Apr 14Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I think it's getting to the point that we have to start considering the backlash against this.

A normal transsexual is a person born with effed-up chromosomes leading to gentials being malformed, glands and whatnot not functioning properly and the brain not correctly identifying the body's sex - and is someone who wants this fixed, perfectly willing to go through years of counseling and dangerous cancer-inducing chemical therapy and finally dangerous surgery.

And doesn't kick up a fuss about lavatories or which team of athletes they should be in.

Fewer in 1/100 000 births, they are, says Trans-Yoda.

The transrabids we see pushing for all the insanity are precisely that: mentally unwell, and manifesting their psychotic breaks via a (nowadays) socially endorsed fashion and manner. Consider that the first group elicit sympathies from most, even people who from instinct find them icky or simply wrong often express sympathy for their plight if not outright pity.

But the transrabids? They only stoke people's anger, resentment and fear - and delight in doing so protected by the state's bully-boys, thinking that the way it is now is forever.

Well, guess what happens when the area the transrabids, the bum-fondlers and kiddie-diddlers and rugmunchers come under sharia courts? Or how about a real kick in the nads? Imagine a community voting in actual Blackshirts in office - then what?

Then normal people will look on and go "Tut-tut, such a shame really but they brought them on theirselves you know. Should of known when to stop, shouldn't they, but they just had to keep pushing and now no-one wants anything than to be well rid of them. And aren't they better off in thsoe camps anyway? I mean, they're all the same kind there after all, aren't they?"

And legal-wise, well. . . Covid&Climate sure did open a lot of doors and lowered a lot of bars for what constitutes a crisis necessitating extreme measures, didn't it?

In 1941, no SS-volunteer feared retaliation. In 1945, the used sandpaper, knives and grinders to get tid of their tattoos. Four years. The transrabids should fear for when the hand of power turns, and make nice while they can.

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Apr 14Liked by Rudolph Rigger

We live in fucking dark times, where insane people full of crazy ideas have taken over the steering wheel of Western society, and are driving our once magnificent civilisation towards a cliff.

The Cass (Peace Be Upon Her) report is one tiny push of that steering wheel in a direction that leads away from the cliff.

May it be the first of many pushes, both tiny and large, that ultimately takes us off our current headlong charge to civilisational suicide.

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Apr 14Liked by Rudolph Rigger

There is also a Dildo in Canada. Seriously.


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I love the back and forth between Rudolph and Rikard. I’m learning a lot of new words. Meanwhile let’s hope the pendulum is swinging back even if just a little. There’s hope. Well maybe not for Canada. Seems they already drove off the cliff.

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Maybe that Ontario resident should have been told that when his neighbour told him to "Go f*ck himself" he didn't mean it literally.

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