And for the record, I do think giant boobs guy has pulled off a feat of Andy Kaufmanesque proportions that is indeed helping us tip the needle from woke to awake.

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And I agree with you MAA 😊

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I think Mr. Boobs Guy is definitely a fan. :)

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“Not that you need me to tell you, but if you’re in the US, please, please, please defend the 1st Amendment with every breath and every fibre of your being.”

Yep. It’s the reason for having the 2nd.

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Well, there's a surefire cure for pedophiles. Two in the chest and one in the head. End of.

No, I'm not kidding. One of my wife's acquaintances via her time spent in women's studies (what queer theory, CRT and the rest of that used to be called) was a psychiatrist specialising in pedophiles. He pared them down in two basic major types: the ones who perceive the attraction as unnatural compulsion and struggles against it, and those who don't perceive anything unnatural about it. The first kind - provided they hadn't acted on their impulses- you could help with intensive therapy, medication and so on for the rest of their lives; the second group there's no helping. They are simp,y wired that way and will never stop - they perceive what they do as alright, even as helping.

Thus, the only way to stop a pedophile is either lifelong incarceration or execution. And they usually debuts when in their twenties which means society is to foot the bill for maybe 50 years. Using swedish average cost per prisoner per day, ignoring leap years, that comes to about £2 920 000.

Multiply that by the number of pedophiles. Or even better, compare that number with whatever reparations their victims might receive if they are lucky.

This is a question I've used on liberal, lefty, tolerant, and so on friends and acquaintances down the years: "Why is a convicted pedophile worth more tax money than the victim?"

They really don't like questions like that. Too real. Nor do they like being asked to read the medical report included in a police investigation of such crimes. I've seen everything from crying hysterics to people dry-heaving. And in those moments, they drop the mask, almost all of them. In those moments when the headlines become real, they too realise that death solves many problems.

But once back in the pack, they cannot even own up to having lost the mask they show themselves when looking in the mirror.

Sorry, was there a topic? Pedophiles sets me off like a Jack Russel chasing rats. I have had friends who as children, one before age 5, was subjected to things that would make Shiro Ishii retch. Pedophiles should be used for clearing minefields, in my opinion.

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I agree.

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I guess I'm going to hell, too, because that last one made me laugh as well, and I couldn't help thinking of this Bill Hicks bit:


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The gender woo has always been a horse wrapped in a trojan, to normalize their mental illness.

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A friend of mine had truly ginourmous boobs, and they actually interfered with their work as a masseuse. (They are not a tall person, so the boobs would boob at all the wrong times). They got a breast reduction, and it really helped wrt their work. They had a small party before the surgery, a 'goodbye boobies' sort of party where various men and women could don a rigged up set of boobs (2 large soup cans in socks, tied together) just to feel how heavy it was to lug around big boobs. It was heavy. I am glad the tit job was done, I would have done the same thing I suppose. Fast forward to now, as I root for the big boobed Canadian teacher man, I also know that through this he has also gained a deeper understanding of the weight and awkwardness of big boobs. I bet his low back is in some serious pain, and he will be glad to stop doing it because of that. Big boobs are a bitch! best from OR

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What goes on between consenting adults is none of my business.



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Agreed. And it's so obvious I feel stupid for saying "agreed".

Can I add something?

Sane and safe. The terms may need narrowing down in definition in a legal text but this isn't that.

Consenting, safe and sane adults, in a private setting.

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re: Sussex Police - "We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable, that all men are created equal and independent; that from that equal creation they derive in rights inherent and inalienables, among which are the preservation of life, and liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these ends, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes: and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, begun at a distinguished period, and pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject them to arbitrary power, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1776-1785/jeffersons-draft-of-the-declaration-of-independence.php

All that's needed now is a rope and a tree, and the will to be free...

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You’re right, it really shouldn’t have.

But anyway, Greg Gutfeld on Fox News has vowed to revisit this story every week, and this week one of his panel suggested that while the teacher may have started out wanting to troll the school, they may now be the ones out-trolling him. Since they haven’t taken the bait and disciplined him for mocking the sacred gender verities, and are instead taking him at her word that he’s a lady (and a half), s/he’s stuck having to climb into that getup every damn day.

It’s pretty funny, as long as you hate children – or at least Canadian children – and don’t mind how this nonsense is dominating their world.

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"This has not gone as planned. I think they felt that everyone would be supportive, because they only ever really deal with people in their own little fantasy world." Bravo!

Unfortunately I didn't have the brandy, and now I feel icky after reading what Jacob Breslow wrote. Damn. This guy would not be allowed around my children either.

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