With all due respect to the math in question, and your effort in making it understandabe to everyone not employed by governe-mental data collection agencies (grabbing my metaphorical suspenders, hoisting my pants up beneath the ribs, and inhaling):

Everyone I know who's been jabbed has gotten Covid after their second jab. Sometimes after the first, sometimes both, and in one case six weeks after each booster.

Every single person I know - be it family or nodding acquaintance at the gym - who's gotten the jab has also gotten Covid after being jabbed.

Every. One.

Me, I refused then and I'll refuse most animatedly in the future. And I've never had Covid. No antibodies, as confirmed by blood tests.

No-one I know who's gotten the tetanus shot has later developed tetanus.

Honestly, and as I said with respect to the math - that's pretty much all the empirical evidence needed, no?

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Whilst we shouldn't be swayed too much by anecdotal evidence in the main, there are times when it is telling us something.

The issue of the covid "vaccines" is a case in point. Prior vaccines were "sold" to us on the basis that if you got stabbed you wouldn't get ill, because **you wouldn't get infected in the first place**.

In this case, if you know a whole bunch of people who got the covid Goo and they still got covid, then this "anecdotal" evidence becomes something to take serious note of. And eventually the data catches up. Things like the Cleveland study showed a dose-dependent increase in risk of covid infection after being stabbed. Pretty damning evidence that the covid goo didn't work.

If you bought some product off Amazon and it didn't work, you'd send the damn thing back and ask for your money back. But we can't do that with the covid goo shite - not least because our idiot (corrupt?) governments seem to have negotiated an unbelievably crappy set of contracts with Pfizer et al. And also once the shite is in your body - it's not like you can get it out again.

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Yeah, I feel there's a great misunderstanding and misuse or anecdotal evidence, correlation/causation and such things going on right now.

I mean, going from knowing that the common adder (Vipera berus) is venomous to "all adders are venomous" is both a logical and a factual error, right?

But that error keeps you alive. Is it an error, then? I feel a great many people nowadays confuse the abstract and theoretical with reality. Reality comes first because we so rarely get do-overs. If we mess up some logical process or use fallacies, well so what? Just do it again.

Hard to do that when you've been bitten by two-step simply for living by some internet-adage of "that's a logical fallacy, therefore your arguement is invalid".

As you said - once the goo is in, it's in. "You can't unscrew a lost virginity" as a swedish tool-ad from the 1980s said ("but for all other screws, we've got the tool for the job" was the rest of the ad).

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Exactly. My experience is the same as yours, but without the inestimable benefit of knowing any beautiful Scandinavian women.

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r : the death rate from the disease (in the absence of the vaccine)


r is not known. You aren’t effed Professor Rigger, but the data is and therefore your algebraic gymnastics are not going to produce a reliable result. But we do know some important things for certain. P and M don’t care or they wouldn’t be pushing their experimental “vaccine” on children, who are at no known risk of dying from this latest Chinese Virus, but are in danger of being harmed by the “vaccine’s” known side effects.

With respect, I think you exaggerate the effectiveness of this poison. I am not convinced that it has saved even one life. IMNSHO the only good thing about it is that it has slightly reduced the number of really stupid people on this planet. But it is not even very effective at that.

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The point of this kind of analysis is to attempt to set a broad **expectation** on the data - to establish the limits of what the data should look like.

If we don't do that, then people get swayed by "experts" who are able to obfuscate things by claiming that 90% death in the stabbed when only 70% of the population are stabbed is normal and it's because of the increased risk in the elderly who were the ones who were most stabbed.

I don't think I exaggerated the effectiveness of the goo at all. If you read carefully, the implication I've given is that there are very little grounds for any vaccine efficacy and good grounds for believing it made things worse.

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Even the people I know who pressured me to get the jab— especially those people because they are so health-conscious and preoccupied with their own (hopeful) longevity— are very concerned about the cardiac side effects, mostly because they see what’s going on around them. No one is worrying about long Covid anymore; they’re worried about the potential side effects of their shots. (These are middle aged folks. I sense the elderly are still tossing the coin in favor of the vaccine-that-wasn’t.)

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Simply put the decision to get jabbed or not was a common sense survival test.

mRNA trails for over a decade showed extreme danger and many doc's pointed this out.

Mike Yeadon, VernonColeman, P Mc Cullough and many more + it was a rushed experimental military operation, there were so many red flags it's a wonder anyone would choose to take it. Yes there was pressure and hype but that's life in 21 st century.

There were also many written warnings about globalist depopulation agenda's including....

"Quote from 1981 book Bilderberger Jacques Attalli is an example of the ‘elite’s’ mindset….

“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population…. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good. We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crises or not, a virus effecting the old or the elderly it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it, the stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: They will go the slaughter house alone.”

What's really astonishing is amount of people who choose to take the kool-aid :-(

In Ireland over 95% got jabbed -tragic but the bottom line is that this is war on humanity.

All jabs rolled out under Operation Warp Speed, a USA Dept of Defence (DoD) operation.

The injections are referred to as 'countermeasures' ie bioweapons. It turns out they are extremely complex bioweapons and I expect the jabbed are not out of danger yet.

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I'm not sure I'd go as far as Yeadon and others have done in suggesting this is all about population reduction, but it was certainly rushed and botched with lots of warning signals swept under the carpet and ignored.

It would be hard to keep a population reduction plan on this scale sufficiently secret in my view. You'd have to have far too many people "in on it" so to speak.

But there's little doubt that whatever the behind-the-scenes machinations were, they weren't primarily about "health". The things they did don't make sense from any rational health-based perspective.

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How many people would it take to be “in on it” to murder 6 million Jews? Surely there would need to be too many people in on it?

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Hundreds of thousands.

You can investigate the numbers of staff and other personnel involved in the Endlösung quite easily.

That people were being sent to death-camps was suspected in 1941 and known in 1942.

For some records, you'll have to travel to Germany and obtain permission to investigate the archived material. That goes for Stasi-material too.

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which Rikard is my point exactly.... this idea that there would have to be too many people in on something for it to be actually happening and be so evil is a common myth. There are all kinds of secret and not so secret truly evil things perpetrated all the time that require a lot on people to be "in on them" 9/11, Pearl Harbour, Weapons of mass destruction lie, Covid, and Viruses in general. .......all require a lot of people to be in on the deception. There are also those in on it but in denial that anything bad is really happening.....I imagine there were plenty of those involved in the Jewish Holocaust.

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Here in Eastern Ontario I don’t know one doctor who recommended not taking this rushed, experimental, ineffective and somewhat harmful “vaccine”. They were all for it. Health Ontario and the MSM were all true believers who pushed this “vaccine”. I don’t believe it was an attempt to reduce the population. Who would benefit from that? It hasn’t succeeded in doing that.

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I don't think population reduction was the purpose. I think it was a trial run, an experiment, to see how much absurdity and idiocy we would put up with, and if we would respond in lockstep, obeying what they were demanding of us no matter how ridiculous. Now we know. Most went along with the jabs, incentivizing hospitals to diagnose a particular virus, the denial of effective treatment to those who were infected, the closing down the economy and the schools, the ridiculous masks, etc. I recently watched a concert on YouTube recorded a couple of years ago. It was a university orchestra, and everyone was wearing a mask except for the brass and woodwinds, about half of them! No one noticed or commented -- or laughed at and mocked the pointlessness of it all.

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A trial run for what exactly? What would you think is the real plan now the trial run is over?

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For me the low point of the idiocy was the requirement to be tested for covid 24 hours before I could get on an airplane (in which everyone was forced to wear a mask) and return from my annual winter vacation in Mexico. The test was conveniently arranged for at an exorbitant cost by my resort while countless untested, disease-carrying Third World peasants continued to stream across the U.S. southern border. Think about the multiple insanities incapsulated in that. The first time this happened I should have just stayed.

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The list of covid-stupid is long; VERY long.

I still have serious difficulty actually believing we did what we did - even though I (like everyone else) lived through it.

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Are lots of things more interesting than your humble opinion?  😆

Nice typo there - but I get what you mean.

As you know, I'm not going to agree with you on this - the 'standard' view of viruses, whilst not perfect, explains so much. The fact that we don't know *everything* is not sufficient reason to chuck it ALL out.

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I’d say that if you say the “the fact that we don’t know everything” suggests you believe we know most things...about viruses? However this just shows that you,as yet, have not spent enough time studying utter lack of scientific evidence/ method, utilised in the “science” of virology. You mentioned that your view on vaccines has changed from total belief to something closer to total scepticism. It was forced upon you to look closer on that count. On the virus front it does not have the same impetus for most to take the time to investigate at this point so until it does, you most likely will not bother to take the time. However once you do take the time and eventually “see” the deceit, it’s impossible to un see. Nice article by the way.

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I'm not entirely ignorant about viruses (although far, far from "expert"). I've had a long-standing interest in evolution. It started when I was arguing with religious folk who believed in ID and young earth, and the like, but later on I wanted to investigate whether quantum entanglement conferred any evolutionary advantage. Anyway, in the course of all that I learned a fair bit about genes and stuff - and that required trying to understand why we have so many retroviral sequences in our DNA.

There's a lot of really careful stuff done using lots of different techniques that all point to the same conclusions about the existence and possible pathogenicity of viruses. For me to discard these results would effectively mean me rejecting a whole ton of stuff I know to be accurate and effective in lots of other areas of science (i.e not virology). Things like the interpretation of electron micrographs, for example. I know these things work (but not when it comes to viruses, apparently).

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Viruses imho are 'small beer' health problem wise.

Rope-worm and parasites in our bodies are infinitely more harmful.

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For what its worth, I would not subscribe to riggery pokery without the "snarky offensive bastard"

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Thank you.

I've always been somewhat cynical and a bit awkward (ask my previous bosses), but it's only with the spectacular dumbfuckery of the whole covid farce did I become **angry**. A lot of my writing is all about me trying to cope with that and to find some way to release the pressure.

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I suspect because of your association with your beloved academia, seeing as how so many from its ranks showed themselves up to be stupid low IQ sheep, it must have been particularly upsetting... that accounts for the anger ? It’s a slight on all those who normally garner some respect, both self and from lesser, but aspiring students etc. Authorities, who it was previously believed were not only intellectuals, but also of higher ethics, showed their true colours and were found very very wanting. If one was not emotionally tied in some way to the what was being exposed then being zen about it would be easier...but anger tells you something. Perhaps 🤔

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"What are we on now? The 8th shot? I’ve lost count."

Here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, we're up to seven. My mom got the first six, and was disappointed when she went to Kaiser (a huge HMO) in September and found out that Goo 7 wasn't yet available.

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