The term weaponized empathy seems to fit what you say here: "This rampant paternalistic pantomime of apparent care..."
In other news, my husband thought up with a new cologne yesterday that I think many of us would like to get our hands on. It's called "Leave Me the Fu'Cologne."
The "omnipotent moral busybodies" never read, listen, or watch those they wish to silence. They never even provide facts/data to support their position(s) either. All because they are incapable of thought. They live based solely upon their emotions.
I had a wonderful experience at a Neil Young concert, i would prefer if i could keep that memory untainted and to myself so i've been very outspoken about getting Neil Young banned from performing in Denmark so as to preserve my unique experience. He hasn't played here since so I'm very pleased with myself.
The only error I see in your wonderfully fucktastic rant is assuming any of the arbiters of truth have listened to even one-minute of the Joe Rogan podcast.
Yes - I was mindful of that when I was writing. Most people borrow their opinions from others without really going to the source - and, to be fair, it's very time consuming always drilling down to the original sources.
I haven't read "White Fragility", for example - but I've read enough reviews and seen enough quotes to have formed what I believe to be an accurate opinion. However, when doing that I do try to always leave a little bit of room for doubt. I would never, ever, want Di Angelo's book banned or censored, however.
It's OK to form a judgement if you've read around something a little bit without having actually read or watched that something - provided you always file it under "provisional judgement". What's not OK is to call for censorship.
And those people calling to censor and cancel Dave Chappelle over The Closer most likely enjoyed Dave Chappelle’s edgy humor until that one unforgivable sin…thinking and speaking for oneself. They’re so predictable its downright mind boggling.
Censorship is a pit stop on the road to totalitarianism that the worldwide kakocracy has planned for us. Chillingly, the President of the United States recently pleaded with media companies to censor the flow of "anti-vax" information. Last week the Surgeon General of the US echoed Biden's "thoughts."
Perhaps you're unaware, but a dry run occurred shortly after the mostly peaceful riots in the summer of 2020. For a few hours, conservative/Christian websites were unable to be accessed via Google. They completely vanished from the search engine. It was all passed off as a strange glitch.
I think it’s projection. I noticed it from the very beginning, esp. a few rich, famous powerful middle-aged and elderly men (you know the ones!) projecting their own fear of illness and death onto others. But more generally, the projection cut across sex and age. I read in the Guardian today (I only read it to see what fresh new horror they’ll be foisting on us next) that Neil Young nearly died of polio when he was a little boy, suffers from epilepsy, and had a brain aneurysm. The Guardian, of all papers, seemed to be trying to explain his irrational outburst. So I think we can say he’s projecting. Just trying to find a bit of genuine compassion! Unlike that wicked Pope who weaponises compassion. He’s the anti-Pope anyway, many Catholics just ignore him. That said, he and that Archbishop of CofE are confusing Christians. Possibly they are also projecting their fears but they should know better. Or they’re just evil-doers.
One of my most treasured moments of personal growth was when I realized that "the arrogance of certainty" had infected my psyche. The issue, I came to realize, is not being certain about what I believe. The issue is thinking or believing or acting upon that ideology to limit or make the choices of others. That is next-level assholery. And here we are...
Sorry for the late reply - I needed to unhook the old noggin for a few hours.
Appropriate away. I do it a fair bit too - lifting nice turns of phrase here and there. Never understood what the whole problem with "appropriation" is, in general. I do try and give credit where I can - but that's not always possible with stuff lifted from memes etc.
Of courrse, " rancid fuckholes of moral certitude"" has such a ring to it.....that was the first phrase I memorized, but they get better with each re-reading...
The term weaponized empathy seems to fit what you say here: "This rampant paternalistic pantomime of apparent care..."
In other news, my husband thought up with a new cologne yesterday that I think many of us would like to get our hands on. It's called "Leave Me the Fu'Cologne."
haha - that's brilliant - I'm a big fan of Colognes, have quite a collection. I would LOVE one called that!
That is a winner!!! Do come up with some perfumes too. We could do an entire line....
🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I love his sense of humor!
The "omnipotent moral busybodies" never read, listen, or watch those they wish to silence. They never even provide facts/data to support their position(s) either. All because they are incapable of thought. They live based solely upon their emotions.
You are in violation of the newspeak mandate of 2030. Report to room 101 for re-education.
I had a wonderful experience at a Neil Young concert, i would prefer if i could keep that memory untainted and to myself so i've been very outspoken about getting Neil Young banned from performing in Denmark so as to preserve my unique experience. He hasn't played here since so I'm very pleased with myself.
I doubt that most calling for Rogan to be censored even watched it.
As for the coarse language. Sometimes it is a great way to express. And yes the pro censorship people can go fuck off.
And turn around and fuck off again!! Sorry I just had to add that!! Love that phrase!!
The only error I see in your wonderfully fucktastic rant is assuming any of the arbiters of truth have listened to even one-minute of the Joe Rogan podcast.
Yes - I was mindful of that when I was writing. Most people borrow their opinions from others without really going to the source - and, to be fair, it's very time consuming always drilling down to the original sources.
I haven't read "White Fragility", for example - but I've read enough reviews and seen enough quotes to have formed what I believe to be an accurate opinion. However, when doing that I do try to always leave a little bit of room for doubt. I would never, ever, want Di Angelo's book banned or censored, however.
It's OK to form a judgement if you've read around something a little bit without having actually read or watched that something - provided you always file it under "provisional judgement". What's not OK is to call for censorship.
I agree 100%. Just as those who tried to cancel Dave Chappelle never watched The Closer.
And those people calling to censor and cancel Dave Chappelle over The Closer most likely enjoyed Dave Chappelle’s edgy humor until that one unforgivable sin…thinking and speaking for oneself. They’re so predictable its downright mind boggling.
Censorship is a pit stop on the road to totalitarianism that the worldwide kakocracy has planned for us. Chillingly, the President of the United States recently pleaded with media companies to censor the flow of "anti-vax" information. Last week the Surgeon General of the US echoed Biden's "thoughts."
Perhaps you're unaware, but a dry run occurred shortly after the mostly peaceful riots in the summer of 2020. For a few hours, conservative/Christian websites were unable to be accessed via Google. They completely vanished from the search engine. It was all passed off as a strange glitch.
I think Biteme Biden needs to be impeached for saying that. Our first amendment has been publically violated by our President. IMPEACH.
I think it’s projection. I noticed it from the very beginning, esp. a few rich, famous powerful middle-aged and elderly men (you know the ones!) projecting their own fear of illness and death onto others. But more generally, the projection cut across sex and age. I read in the Guardian today (I only read it to see what fresh new horror they’ll be foisting on us next) that Neil Young nearly died of polio when he was a little boy, suffers from epilepsy, and had a brain aneurysm. The Guardian, of all papers, seemed to be trying to explain his irrational outburst. So I think we can say he’s projecting. Just trying to find a bit of genuine compassion! Unlike that wicked Pope who weaponises compassion. He’s the anti-Pope anyway, many Catholics just ignore him. That said, he and that Archbishop of CofE are confusing Christians. Possibly they are also projecting their fears but they should know better. Or they’re just evil-doers.
One of my most treasured moments of personal growth was when I realized that "the arrogance of certainty" had infected my psyche. The issue, I came to realize, is not being certain about what I believe. The issue is thinking or believing or acting upon that ideology to limit or make the choices of others. That is next-level assholery. And here we are...
What was the middle thing?
There's no way Neil Young or any of those YOUs actually listened to Joe Rogan's podcasts.
thank you for putting things clear
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 --Gasp!-- Thank-you! --Gasp!-- 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
To quote a certain song sung by John Lydon: "Bob Dylan's got a parking ticket stuck to his arsehole".
It applies equally to any artist not going gracefully into that good night called obscurity.
Can I please appropriate some of your turns of phrases? I like swearing too, but I would love to be able to put them in the elegant way you do!
Sorry for the late reply - I needed to unhook the old noggin for a few hours.
Appropriate away. I do it a fair bit too - lifting nice turns of phrase here and there. Never understood what the whole problem with "appropriation" is, in general. I do try and give credit where I can - but that's not always possible with stuff lifted from memes etc.
Don't be silly Rudolph! I didn't expect you even to reply. As a matter of fact, I loved so many of the sentences, I am memorizing them!!!
Never mind, I'm gonna memorize the whole thing!
Amazing!!!! LMFAO
Of courrse, " rancid fuckholes of moral certitude"" has such a ring to it.....that was the first phrase I memorized, but they get better with each re-reading...