I'm half German, so I can say this honestly: you don't need to apologise. In fact, you shouldn't. We need to mention the War, a lot more than we do. What you write above is spot on. I have drawn similar parallels, this was written in November 2021: "Blaming the unvaccinated for a seasonal rise in cases is quite frankly ridiculous, about as credible as 1940s propaganda blaming Jews for being lice-infested typhoid carriers. Punishing the unvaccinated by declaring them second class citizens makes one wonder whether democracy – clearly slumbering – has actually died of its wounds". https://alexstarling77.substack.com/p/an-axis-of-infectious-tyranny

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I'm completely German (or loudly German, as DiAngelo might say), and I second that.

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“Leftwaffe”. Absolute perfection.

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Finally. Someone saying something I've been saying for months. And I've been derided, been told I'm talking drivel (that's the most polite name calling I've had), that I don't know what I'm talking about, and the usual, "how dare you, my grandfather/grandmother/father/mother (delete as appropriate) died/survived (again, delete as appropriate) in the holocaust (yes and mine as well). And no matter how many times I tell them that the German's didn't effing well wake up one morning and declare, "today is a good day to gas 6 million jews"; that it was part of a insidious creeping of 'othering', and even giving examples of how they did that, has had no effect whatsoever. They just keep repeating "la la la, I'm not listening" with their fingers in their ears, whilst being absolutely vile to me and others on Facebook and elsewhere (in fact, one friend was asked (by a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist no less) on her FB page whether her FB page had been hacked and if not, whether she was mentally unwell) as she thinks the same as I do. You couldn't make this up. Stop World, I absolutely want to get off.

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Yes it is actually Tiara Mack, in the FLESH.

She is proudly supported by another Leftwaffe lunatic who reminded everyone about her equally moronic past by posting her picture wearing a bikini and a GPS tracking anklet.


As I write this Boris Johnson has announced his resignation. The fact that people are so willfully ignorant and/or stupid as to elect these FOOLS we are doomed.

The movie Idiocracy (intended to be a comedy) is proving to be the most accurate prognostication in all of history. Opening clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sP2tUW0HDHA

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Ah, I got to give it to her though, that pool picture is damn sexy. To me, black women at their best exude sexual power in a way not often seen or felt in white women.

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I am German and such comparisons are absolutely justified, no need to apologize to ze Germans.

The problem is that the mainstream politicians and media and the Jewish leadership go into hyperbole over there, if you dare to do it, so most people refrain from doing it out of fear of this backlash.

Before Covid, most people, and in particular Brits (I live in the UK), thought that such things could never happen in their country.

Now, most people know better and have revised that opinion.

However, Germans had and still have a particular predisposition towards behaving nasty and inhumane, in particular towards the disobedient.

The mask experiment demonstrated this best, especially when comparing ones going maskless experiences there with those in the UK.

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Sadly, that upside-down twerking scumbag is Tiara Mack, a state senator from Rhode Island. And she’s being lauded by many as some sort of hero for posting this absurd display as a campaign ad. That the fuck has happened to our world?!?!

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Since no document exists bearing Hitler's signature that changed German policy from discrimination and demonization into outright murder, historian Sir Ian Kershaw posits that lower level officials took it upon themselves to take the initiative and act independently to bring about the destruction of the Jews--the logical endpoint of such hatred. They were "working towards the Fuhrer" as he succinctly puts it. I really think that's what's going on here. It's unlikely that disparate figures like Fauci, Macron, Bojo, Trudeau, Gov Cuomo, and Chicago's Mayor Lightfoot receive a daily fax ordering them to implement some new cruelty against the unvaccinated.

A needle in every arm is the goal. But why? And who or what is the Fuhrer? This show is not over. Covid may have left the stage, but the worldwide drama continues, as evidenced by what's going on in the Netherlands.

With the horror going on in the Netherlands, it's not hard to guess that this show is not ending anytime soon.

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I can no longer tell fact from fiction. I guess that's the point. There's no better tool of repression and control than training a person, from the earliest, not to trust her own sensory impressions, experiences, and instincts. Men can have babies. Women's empowerment (and black/queer empowerment) comes from choosing to provide the world with the kind of performances that other (more privileged????) women are drugged and abused into doing against their will. The unvaccinated were actually right, but we should still shun them because they're obviously IDIOTS for not getting vaccinated.

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I, er, responded to this.


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Excellent critique - loved it. Thanks for writing it.

I will respond more fully in your article comments.

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I started writing a comment in here and it got so long and wind-baggy that I figured it was better off as a dialogue, as you and I have done in the past.

I love your articles and your tone. You're a kinder person than I am- your perspective is very welcome and is what keeps me coming back.

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Thanks GM

In my view it's so important we keep generating all of these different perspectives and opinions. I get the sense that many people feel they're being all compassionate and moral and good when they attach themselves to the latest woke fad - but they have no sense of the danger ahead. It's like they're having a lovely picnic on a boat on a gentle river without realizing there's a bloody great waterfall just ahead.

It's in the process of ruining so many things - things that weren't fundamentally broken and didn't need fixing. We're told, time and again, there's no such thing as 'cancel culture', or inappropriate grooming in the classroom , etc, which seems odd because it's not exactly difficult to find hundreds of examples of these kinds of things. Stuff is breaking down bit by bit - and it's not being fixed, just broken further.

How we steer the boat away from the waterfall and save the picnic - wish the hell I knew.

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"Leftwaffe" - brilliant. I'm stealing that.

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oh yes - I am from RI and I can confirm that Tiara Mack is actually a state official. But in a state that has historically been run by the mafia and hordes of captured, corrupt Leftwaffe midwits, she hits new heights.

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Given what we're seeing with skyrocketing mortality and collapsing fertility among the vaxxed, the outcome of the Covid Atrocities may yet exceed the horror of the Holocaust. Let us pray the trends do not continue.

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I like to say we're not following the science, we're following the political science - measures are in place until the polls turn against them

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Those people harping on about english being the language of colonialism and whatnot are certainly welcome to learn any other language they want. There are several thosuands of those remianing, you know.

Here are some suggestions to drop, should you happen to run into such a person:

Manks, and they could even learn to write in ogham too.

Old Norse, using runes of the futhark.

Latin of course, lots of universitie's have courses for that.

Sámi, with the added bonus that the old writing system is a mix on native symbolism, runes, latin letters and kylrillic ones too, depending on place, time and source material.

Koyee, which necessitates moving to Nepal first, and then the right region.

Arameic, ancient egyptian, old greek, arabic, sign language, pictish (good luck with that one), or why not go whole hog and learn one of the whistled languages still in use?

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The Leftwaffe is brilliantly appropriate. After all the Nazi 1.0 generation were all national socialists. Something that the educators and politicians and talking heads of the west have very much preferred we plebs didn’t notice. Ask your local schoolteacher or uniprof to explain

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I like how you clarified that similarities to the Nazi era is not in outcome, but in propaganda methods. 👍🏽💕 Very true. I said the same myself in some comments and defended it when others were insulted.

I read the word leftwaffe as leftwaffle. 😄 Wondering what the word means or references, did you make it up?

I agree, the US is at risk for fascism from the left, and I think also from the right via Christian-type fascism. Leftist fascism has the momentum these days, thanks to a left leaning corporate media and Democrats in government leadership.

The Tiara Mack video (you are right, if that is her), is cringe-worthy to me. It makes me sad for her personally.

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