught them that avoiding discomfort (an impossibility) is the way to happiness. Hence the vicious attacks and deplatforming of anyone whose ideas cause them unease. It's deliberate. This is a back-door assault on freedom of speech.
Maybe we could offer them living arrangements with TV-walls 'Fahrenheit 451'-style where they can see themselves all the time, playing the role of the main character in the drama of their life?
I'd suggest mirrors but then they'd see themselves as they actually are and that's the last thing a psychotic wants.
I don't think it's psychosis, a term that is much-bandied about...
More along the lines of narcissism.
While compassion for those who suffer in some way is a good thing, always, I think right now, as was mentioned in the post, there is a GIANT elephant in the room, namely the Globs that are quite adept at Divide and Conquer and utilize that tactic in so many ways as to boggle the mind (pre-boggling aside).
So easy to blame the young for not being wise (yet)...
I do very much think that just as Covid was being developed for decades before 2020 actually happened, I think all this trans stuff was also developed over time, as were a lot of other issues, such as BLM and this push to send women back to the Dark Ages (and maybe kill them off, too, as before)...
Climate change, gender issues, racial issues, fake scarcity... ALL OF IT a lot of distraction, in my opinion, from the coup d'etat that is being attempted, and now that it appears to be failing, we see it getting a bit frantic...
I'd even say that since the 1970's in particular, things have been very directed, deliberate, manipulated, coerced, and forced... Now we seem to be in the Time of Showdown (coming very soon, when people realize there's no food)...
Psychosis, narcissism, depression, schizoid personaltiy types, various alphabet-diagnoses, neuroses, high scores for Machivellianism in Dark Triad - I doubt there's a "one condition to rule them all" frankly.
Though in my experience, self-induced schizophrenic psychosis is what it looks like, with the added problem that for a group of people sharing the same illness/derangement, they easily and spontaneously create a shared delusion with which they interpret and communicate with surrounding reality.
Most obvious example should be the notion that voicing an opinion constitutes assault - that is more or less textbook how certain schizophrenics describe feeling when they're interviewed and asked piercing questions.
Good points. I'm not a diagnostician, just a reader... I recently had a small encounter with someone, and granted it was all on a page like this, all typed, etc. I asked a mildly provocative question of a person (she'd complained that someone had not capitalized the word "black," as in, having to do with a black person... I asked her if she capitalized the word "white" when discussing a fair-skinned person... She was highly offended, "triggered," as she put it, and thought I was "attacking" her. It was truly bizarre. I'm of an age that is on the west side of the mountain, as it were... I'm not a TV watcher, and this is all the social media I do, here on Substack... I'm familiar with the term "triggered," but I don't really mix too much with the 20-somethings, so I was taken aback. It was like talking to a small child. If this is how most of our youth behave, we're in serious trouble. And all over social media (I was a Facebook entity for many years until early this year), we see people almost crouching in readiness to freak out and throw a virtual tantrum, or an enraged fit, over something someone TYPES ON A SCREEN. Wow... smdh, as I used to say on FB.
The rise of the woke and the PC correlates 100% with a few trends in the West.
Feminism. Closing mental hospitals. De-professionalisation of teaching, plus politicising teaching on all levels. "Minority" groups receiving special preferential treatment (which is basically saying: "Hey darkies, since you don't measure up to the white races, we're lowering the bar for you!"). Some other things - like smoking, all the drags on all the fags add up.
I agree. This is a mental illness and people who suffer from it need compassionate treatment, and most certainly not surgery, which alters lives permanently and is not effective in alleviating the anguish of the gender dysphoric.
Problem with simply ignoring this is that our culture and even (especially) schools are promoting sexual confusion to vulnerable children. I read somewhere that 20% of kids (12-17?) now identify as LGBTQwhatever. Absolutely absurd.
The problem is that there are many accounts of 'cistrans' folk whose anguish has indeed been alleviated by going down the transitioning route.
The flip side is that we're also beginning to see more and more accounts of transition regret.
The previous approach has been that of caution, to treat it seriously and not to diminish the extent of the difficult, painful and expensive road ahead for those wishing to transition. Whilst this must be frustrating for those who feel they are certain about their need to transition it provides a bit of a safety buffer for those whose desires for transition may be being driven mainly by factors other than gender dysphoria. Is the gender dysphoria that an individual feels a primary cause, or is the dysphoria itself a secondary consequence of more primary causes?
These kinds of issues are not at all properly understood and much more honest and objective research is desperately needed.
The problem is that the modern approach of "hey that's great, let's schedule the surgery and a party" is assuming a certainty where no such certainty is warranted. It's an absurdity based on some kind of misplaced desire not to hurt people's feelings, essentially, and to be positive and 'affirming'.
I haven't looked too deeply into it, but I recall reading a report that said only half the people who've transitioned were satisfied with the result, with the suicide rate remaining very high. That's an incredibly poor outcome for such drastic, life-altering treatment. And of those who claim to be feeling better afterwards, do they really? Or are they reluctant to admit that their issues run deeper than the cut of the surgeon's knife.
If an adult wishes to do this to zheself, I won't raise an objection, but, in the US, children are the targets of this movement, and that's where I strongly object. An acquaintance of mine has seen her tween daughter's school diagnose the child's moodiness/depression as gender dysphoria and start counseling (encouraging, really) her on her supposed transgenderism. For the state to insert itself between a child and her parents is positively evil...but here we are.
A hopeful sign: I live in a school district that had a very good reputation. HAD. Seeing that the once august HS is now completely Woke, fully half of the students graduating from the local junior high are enrolled in private HS, their parents paying a premium to spare their children from sexual perversion and DIE indoctrination.
I think the RHS of the transgender umbrella in the article picture is deeply narcissistic and attention-seeking.
I don't think the 'original' trans - the cistrans - are at all narcissistic, in that their desire for transition is, I think, quite the opposite of attention seeking for the majority. I suspect their deepest desire is to be able to operate in society in such a way that nobody even *knows* they have transitioned. That's the whole point of it.
But this, like everything the 'progressives' get their twisted ideological tentacles into, has been warped and subsumed into a wider framework where just being 'trans' is a celebrated and significant part of someone's "identity".
Is the cistrans thing a mental illness? Possibly, I mean there's certainly something that has gone wrong between mind and body. Is treating it as if it is some kind of 'delusion' going to work? I doubt it. I suspect it will prove as stubborn and intractable as 'conversion therapy' for homosexuals.
Real number for transsexuals is somewhere around 1/100 000 live births to 1/10 000 live births depending on which chromosomal/anatomical damage we're talking about. And the majority of these never develop any trans-anything behaviour.
Modern radical feminism, postmodernism as mainstream, and queer/trans-movement correlates almost 100% with the shutting down of mental institutions which began ca 1990 in the West.
While I have no doubt that there is a very small percentage of the population experiencing/suffering from gender dysphoria there is an explosionin the numbers of those claiming to be "trans." There is a large social contagion causing this, but I believe it is, along with bail reform, climate change, mass "illegal" migration, etc. part of a larger organized effort to destroy western civilization.
I've never been big on conspiracy theories, but all of these movements share a common thread in that they are absolutely based upon irrational concepts that defy logic.
Crime increases and the response is to release the criminals.
Mental illness rises and the response is to indulge the mentally ill.
Those pushing the climate change crisis narrative are given increased deference each time their disastrous predictions fail to come to pass.
Genuine scientific methods are rejected and replaced with voodoo.
The list of examples goes on, but I cannot think of a single serious issue/policy where the action being taken by a western government would be considered rational. In fact every action seems to be designed to exacerbate the problem being addressed.
Oh that last picture really brings it home, beyond and back again!
"Me me me me me look a me look at me look at me if you don't look at me I'll hurt myself burn something wreck something look at me look at me me me I'm the only thing in existence everyone else is my audience!" Schizophrenic psychosis plus narcissism is what transgender is, and nothing but.
Transsexual is a person born with chromosomal/genetic abnormalities and physical deformities, and that's something else entirely. Sadly, some of these unfortunates who suffer from a clinically verifiable condition are also mentally ill, abuse victims, drug users and "self-medicating" (that wonderful euphemistic rationalisation for drug user) and this overlap is what the predatory abusers called the trans-movement has used to try and spread their psychosis.
Trust me, transgender as well as anorexia, bulimia, ADHD, autism and so on can ve cured in 19 cases out of 20 simply by offering zero welfare/sick/disability pay, zero special treatment, and zero any kind of help beyond immediate medical needs, same as everyone else. Let them throw their tantrums. Let them starve if they refuse work.
Lo and behold, without special treatment meaning no demands and no standards, they will be cured quite quickly.
Ain't no better cure for mental deficiency than "March or die", really.
The hard line is one hand, held up signalling "You will not pass". The other hand is reaching out as support:
"There's a way, if you're willing to walk it - but you will do the walking."
In practical terms, that could f.e. mean a march in full kit. 30-50 kilometers per day in varied terrain. Where you need to complete the distance before you run out of food. Or offering driving lessons as an incentive to students to behave in school - choose to be a disciplinary problem and it's no free driving lessons for you, boyo.
I know my noises above sounds like "the Spartan way" to modern ears but compared to my grandparents generation? If they're irish whiskey, we're babycham.
These people (meaning the activists) are getting money from somewhere......and I suspect that this is related to and part of the climate change groups and all the other interest groups and non-profits plus lefty millionaires, foundations and WEF types who are trying to ‘transform’ western societies.
The problem is that they won’t tell us exactly what they want to transform us into. It’s not a conspiracy, many are very open about it. We just need to believe them.
And you are right about both the unfairness of it to people who are hurting......and about the potential reaction.....
Attention = Clicks = Money in the bank. Very little of this was in the public eye about 15 years ago, but with the Web, facebook, and other attention-whore media, it's become commonplace. I'd refer back to Guy Debord's "The Society of the Spectacle" - "The fetishism of the commodity — the domination of society by “intangible as well as tangible things” — attains its ultimate fulfillment in the spectacle, where the real world is replaced by a selection of images which are projected above it, yet which at the same time succeed in making themselves regarded as the epitome of reality.“ ... “The first stage of the economy’s domination of social life brought about an evident degradation of being into having — human fulfillment was no longer equated with what one was, but with what one possessed. The present stage, in which social life has become completely dominated by the accumulated productions of the economy, is bringing about a general shift from having to appearing — all “having” must now derive its immediate prestige and its ultimate purpose from appearances. At the same time all individual reality has become social, in the sense that it is shaped by social forces and is directly dependent on them. Individual reality is allowed to appear only if it is not actually real.", “The first stage of the economy’s domination of social life brought about an evident degradation of being into having — human fulfillment was no longer equated with what one was, but with what one possessed. The present stage, in which social life has become completely dominated by the accumulated productions of the economy, is bringing about a general shift from having to appearing — all “having” must now derive its immediate prestige and its ultimate purpose from appearances. At the same time all individual reality has become social, in the sense that it is shaped by social forces and is directly dependent on them. Individual reality is allowed to appear only if it is not actually real."
“Automation, which is both the most advanced sector of modern industry and the epitome of its practice, obliges the commodity system to resolve the following contradiction: The technological developments that objectively tend to eliminate work must at the same time preserve labor as a commodity, because labor is the only creator of commodities. The only way to prevent automation (or any other less extreme method of increasing labor productivity) from reducing society’s total necessary labor time is to create new jobs. To this end the reserve army of the unemployed is enlisted into the tertiary or “service” sector, reinforcing the troops responsible for distributing and glorifying the latest commodities; and in this it is serving a real need, in the sense that increasingly extensive campaigns are necessary to convince people to buy increasingly unnecessary commodities." Guy Debord, “Society of the Spectacle“, 1967 at https://files.libcom.org/files/The%20Society%20of%20the%20Spectacle%20Annotated%20Edition.pdf
The sickness of the “me,me,me” and “aren’t I special” generation is profound and vast. Young folks being raised in homes with no parental involvement, absent fathers, no community or church involvement, family dispersed around the nation are so lost, so vacuous, so empty emotionally that they are easy targets for the manipulators and predators of their psyches. This Substack highlights the explosion of “illness” and a community of “Spoonies” that is destroying our collective mental health.
It's always hard to be the first ones to speak out and then be attacked by this hateful trans community. But more people are doing just that publicly, so hopefully some of their power will be delegitimized. I don't know many college age kids, so I have no idea what's going on there.
“When I hear covid, covid, covid, or climate change, climate change, climate change, or trans, trans, trans, my bullshit meters start twitching.”
As does mine, with “Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine” thrown into the mix.
i blame ken and barbie for this confusion
but seriously this is a mental illness imo and should be treated as such, no i dont mean meds i mean therapy and compassion.
the number of people that are one of these alphabet (i dont know and dont want to know all these pronouns) is truly tiny and yet if one were to go by the media you would think it was 30-40% of the population and not about 1-2%
the disproportionate attention they get is the reason i will not pay them any attention, it seems highly narcissistic to me
The culture of self-worship is the road that leads here. The obsessive focus on self rather than on the world outside the self is at the root of countless problems.
Exactly. Here in the US, we've raised a generation of navel-gazers focused solely on their well-being, and judged by the drugs young people are taking, they're not doing well at all.
Instead of teaching them the art of self-improvement (the true path to mental health), we've taught them that avoiding discomfort (an impossibility) is the way to happiness. Hence the vicious attacks and deplatforming of anyone whose ideas cause them unease. It's deliberate. This is a back-door assault on freedom of speech.
Maybe we could offer them living arrangements with TV-walls 'Fahrenheit 451'-style where they can see themselves all the time, playing the role of the main character in the drama of their life?
I'd suggest mirrors but then they'd see themselves as they actually are and that's the last thing a psychotic wants.
I don't think it's psychosis, a term that is much-bandied about...
More along the lines of narcissism.
While compassion for those who suffer in some way is a good thing, always, I think right now, as was mentioned in the post, there is a GIANT elephant in the room, namely the Globs that are quite adept at Divide and Conquer and utilize that tactic in so many ways as to boggle the mind (pre-boggling aside).
So easy to blame the young for not being wise (yet)...
I do very much think that just as Covid was being developed for decades before 2020 actually happened, I think all this trans stuff was also developed over time, as were a lot of other issues, such as BLM and this push to send women back to the Dark Ages (and maybe kill them off, too, as before)...
Climate change, gender issues, racial issues, fake scarcity... ALL OF IT a lot of distraction, in my opinion, from the coup d'etat that is being attempted, and now that it appears to be failing, we see it getting a bit frantic...
I'd even say that since the 1970's in particular, things have been very directed, deliberate, manipulated, coerced, and forced... Now we seem to be in the Time of Showdown (coming very soon, when people realize there's no food)...
Psychosis, narcissism, depression, schizoid personaltiy types, various alphabet-diagnoses, neuroses, high scores for Machivellianism in Dark Triad - I doubt there's a "one condition to rule them all" frankly.
Though in my experience, self-induced schizophrenic psychosis is what it looks like, with the added problem that for a group of people sharing the same illness/derangement, they easily and spontaneously create a shared delusion with which they interpret and communicate with surrounding reality.
Most obvious example should be the notion that voicing an opinion constitutes assault - that is more or less textbook how certain schizophrenics describe feeling when they're interviewed and asked piercing questions.
Good points. I'm not a diagnostician, just a reader... I recently had a small encounter with someone, and granted it was all on a page like this, all typed, etc. I asked a mildly provocative question of a person (she'd complained that someone had not capitalized the word "black," as in, having to do with a black person... I asked her if she capitalized the word "white" when discussing a fair-skinned person... She was highly offended, "triggered," as she put it, and thought I was "attacking" her. It was truly bizarre. I'm of an age that is on the west side of the mountain, as it were... I'm not a TV watcher, and this is all the social media I do, here on Substack... I'm familiar with the term "triggered," but I don't really mix too much with the 20-somethings, so I was taken aback. It was like talking to a small child. If this is how most of our youth behave, we're in serious trouble. And all over social media (I was a Facebook entity for many years until early this year), we see people almost crouching in readiness to freak out and throw a virtual tantrum, or an enraged fit, over something someone TYPES ON A SCREEN. Wow... smdh, as I used to say on FB.
The rise of the woke and the PC correlates 100% with a few trends in the West.
Feminism. Closing mental hospitals. De-professionalisation of teaching, plus politicising teaching on all levels. "Minority" groups receiving special preferential treatment (which is basically saying: "Hey darkies, since you don't measure up to the white races, we're lowering the bar for you!"). Some other things - like smoking, all the drags on all the fags add up.
I agree. This is a mental illness and people who suffer from it need compassionate treatment, and most certainly not surgery, which alters lives permanently and is not effective in alleviating the anguish of the gender dysphoric.
Problem with simply ignoring this is that our culture and even (especially) schools are promoting sexual confusion to vulnerable children. I read somewhere that 20% of kids (12-17?) now identify as LGBTQwhatever. Absolutely absurd.
The problem is that there are many accounts of 'cistrans' folk whose anguish has indeed been alleviated by going down the transitioning route.
The flip side is that we're also beginning to see more and more accounts of transition regret.
The previous approach has been that of caution, to treat it seriously and not to diminish the extent of the difficult, painful and expensive road ahead for those wishing to transition. Whilst this must be frustrating for those who feel they are certain about their need to transition it provides a bit of a safety buffer for those whose desires for transition may be being driven mainly by factors other than gender dysphoria. Is the gender dysphoria that an individual feels a primary cause, or is the dysphoria itself a secondary consequence of more primary causes?
These kinds of issues are not at all properly understood and much more honest and objective research is desperately needed.
The problem is that the modern approach of "hey that's great, let's schedule the surgery and a party" is assuming a certainty where no such certainty is warranted. It's an absurdity based on some kind of misplaced desire not to hurt people's feelings, essentially, and to be positive and 'affirming'.
I haven't looked too deeply into it, but I recall reading a report that said only half the people who've transitioned were satisfied with the result, with the suicide rate remaining very high. That's an incredibly poor outcome for such drastic, life-altering treatment. And of those who claim to be feeling better afterwards, do they really? Or are they reluctant to admit that their issues run deeper than the cut of the surgeon's knife.
If an adult wishes to do this to zheself, I won't raise an objection, but, in the US, children are the targets of this movement, and that's where I strongly object. An acquaintance of mine has seen her tween daughter's school diagnose the child's moodiness/depression as gender dysphoria and start counseling (encouraging, really) her on her supposed transgenderism. For the state to insert itself between a child and her parents is positively evil...but here we are.
Keep your children out of .gov schools
100% correct.
A hopeful sign: I live in a school district that had a very good reputation. HAD. Seeing that the once august HS is now completely Woke, fully half of the students graduating from the local junior high are enrolled in private HS, their parents paying a premium to spare their children from sexual perversion and DIE indoctrination.
We have to save the kids. Period. They are the sweetest target...
I think the RHS of the transgender umbrella in the article picture is deeply narcissistic and attention-seeking.
I don't think the 'original' trans - the cistrans - are at all narcissistic, in that their desire for transition is, I think, quite the opposite of attention seeking for the majority. I suspect their deepest desire is to be able to operate in society in such a way that nobody even *knows* they have transitioned. That's the whole point of it.
But this, like everything the 'progressives' get their twisted ideological tentacles into, has been warped and subsumed into a wider framework where just being 'trans' is a celebrated and significant part of someone's "identity".
Is the cistrans thing a mental illness? Possibly, I mean there's certainly something that has gone wrong between mind and body. Is treating it as if it is some kind of 'delusion' going to work? I doubt it. I suspect it will prove as stubborn and intractable as 'conversion therapy' for homosexuals.
Real number for transsexuals is somewhere around 1/100 000 live births to 1/10 000 live births depending on which chromosomal/anatomical damage we're talking about. And the majority of these never develop any trans-anything behaviour.
Modern radical feminism, postmodernism as mainstream, and queer/trans-movement correlates almost 100% with the shutting down of mental institutions which began ca 1990 in the West.
While I have no doubt that there is a very small percentage of the population experiencing/suffering from gender dysphoria there is an explosionin the numbers of those claiming to be "trans." There is a large social contagion causing this, but I believe it is, along with bail reform, climate change, mass "illegal" migration, etc. part of a larger organized effort to destroy western civilization.
I've never been big on conspiracy theories, but all of these movements share a common thread in that they are absolutely based upon irrational concepts that defy logic.
Crime increases and the response is to release the criminals.
Mental illness rises and the response is to indulge the mentally ill.
Those pushing the climate change crisis narrative are given increased deference each time their disastrous predictions fail to come to pass.
Genuine scientific methods are rejected and replaced with voodoo.
The list of examples goes on, but I cannot think of a single serious issue/policy where the action being taken by a western government would be considered rational. In fact every action seems to be designed to exacerbate the problem being addressed.
Oh that last picture really brings it home, beyond and back again!
"Me me me me me look a me look at me look at me if you don't look at me I'll hurt myself burn something wreck something look at me look at me me me I'm the only thing in existence everyone else is my audience!" Schizophrenic psychosis plus narcissism is what transgender is, and nothing but.
Transsexual is a person born with chromosomal/genetic abnormalities and physical deformities, and that's something else entirely. Sadly, some of these unfortunates who suffer from a clinically verifiable condition are also mentally ill, abuse victims, drug users and "self-medicating" (that wonderful euphemistic rationalisation for drug user) and this overlap is what the predatory abusers called the trans-movement has used to try and spread their psychosis.
Trust me, transgender as well as anorexia, bulimia, ADHD, autism and so on can ve cured in 19 cases out of 20 simply by offering zero welfare/sick/disability pay, zero special treatment, and zero any kind of help beyond immediate medical needs, same as everyone else. Let them throw their tantrums. Let them starve if they refuse work.
Lo and behold, without special treatment meaning no demands and no standards, they will be cured quite quickly.
Ain't no better cure for mental deficiency than "March or die", really.
I'm not sure I'd take such a hard line myself.
I don't think we know anything like enough to be so certain about things, either way.
But there's definitely something totally off base about the whole modern 'trans' perspective and its impact on society and other groups in society.
The hard line is one hand, held up signalling "You will not pass". The other hand is reaching out as support:
"There's a way, if you're willing to walk it - but you will do the walking."
In practical terms, that could f.e. mean a march in full kit. 30-50 kilometers per day in varied terrain. Where you need to complete the distance before you run out of food. Or offering driving lessons as an incentive to students to behave in school - choose to be a disciplinary problem and it's no free driving lessons for you, boyo.
I know my noises above sounds like "the Spartan way" to modern ears but compared to my grandparents generation? If they're irish whiskey, we're babycham.
These people (meaning the activists) are getting money from somewhere......and I suspect that this is related to and part of the climate change groups and all the other interest groups and non-profits plus lefty millionaires, foundations and WEF types who are trying to ‘transform’ western societies.
The problem is that they won’t tell us exactly what they want to transform us into. It’s not a conspiracy, many are very open about it. We just need to believe them.
And you are right about both the unfairness of it to people who are hurting......and about the potential reaction.....
Costrans is a concept from Riggernometry...
Attention = Clicks = Money in the bank. Very little of this was in the public eye about 15 years ago, but with the Web, facebook, and other attention-whore media, it's become commonplace. I'd refer back to Guy Debord's "The Society of the Spectacle" - "The fetishism of the commodity — the domination of society by “intangible as well as tangible things” — attains its ultimate fulfillment in the spectacle, where the real world is replaced by a selection of images which are projected above it, yet which at the same time succeed in making themselves regarded as the epitome of reality.“ ... “The first stage of the economy’s domination of social life brought about an evident degradation of being into having — human fulfillment was no longer equated with what one was, but with what one possessed. The present stage, in which social life has become completely dominated by the accumulated productions of the economy, is bringing about a general shift from having to appearing — all “having” must now derive its immediate prestige and its ultimate purpose from appearances. At the same time all individual reality has become social, in the sense that it is shaped by social forces and is directly dependent on them. Individual reality is allowed to appear only if it is not actually real.", “The first stage of the economy’s domination of social life brought about an evident degradation of being into having — human fulfillment was no longer equated with what one was, but with what one possessed. The present stage, in which social life has become completely dominated by the accumulated productions of the economy, is bringing about a general shift from having to appearing — all “having” must now derive its immediate prestige and its ultimate purpose from appearances. At the same time all individual reality has become social, in the sense that it is shaped by social forces and is directly dependent on them. Individual reality is allowed to appear only if it is not actually real."
“Automation, which is both the most advanced sector of modern industry and the epitome of its practice, obliges the commodity system to resolve the following contradiction: The technological developments that objectively tend to eliminate work must at the same time preserve labor as a commodity, because labor is the only creator of commodities. The only way to prevent automation (or any other less extreme method of increasing labor productivity) from reducing society’s total necessary labor time is to create new jobs. To this end the reserve army of the unemployed is enlisted into the tertiary or “service” sector, reinforcing the troops responsible for distributing and glorifying the latest commodities; and in this it is serving a real need, in the sense that increasingly extensive campaigns are necessary to convince people to buy increasingly unnecessary commodities." Guy Debord, “Society of the Spectacle“, 1967 at https://files.libcom.org/files/The%20Society%20of%20the%20Spectacle%20Annotated%20Edition.pdf
The sickness of the “me,me,me” and “aren’t I special” generation is profound and vast. Young folks being raised in homes with no parental involvement, absent fathers, no community or church involvement, family dispersed around the nation are so lost, so vacuous, so empty emotionally that they are easy targets for the manipulators and predators of their psyches. This Substack highlights the explosion of “illness” and a community of “Spoonies” that is destroying our collective mental health.
Oh yes the "spoonies" - another term I have only recently come across.
It's a weird way of describing the depletion of energy reserves, but the spoonies seem to think it's profound, or something.
Listen you’re either nom-binary or you aren’t!
Trans males aren’t very ladylike are they
you tell that to my friends in Thailand!
Hey man I’ve done Khaosan Road and Patpong I stand by my comment
maybe my friends have something to confess then
It's always hard to be the first ones to speak out and then be attacked by this hateful trans community. But more people are doing just that publicly, so hopefully some of their power will be delegitimized. I don't know many college age kids, so I have no idea what's going on there.