She's a quota-hire, close friends with Jill Biden.

She lied to cover her incompetence.

Her lie was busted so hard she broke, and she was told she wouldn't get any support from her backers, them having their hands full with the ongoing coup d'état against Joe Biden.

She made an ass of herself in the hearings.

It could have been the bald cleptomaniac pervert they had as director of nuclear safety, it could have been Mayorkas, it could have been any one of them - but a white woman, hired under nepotism-by-DEI-fiat? Bottom of the hierarchy, thanks to intersectional feminism.


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She had worked with "Dr" Jill for years, and was hired to supervise the SS hiding Biden's mental and physical deficiencies from the public. Who would know more about those deficiencies than his bodyguards?

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Like when Biden was vp, and frequently swam in the whitehouse pool naked, and instructed his SS detail to be only women when he did. He, and his entourage, are the sickest of puppies. At least he didn't make them shower with him, as far as we know.

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And also BFF with Liz Cheney. Is it starting to make sense? The only Shakespearian woman we know, so far, was not involved in this is HRC. And like I said, so far.

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I was involved in hiring software engineers for my employer for over 20 years. My number one criterion was always that the person should be affable, and decent, and capable of fitting into the team. Technical ability came (a close) second, because a good team can be very quickly fucked by a clever narcissist/sociopath/whatever, and a fucked team can be very difficult, if not impossible to recover from. My proudest achievements at that job were (1) The extraordinarily capable group of very nice people I hired, and only then (2) The astonishing software we built. Many of that team are still working there happily, more than 2 decades after I hired them as graduate engineers.

I interviewed my peer from a competitor for one of our roles. He showed up late, dominated the conversation with irrelevant anecdotes and swore constantly, dropping f-bombs throughout the interview. I though " This bloke seems like a mad fuckhead, but maybe it's me," so I scheduled a second interview and recused myself. He showed up 45 minutes late for the interview and didn't explain himself or apologise The second interview panel produced a one line interview report which was "Do not, ever, ever, ever hire this man". Wise advice, and I didn't.

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All 3 options have holes in their story, (the ear in the false flag one, the miss in the deep state one), but the 'loner meets incompetence' one, which they are intent upon to become the official version, has by far the biggest ones. And as the Dollarvigilante correctly remarked, the official versions of such events have NEVER been the true ones.

Cui bono? always gives the correct lead and answer.

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Bono always was a pretentious twat.

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A contributing factor might be that the SS, after years of incompetent leadership, is weary and simply unable to function properly. The pre-event planning becomes slipshod, and therefore it becomes easier to let the cover slip- they were very quick to point fingers at the locals. Can you imagine the fights going on now between agencies? And so for the first time in modern history, no one came out to trap microphones and promise updates. There will be none as everyone involved protects themselves. As well, here is a person demonized by their bosses and media, so hey, why do full diligence?

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I read that she fell on her lipstick was that she didn’t obfuscate properly during her hearing testimony

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this, from 2hr:10-2hr:16 speaks to a more plausible theory. Doctor Allen: Global Pentagon-run Operation Gladio Underway for Democide & Dystopia https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com/p/doctor-allen-global-pentagon-run

The take; Few if any shooters in the world with that caliber size in that wind could successfully clip an ear at that range, military or not. A more reasonable 'splain is a rice sized capsule of gunpowder taped in the ear, detonated by radio frequency in time with other shots. Likely all parties complicit. Trump seemed prepared for the action, not suprised.

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I have a lifetime of experience with energetic materials (aka explosives), and I can say with absolute certainty that the idea of detonating a rice-sized capsule of explosive in someone's ear via remote control is very, very implausible.

I think a more reasonable explanation than the bomb in the ear thing is that someone tried to shoot Trump in the head, he turned his head at the right moment and the bullet missed his head and hit his ear.

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I guess what is most persuasive above all else— and you know I need persuading— is a quick peek at the recent history of Donald Trump. You can’t say they haven’t been trying to take him down any way they can.

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And we still have no idea who was the head of the SS security detail that day and who made those "decisions." And whose orders he was following. Still.

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I am generally not a big conspiracy theory type type of person. Having been a law-enforcement officer for 25 years I’ve seen so many bizarre things explained so simply by ineptitude. However, Cheatle is obviously covering up a massive, well coordinated attempt at Donald Trump’s life.

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