May 13, 2023Liked by Rudolph Rigger

The core of woke—as reverse behavioural therapy—is an inculcated, crippling level of resentment. What an awful way to go through life. Resentment is poison as well as crippling. No one can build on it. Quite the contrary: it hands control to grifters.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Have you noticed the shift— and when did it begin?— from using the words “I think” or “I believe” with “I feel”?

One other thing I’ve observed is that I can’t have a conversation these days with another mother without having her relate how she tries to “honor” her child’s feelings. Typically this means she didn’t make him do his math homework, or eat his broccoli, or apologize to a peer he’d whacked with a stick.

The problem with making “feelings” a priority is that it incentivizes people to become more childlike and less thoughtful in their approach. If my child learns that crying about doing her math homework will get her out of it, why would she ever move on to rational debate, or even a nascent form of reasoned civil disobedience?

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023Liked by Rudolph Rigger

According to Government stats way more kids are diagnosed with ADHD etc and prescribed Ritalin in Dem run states than Republican run states. Which I think is of no surprise. In Democrat states up to 70% of black babies are aborted each year… because BLM. 45 percent of homicides are committed by about 5 percent of the population who are black ( adult males) and 95 percent of those they murder are black people. ( In Democrat cities) In General Demonrat run cities are dangerous and rapidly turning into violent shit holes. When I moved to LA 12 years ago there were sometimes 1 or 2 people sleeping under an underpass that I went through on the way to the gym. Now the same underpass is a hell hole of permanent filth ,and has become a permanent tent city on both sides of the road. Nothing has ever been done about it. It only gets worse and worse. Of course billions has been thrown at the “ problem “, enough, I once read, to buy every homeless person a million dollar home. I wonder who gets all the money? The real filth on the streets of LA are driving around in a fleet of black government vehicles.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Your Jordan Peterson experience mirrors mine with another devil named Rush Limbaugh. I had heard how awful and extreme he was and finally decided to tune in and hear his outrageous misogyny and racism. He was entertaining, funny, had an deep insight into human nature, and was actually a warm and generous man who quietly did a lot to help others. I never heard anything “racist” or “misogynist” in the many years I listened. But I did hear plenty of satire that savaged the proto-woke. It was a textbook study in how the “media” would distort what their devil-of-the-day would say and actually project on said devil that which they themselves were doing. It opened my eyes to the huge deception that the cesspool we call “the media” actually is.

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I had failed, miserably, to read much of your recent ponderings. What a mistake! This piece is brilliant in its simplicity yet thorough in its nuance. Peterson is a treasure, not because he's always correct about each doctrainaire point. Who is? He's a treasure because being a victim, versus having agency and responsibility, is a shitty way to live. He teaches that seminal truth. Thanks for the reminder. ION, wokeness is rancid bullshit drizzled with a tangy sauce of bird shit, sandwiched between two sun-ripened patties of horse shit. ...on a good day.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Neutrality means you're not on our side and is therefore an enemy.

About Peterson, I have but one quibble: the man sure loves Siegmund Fraud.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Woke idiots had better hope and pray that they never have to face a truly serious life crisis.

They simply aren’t mentally equipped to deal with anything more demanding than changing their pajamas once a week.

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personal responsibility and its demise, I see the same with Truth and holding ones word/commitment.

The idea of a handshake deal, or keeping a promise, is seen as archaic.

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