In a recent article (well worth a read, and I look forward to the rest in the series) Igor Chudov examines some of the overt manipulations that have been employed to shape our thoughts, feelings and behaviours over the course of the ‘pandemic’ years.
I worked for a large vaccine manufacturer for years. I believed in vaccines, though always had a health dose of scepticism about their necessity (and always passed on the flu one). I did think they largely worked, and assumed that they had been tested properly.
The pandemic has opened my eyes to the slack regulatory standards applied to vaccines, that would never pass muster for other kinds of pharmaceuticals. I'll certainly think twice about getting any further vaccines or allowing my children to have any.
With respect to coronavirus
(1) the virus never necessitated vaccination for the under 65s unless obese or other health issues, from an economic perspective even - let alone any health based one
(2) ADE was my initial concern on the development of the vaccines so I hung back until I could see if it were an issue (assumed 2-3 years before being certain). Since then it has definitely become a case of "the more you know, the more you NO!!"
And yes I do think politicians are by and large that stupid. Like all other people, they are prone to fears that overrule rational thought, they defer to "experts" (who are nothing of the sort. WTF does Patrick Vallance know about either viruses or vaccines? I mean he worked at GSK but he had no responsibility for vaccines or HIV research. Most of his time was spent fannying about on his pet projects (all failed) and kissing butt), and want to look right - and so refuse to acknowledge evidence they are wrong.
The elephant in the room is getting bigger and bigger. They won't be able to ignore it much longer.
Here in Germany, measles vaccine is mandatory for children; the mandate was introduced some time before Covid. The whole Covid vaccine circus might actually make people more suspicious, driving down the measles vaccination rate despite the mandate.
That the pharma industry is some kind of swamp was known before 2020. At least, the MMR vaccines are using established vaccine technology and come with 40+ years of experience. Let's hope that they will not try to push some mRNA MMR into the market...
I've come to the view that Edward Jenner was a war criminal. In addition he tested his shit on his gardeners son of 8 rather than his own son of 7.
Everything that comes after that is quite obviously equally shit. And it's likely his concoction was shit btw, the cow pus (and just why would you....) thing seems to be a cover for shit scraped out of horse hooves.
I don't know what to think about vaccines (traditional ones) any more. I am certain they have been overhyped, but that doesn't mean they aren't still worth having. But who the hell am I going to trust on the issue?
The rabies vaccine is the only one that I know of that a.) if you have contracted the disease you will 100% die of it if you don’t have the vaccine and b.) works retroactively post exposure. It’s not mandated by why do so if everyone knows if you’ve been exposed, it will save your life.
I had all my childhood vaccines available to me in my country at my age. My 11yo twins had way too many vaccines for their generation in the USA. My toddler was born in 2019 and only received his three month jabs. Then Covid came and I have not taken him to get any more. He is healthy and smart and happy. Covid spike shots have made me leery of all injections under the moniker “vaccines”.
Whatever reckoning is coming to adjudicate what in the actual fuck happened to our public health regulating agencies and the trust lost can’t come soon enough. My family has avoided any kind of hospital visits for more than two years.
Since you mentioned the 9 circles of hell, it's interesting to note that Dante placed the betrayers--the worst of all sinners--in the very pit of hell. With trust destroyed, relationships (in our current situation, societies) unravel. And I think that was truly the point of this covid extravaganza. Ya gotta break what's there in order to "build back better" and "reset" things.
Never in my life have I seen as divisive a president as Effjoe Biden. So much of what he's done (loans available only to black farmers, business loans for everyone {women. minorities} except white men, demonization of the unvaxxed) has been to exclude segments of Americans. This is by design.
I fear that a lot of the societal trends we are seeing are not accidental, or 'emergent' phenomena. Look at the strong push against the very *idea* of free speech that is going on. If you make a statement in support of free speech these days many people will consider you to be on the "far right" - it's weird, and disturbing.
We have raised a generation to believe, "(fill in the blank) for me, but not for thee." These mostly young people are the fiercest warriors against free speech.
The anti-American indoctrination going on in American schools is staggering. A deracinated people are easier to control. God help us.
I work in technology was obvious to me something was up back in January 020 when I was told by the factory in Wuhan that the shipping of my consignment would be delayed until after Chinese New Year, (It was due to ship early February) because of an outbreak of a new Corona virus and therefore the CNY holiday would be extended for another two weeks when the factory would reopen
OK no problem. The factory did reopen and my consignment was duly shipped at the end of February.
Now here's my point - All of a sudden news of this Wuhan virus arrived in the West, transformed into this new world danger. How could this be? The Wuhan factory manufactures highly technical kit - actually computers. The workforce has to be skilled. The factory closed for CNY.and somehow managed to open again with full productivity in only a couple of weeks or so. With a virus so dangerous ?? How could this be ?.Let's assume all the factory staff were replaced..You can't just replace a factory's worth of skilled component assembly workers at a drop of a hat. For my Far East contacts it was just a new flu virus which caused delays that's all. THEN when I hear about this NEW virus from Wuhan arriving in the West and being so deadly, people dropping like flies -.I think this cannot be the same thing surely?
I knew there was something badly wrong here. No one in Wuhan was dropping dead when the factory opened again. I don't say people didn't get sick I just know that economic activity did not stop. Production went back to normal.
In March 020 when I heard of lockdowns, I thought I need to reassure people. This is not a.big deal
It's a new flu virus of course elderly and vulnerable people needed to be aware and take precautions but nothing more.
Need I say I was too late the propoganda machine had taken over in the speed of light. I was not reassuring. I was irresponsible. A Californian clinic had same findings -.but were removed from YouTube before I could even share their link
If you take this situation and link it up to quality research into the Global (credit ) financial situation (not to mention crisis) you can join the dots and understand the driving forces behind the amplification of this virus and its importance in the goal of digital control.
If anyone would like a link to reliable research findings,essage I warn you it's a long read.
"Now, vaccines might still be a modern miracle. The difference is that I’m no longer prepared to accept that as a statement of fact... Maybe I’m not quite an ‘anti-vaxxer’ yet, but I’m definitely in a ‘vaccine sceptic’ group now."
I'm with you, RP. For the reasons you mention, and a few more you left out.
yeah - I could have gone on and on - but I try to limit myself a bit (advice from daughters who have suffered from my inability to limit myself to just a few salient points)
I'm still of the camp that assuming something is virtuous just because it's a "vaccine" and assuming something is toxic just because it's a "vaccine" are basically the same error. If I'm attacked by a rabid skunk, I'm headed to the hospital for a rabies vaccine before I even take a shower. My kids play in the dirt and get all kinds of cuts and scrapes, so they're vaccinated against tetanus. I occasionally find myself wanting to make stupid reactionary choices in response to the stupid reactionary Covid policies and government-sponsored misinformation, but then I tell myself that would be a victory for them. Discriminating vaxxers are much more dangerous to their rhetoric than antivaxxers.
I agree that it is basically the same error. However, I do wish that health regulators used the assume everything is deadly poison until proven safe and effective viewpoint instead of the opposite.
Not sure about discriminating vaxxers being dangerous to their rhetoric. I know a number of pro-vax people who are completely unable to distinguish opposition to vaccine mandates from opposition to vaccines. My covid vaxxed husband has been called an anti-vaxxer for speaking out against vaccine mandates. I know people who were happy that a health centre CEO lost his job for donating money to the freedom convoy. Their rationale was that you can't have anti-vaxxers working in health care.
Another bell for me was the crazy models predicting that "If the government does nothing, exponential growth!" The model produced in March 2020 by Ferguson* and the gang at Imperial College predicted not only 0.5 mil deaths in one wave but also a peak of 250 severe cases per 100,000 people, so about 2500 per mil. According to OWiD, the peak of severe cases in the UK and Sweden was, er, about 50 per mil. But rather than throw the modellers under the clown car, the UK government kept using their projections to justify the restrictions, which is one thing that made me realise the virus was for the restrictions, not the other way round.
Ferguson is the most well-known name in this modelling fiasco. It has been very damaging for science - models, if done well and carefully, CAN be really useful, but the Ferguson Shitshow has really undermined things.
I love your sense of humor. Your willingness to avoid ascribing malevolence to the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity may help you reach people who still haven't noticed that malevolence at top of the "elites" best explains all of this. I can no longer extend them the benefit of the doubt... (though many of the lower level functionaries are probably true believers in The Narrative, as that's how they gained their positions in the now-corrupted institutions.
Excellent article! I have trodden a similar path to you over the last 2 years and a bit. Your 9 Bell-Ends of Doom are not dissimilar to my 4 Horsemen of the Coronapocalypse:
As per your follow-up article today, it is impossible to come up with believable justifications for the last two years that don't involve tinfoil hattery. The conspiracy factists deserve a lot of apologies.
Thanks Alex, a lot of people have come to similar conclusions - people who, before 2020, would have run a mile from a typical "conspiracy theory". They have tried their best to present those of us who are asking questions as fringe lunatics - but given the quality and calibre of those who have raised questions this accusation hasn't really stuck too well.
I have become so allergic to the term „vaccine“ that for the first time ever I just ignored the reminder for refreshing my dog‘s vaccination status. Not sure yet if I‘ll be able to overcome this aversion against vaccines.
I worked for a large vaccine manufacturer for years. I believed in vaccines, though always had a health dose of scepticism about their necessity (and always passed on the flu one). I did think they largely worked, and assumed that they had been tested properly.
The pandemic has opened my eyes to the slack regulatory standards applied to vaccines, that would never pass muster for other kinds of pharmaceuticals. I'll certainly think twice about getting any further vaccines or allowing my children to have any.
With respect to coronavirus
(1) the virus never necessitated vaccination for the under 65s unless obese or other health issues, from an economic perspective even - let alone any health based one
(2) ADE was my initial concern on the development of the vaccines so I hung back until I could see if it were an issue (assumed 2-3 years before being certain). Since then it has definitely become a case of "the more you know, the more you NO!!"
And yes I do think politicians are by and large that stupid. Like all other people, they are prone to fears that overrule rational thought, they defer to "experts" (who are nothing of the sort. WTF does Patrick Vallance know about either viruses or vaccines? I mean he worked at GSK but he had no responsibility for vaccines or HIV research. Most of his time was spent fannying about on his pet projects (all failed) and kissing butt), and want to look right - and so refuse to acknowledge evidence they are wrong.
The elephant in the room is getting bigger and bigger. They won't be able to ignore it much longer.
"the more you know, the more you NO!!" --> Excellent way of putting it.
Here in Germany, measles vaccine is mandatory for children; the mandate was introduced some time before Covid. The whole Covid vaccine circus might actually make people more suspicious, driving down the measles vaccination rate despite the mandate.
It’s not like Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying the efficacy data of the MMR or anything, right?
That the pharma industry is some kind of swamp was known before 2020. At least, the MMR vaccines are using established vaccine technology and come with 40+ years of experience. Let's hope that they will not try to push some mRNA MMR into the market...
I've come to the view that Edward Jenner was a war criminal. In addition he tested his shit on his gardeners son of 8 rather than his own son of 7.
Everything that comes after that is quite obviously equally shit. And it's likely his concoction was shit btw, the cow pus (and just why would you....) thing seems to be a cover for shit scraped out of horse hooves.
I don't know what to think about vaccines (traditional ones) any more. I am certain they have been overhyped, but that doesn't mean they aren't still worth having. But who the hell am I going to trust on the issue?
They're a fraud in my view. A condition of empire.
The rabies vaccine is the only one that I know of that a.) if you have contracted the disease you will 100% die of it if you don’t have the vaccine and b.) works retroactively post exposure. It’s not mandated by why do so if everyone knows if you’ve been exposed, it will save your life.
I had all my childhood vaccines available to me in my country at my age. My 11yo twins had way too many vaccines for their generation in the USA. My toddler was born in 2019 and only received his three month jabs. Then Covid came and I have not taken him to get any more. He is healthy and smart and happy. Covid spike shots have made me leery of all injections under the moniker “vaccines”.
Whatever reckoning is coming to adjudicate what in the actual fuck happened to our public health regulating agencies and the trust lost can’t come soon enough. My family has avoided any kind of hospital visits for more than two years.
Not stupid. Just evil. It’s long past time to ignore them all.
Excellent compilation.
Since you mentioned the 9 circles of hell, it's interesting to note that Dante placed the betrayers--the worst of all sinners--in the very pit of hell. With trust destroyed, relationships (in our current situation, societies) unravel. And I think that was truly the point of this covid extravaganza. Ya gotta break what's there in order to "build back better" and "reset" things.
Never in my life have I seen as divisive a president as Effjoe Biden. So much of what he's done (loans available only to black farmers, business loans for everyone {women. minorities} except white men, demonization of the unvaxxed) has been to exclude segments of Americans. This is by design.
I fear that a lot of the societal trends we are seeing are not accidental, or 'emergent' phenomena. Look at the strong push against the very *idea* of free speech that is going on. If you make a statement in support of free speech these days many people will consider you to be on the "far right" - it's weird, and disturbing.
It is deliberate.
We have raised a generation to believe, "(fill in the blank) for me, but not for thee." These mostly young people are the fiercest warriors against free speech.
The anti-American indoctrination going on in American schools is staggering. A deracinated people are easier to control. God help us.
I work in technology was obvious to me something was up back in January 020 when I was told by the factory in Wuhan that the shipping of my consignment would be delayed until after Chinese New Year, (It was due to ship early February) because of an outbreak of a new Corona virus and therefore the CNY holiday would be extended for another two weeks when the factory would reopen
OK no problem. The factory did reopen and my consignment was duly shipped at the end of February.
Now here's my point - All of a sudden news of this Wuhan virus arrived in the West, transformed into this new world danger. How could this be? The Wuhan factory manufactures highly technical kit - actually computers. The workforce has to be skilled. The factory closed for CNY.and somehow managed to open again with full productivity in only a couple of weeks or so. With a virus so dangerous ?? How could this be ?.Let's assume all the factory staff were replaced..You can't just replace a factory's worth of skilled component assembly workers at a drop of a hat. For my Far East contacts it was just a new flu virus which caused delays that's all. THEN when I hear about this NEW virus from Wuhan arriving in the West and being so deadly, people dropping like flies -.I think this cannot be the same thing surely?
I knew there was something badly wrong here. No one in Wuhan was dropping dead when the factory opened again. I don't say people didn't get sick I just know that economic activity did not stop. Production went back to normal.
In March 020 when I heard of lockdowns, I thought I need to reassure people. This is not a.big deal
It's a new flu virus of course elderly and vulnerable people needed to be aware and take precautions but nothing more.
Need I say I was too late the propoganda machine had taken over in the speed of light. I was not reassuring. I was irresponsible. A Californian clinic had same findings -.but were removed from YouTube before I could even share their link
If you take this situation and link it up to quality research into the Global (credit ) financial situation (not to mention crisis) you can join the dots and understand the driving forces behind the amplification of this virus and its importance in the goal of digital control.
If anyone would like a link to reliable research findings,essage I warn you it's a long read.
Then we all of us have to say NO.
Sorry this post is so long.
very interesting and insightful comment
"Now, vaccines might still be a modern miracle. The difference is that I’m no longer prepared to accept that as a statement of fact... Maybe I’m not quite an ‘anti-vaxxer’ yet, but I’m definitely in a ‘vaccine sceptic’ group now."
I'm with you, RP. For the reasons you mention, and a few more you left out.
yeah - I could have gone on and on - but I try to limit myself a bit (advice from daughters who have suffered from my inability to limit myself to just a few salient points)
I'm still of the camp that assuming something is virtuous just because it's a "vaccine" and assuming something is toxic just because it's a "vaccine" are basically the same error. If I'm attacked by a rabid skunk, I'm headed to the hospital for a rabies vaccine before I even take a shower. My kids play in the dirt and get all kinds of cuts and scrapes, so they're vaccinated against tetanus. I occasionally find myself wanting to make stupid reactionary choices in response to the stupid reactionary Covid policies and government-sponsored misinformation, but then I tell myself that would be a victory for them. Discriminating vaxxers are much more dangerous to their rhetoric than antivaxxers.
I agree that it is basically the same error. However, I do wish that health regulators used the assume everything is deadly poison until proven safe and effective viewpoint instead of the opposite.
Not sure about discriminating vaxxers being dangerous to their rhetoric. I know a number of pro-vax people who are completely unable to distinguish opposition to vaccine mandates from opposition to vaccines. My covid vaxxed husband has been called an anti-vaxxer for speaking out against vaccine mandates. I know people who were happy that a health centre CEO lost his job for donating money to the freedom convoy. Their rationale was that you can't have anti-vaxxers working in health care.
You can’t get a tetanus vaccine in the US. It’s all combo.
DTAP is the name for the current combo
Or TDaP for those over 7. Maybe Td. Can’t get just tetanus. Dr. Humphries has done really good work on tetanus
Another bell for me was the crazy models predicting that "If the government does nothing, exponential growth!" The model produced in March 2020 by Ferguson* and the gang at Imperial College predicted not only 0.5 mil deaths in one wave but also a peak of 250 severe cases per 100,000 people, so about 2500 per mil. According to OWiD, the peak of severe cases in the UK and Sweden was, er, about 50 per mil. But rather than throw the modellers under the clown car, the UK government kept using their projections to justify the restrictions, which is one thing that made me realise the virus was for the restrictions, not the other way round.
*There's actually a Japanese version of Neil Ferguson, which I think is more evidence of coordination
Ferguson is the most well-known name in this modelling fiasco. It has been very damaging for science - models, if done well and carefully, CAN be really useful, but the Ferguson Shitshow has really undermined things.
My go-to response now whenever someone says "that's a conspiracy theory" (about anything) is, "so were vaccine passports".
or, as they say, "what's the difference between a conspiracy theory and truth?"
about six months
I love your sense of humor. Your willingness to avoid ascribing malevolence to the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity may help you reach people who still haven't noticed that malevolence at top of the "elites" best explains all of this. I can no longer extend them the benefit of the doubt... (though many of the lower level functionaries are probably true believers in The Narrative, as that's how they gained their positions in the now-corrupted institutions.
Excellent article! I have trodden a similar path to you over the last 2 years and a bit. Your 9 Bell-Ends of Doom are not dissimilar to my 4 Horsemen of the Coronapocalypse:
As for the 'Vaccine Saviour' narrative... well yes:
As per your follow-up article today, it is impossible to come up with believable justifications for the last two years that don't involve tinfoil hattery. The conspiracy factists deserve a lot of apologies.
Thanks Alex, a lot of people have come to similar conclusions - people who, before 2020, would have run a mile from a typical "conspiracy theory". They have tried their best to present those of us who are asking questions as fringe lunatics - but given the quality and calibre of those who have raised questions this accusation hasn't really stuck too well.
I have become so allergic to the term „vaccine“ that for the first time ever I just ignored the reminder for refreshing my dog‘s vaccination status. Not sure yet if I‘ll be able to overcome this aversion against vaccines.
You might like, which includes full-text copies of the research it cites.
Also Prof Exley's book, Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom. Excellent, despite the title.