Honour and praise Richard Sigmund Lindzen, 83, Professor Emeritus - MIT and Stanford. He is still America’s top atmospheric scientist and he has completely debunked CO 2 Climate Alarmism.

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There are lots of very clever Chinese electrical engineers, and I would assume Fourier Analysis is one of many mathematical tools they use regularly.

Maybe the academics you reference should invest some effort in analyzing how these non-whites overcame the oppressive whiteness of mathematics so others who face a similar burden can free themselves from it.

I suspect they will find that the basis vectors of their success were study and hard work, the objections to which form the basis vectors of the accusation of “whiteness”.

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Fourier! OMFG!

Transmit a pulse of high power RF energy into the ether, then listen on the same frequency.

Stationary objects will reflect energy back to the transmitter at the transmit frequency, but the reflection received from moving objects will be subtly shifted in frequency due to compression or lengthening of the pulse envelope. This is the Doppler shift.

If you heterodyne (aka mix or sum) the received signal with a copy of the transmit signal, you can work out the frequency shift.

Aaaand then...you can pass that mixed received signal through a Fourier transform, and magic happens!

I'll simplify things a bit, but going from the frequency domain to the time domain via the Fourier transform allows the radar to determine the velocity of objects in the surveillance area! Zero Doppler shift is clutter from the ground, buildings etc. Moving objects magically appear, and we can work out their (radial) velocities as their doppler frequency changes! We can detect and track those objects so that they can navigate safely (for air traffic control) or they can be shot down by our friendly missiles (which was my line of work). "Friendly" missiles are the best missiles.

All due to the absolute fucking genius of a French mathematician from hundreds of years ago, who had no idea where his thinking would take us.

I spent decades of my life dealing with Fourier's work, particularly in implementing many, many different versions of the computationally Fast version of his transform (the amazing FFT) in DSP and FPGA target platforms.

It was a delight to have all of this come flooding back to me as I read your piece.

And as for the buffoons who criticise him (and me and the rest of us) via their fountains of woke gibberish for being white, they can all Eat Shit and Die.

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Remember I once mentioned a professor of physics over here in Sweden, claiming that gravity is a social construct?

I wasn't joking, you know.

There's one way to deal with this, and it ain't pretty and it doesn't care about "rights".

Re-open Bedlam Asylum, and re-establish Normal as the ideal.

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Please tell me those math is white supremacy papers were written by Helen Pluckrose and the satire-research crew ... (I know they're real. Of course. Everything needs to be queer'd now. From math to nuclear waste to elementary school).

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

Always liked geometry better, calculus and the abstract maths seemed pointless to me, unless I could see exactly where and when one would use them in daily life, or even occasionally. If I need to experience a parabola, I just throw a rock into the air and watch the arc as it falls. Or skip a stone. Perhaps if standard educational systems of today didn't shove so many formulae and equations at young people before they have a practical need to know them, we would waste less time and money. As for whiteness being the problematic factor, I would say its more about 'western' educational systems and stupid undergraduate requirements that have nothing to do with one's area of interest, rather, making colleges and universities lots more money. Besides, the injected cull has maimed/killed off many potential students and especially their supporting parents; colleges signed their own death warrant, mandating the idiot jabs.

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That a large number of people actually truly do believe in this math (and everything else) is racist nonsense speaks volumes.

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I bet you pronounce his name JBJ Furry, which means he's fine.

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the text probably was writtten by AI, lots of buzz words and makes absolutely no sense..

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