Aug 31Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I was happily nodding along and tutting at the £3bn a year for enrichment hotels, then remembered that the Trap and Track debacle came in at a cool £37bn. That would have paid for 12 years of Premier Inn Plus for our welcome guests. Makes you think.

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I've always been a supporter of taxation. It's a fine principle to ensure the necessary services and securities for us all. Without it, what are we going to have? Private police forces?

Of course, principles are lovely things but the devil is always in the detail.

The primary principle/attitude, that clearly doesn't even figure in the way a politician thinks is that it's OUR money and not THEIR money. It is OUR money that we agree to give to the government to spend on OUR behalf.

We do this so that we can have things like an army, or a police force, or a judiciary, or libraries, or health care for those who would not otherwise be able to afford it. And all sorts of other things.

Our politicians do not treat this *gift* with nearly the level of reverence it deserves. They need to be supremely careful in how they spend it and they need to ensure that the people who benefit from this money are not wasting it. I'm not talking about Jack McGammon here who buys a packet of fags before feeding his children, but things like the NHS which wastes millions of pounds on shit like DEI.

The problem with our system is that we have politicians who make "promises" about how the money will be spent in their manifestos and then seem to just ignore everything they "promised". In other words, once we've elected the fuckers there's no way to have any say in how OUR money is spent.

We need some system that's a balance between carte blanche giving the government the power to do whatever the fuck they like with OUR money and us being able to determine how that money is spent to the last pound (not a good idea, either).

I'm not at all happy that, for example, it takes the entire yearly tax contribution of over 28,000 people on the average median wage to fund 5,000 EMPTY rooms for immigrants as a buffer. That's insane and a disgraceful way to treat the hard work of your citizens. Far better to control one's borders more effectively so that this kind of buffer is never needed in the first place.

I grew up with very socialist values and thinking. I still have some of them as "principles" but now recognise that in order to do all the 'good stuff', to help people when they need it, we require strong resources and a thriving economy. And maybe a police force that isn't wasting our money on arresting people for hurty words.

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That’s the thing. We don’t seem to have any control over what they do with our hard-earned. If it was just roads, bins, schools, libraries etc I would have no problem, it’s the other stuff. So best just to give them as little as possible until they learn to value it.

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Aug 31Liked by Rudolph Rigger

It's not all bad. We got footage of Ange 'the ginger growler' Rayner bustin some serious granny dancing moves in Ibeefa. Highly entertaining and free mileage for anyone who wants to highlight the divide between our political unrepresentatives and the common folk. She really is a gift when you think about it.

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Aug 31Liked by Rudolph Rigger

She’s John Prescott for the 21st century, without the (totally unfounded allegations of) gangsterism.

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Aug 31Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Kamala Harris has assured America that she will remain true to her values. This is undoubtedly true. Unfortunately, and this is no laughing matter, she does not value the truth.

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Aug 31Liked by Rudolph Rigger

You drunk, mate?

At least in the UK, the colour blue hasn't been deemed a symbol of fascism.

(Check out Eugyppius' piece from yesterday for details.)

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That's reserved for flying the Union Jack. Clear far-right dog whistle that is.

I read Eugyppius' piece - his continuing cataloguing of the insanity that is modern day Germany is well worth reading.

You should do a similar thing for the kind of things you write about in comments regarding Sweden.

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How long before East Germany declares independence?

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Aug 31Liked by Rudolph Rigger

The western world has lost its mind.

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It does seem that way. It's what happens when you manage to convince a ton of people that their entire culture is shit and elevate other cultures to untouchable status.

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