Apr 18·edited Apr 18

“So, we have this undefinable stuff, and if we do the equally undefinable process of stirring it up, we can land ourselves in jail for 7 years. I say ‘we’, but I’m in England at the moment.”

Actually … the Wings Over Scotland website got and posted what seems to be top-shelf legal advice about this, and apparently Scottish law deems anything on the net that is read in Scotland to have been published in Scotland (despite how insane that is), and so subject to their “hate speech” regime.

They’re probably not going to have much luck getting anyone abroad extradited on that basis, but my understanding is that if the Scottish filth … oops, hateful … Scottish law enforcement want someone in England all they have to do is phone up their English colleagues and request delivery.

So, tl;dr: be careful, mate.

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Scotland is more accurately known as Unceded Traditionally Pictish Territory. Let's try to keep the hate down a bit here.

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"You’ve just got to love a people who can bring an entire empire to a halt."

Suebi, Marcomanni, Gutes, Huns, Parthians and Sogdians have entered the chat.

Seems like the party ruling Scotland was elected fair and square, and the law made in accordance with whatever passes for a constitution, so who's really to blame?

The people voting.

If we could create electricity from all the "I told you so"s from the 1950s until today, we'd be able to shut down all other power sources.

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“It already is, with Scottish Police having had to deal with thousands of new complaints since the introduction of the bill.” They could just ignore them as “wasting police time” which is i think an actual offence.

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That the Scotish police was overwhelmed by the deluge of hate speech complaints - most of which would likely be from Shitposter™ - along with the ULEZ cameras getting dismantled in London, the honk honk movement here in Canada, etc… gives me hope.

An unenforcible law either eventually gets ignored (adultery laws are a good example) or the state has to show its hand and use excess force to impose its diktats - creating more animosity from the general public. Keep ridiculing this insanity. It's the best tool for the job!

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