Imagine if it had been real......and that vaccines really work. The entire subject is so dirty, so unspeakably evil, that only a braindead person does not think to ask.....if it's real science, why is everyone involved in pushing vaccines a lier and a crook? , and now we can add, "first degree mass murderers" The orders for this did come from the top.... if you do not know the families at the top, you need to wake up some more. The evil is so un speakable that the majority of people can not acknowledge it, because to do so would burst their bubble of unreality. Watching that video, can you not see that there was global coordination, not just the media as the video demonstrates, but political, and institutional. ALL TAKING ORDERS FROM A SMALL GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS. FACT. So now, do you know who they are?
The smallpox and polio vaccines do work, but they took decades to develop. Rushed, experimental vaccines don’t work. This was a conspiracy created by Pfizer and promoted by almost every MSM Leftist on the planet, but I didn’t see America’s most powerful man promoting it. His name is Obama. Perhaps he knew the slogans were bs. This piece by Matt Orfalea is brilliant and conclusively proves that former Leftist David Horowitz, creator of FrontPage Magazine, was right when he said decades ago “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”.
I don’t believe the polio story. Polio was on a rapidly downward trajectory before the “vaccine “ due to better sanitation and other improvements in the general health of the population. I’m firmly in the no virus camp now after a year of reading, listening to experts and understanding the “science “ of virus isolation. ( and lack there of). However the subject is as hard to have a conversation about, with anyone who has not studied its terrible science, as it is to have with a person who believes building 7 fell into its own footprint at free fall speed due to some fires. It’s not a debate I care to have, and it’s not my place to educate anyone. So I’ll simply say thank you for the reply. 🤠🖖🏼
Not to mention that smallpox by its own nature made it possible to vaccinate against it. I for one am grateful we didn't have to usethe old method of cutting a wound in the base ofthe thumb and rubbing dried smallpox scabs into the bleeding wound.
That was the standard method up until modern sanitation, cleaner drinking water and better food dropped cases by more than 90%, decades before any inocculations started.
Epic...THANK you for sharing with really was a carpet bombing of propoganda, wasn't it?
You gotta wonder about the vast majority of people....paid to parrot propoganda...wonder how they justify it to themselves??? Reality though, is most people have no conscience and it doesn't worry them a bit. They are sheep.
I think if we could destroy the underlying religiosity of the vaccine sacrement...the rest of the global edifice might come tumbling down??? Although the 1% now own everything, ...all means of production, all newspapers, tv, the internet (yes, the internet is no longer the internet, it is OWNED)...all assets, and all the genetic code of everything on earth...all the plants, seeds, trees, and they are about 80 percent on their way of owning each of us Genetic code....
I know I won't live long enough to see the end of this...but I still hoping by some miracle..humanity will revolt.
And all the elites will have everything they own, including us, ripped away, and will suffer as we have suffered under this facist bid to own the world and everything in it.
The propaganda was off-the-scale crazy. I've never seen anything like it (or maybe in previous decades it was just *much* more subtle?). Carpet bombing of propaganda - I like that. I might steal it 😂
The thing that this compilation highlights beautifully, one of several things actually, is that the messaging didn't even have any internal self-consistency. Safe or not safe? Which is it? Yet so many people fell for this **obvious** BS.
I always used to be "reasonably" sceptical of mainstream media, journalists and governments, politicians and government institutions. My default position now is simply to assume they're lying - ALL the time - until shown otherwise. I think my new 'covid-inspired' position is going to be correct more often than not.
Just in the UK there was an astonishing and coordinated persistent campaign to ramp up the fear, of shaming, of exploiting guilt, of bullying - it was quite extraordinary. This was happening pretty much everywhere across the globe.
It's the global nature of this invidious campaign that really makes one wonder how this degree of 'uniformity' of ill-intent and propaganda could have arisen? The uniformity of approach even extended as far as the individual sound bites. We had a period where they launched the "threat to democracy" sound bite. Then they launched the deathbed "I wish I had been vaccinated" campaign. These are just two examples of many where the **same** messaging was rolled out. It was either coordinated or just the most astonishing coincidence in the history of mankind. Take your pick.
The global nature of it to me shouts that it was planned globally..and when you start to look at how and who, the only thing you can think is that our deep states were corrupted or made part before already of something not national but allegiances to global.... and the only global entity ...or entities...have been working towards this for some time....and when you throw in a decade of rehearsals....thean only conclusion isn't pretty...we are far deeper down to a one world tyranny and the cage is almost closed...than I originally thought three years ago...
“no one is safe until we’re all safe” - that gives the game away right there, it's a tacit admission that the vaccines don't prevent infection, thus can't stop spread...
It was straight from Orwell. It astonished me that so many people **still** thought the vaccines were wonderful after they decided to launch this particular propaganda slogan.
This reminds me of all those times my children scraped their knees on the pavement, and I ululated and tore my hair, falling on my own knees and asking God WHY?!? Only to drag myself up again, cast my eye on the nearest bystanders, and screech, “You! You unclean monsters weren’t wearing knee pads, and now look what you’ve done!”
The real long-term winners here aren’t the vaccines*, I would note, but the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antidepressants, and benzodiazepines.
*Or, as I like to think of them, Band Aids, that, as it turns out, only stay on long enough to give their wearer hepatitis. I did get an autocorrect to Band AIDS and told it, hey, autocorrect, that might be a little too offensive and make us sound like conspiracy theorists, but thanks for the laugh! Makes me wonder if I should start asking AI to write my comments…
Rudolph, I do like a good laugh. And strange as it may seem to some, it is possible to maintain a sense of humour while being a self-professed, Bible believing Christian. As such your ending meme would be considered by many to be deeply offensive. But JC is such an easy target eh? What is it about the person of Jesus that invites such public mockery? Does He really make people that uncomfortable? Just as well it wasn’t Muhammad...
The meme could not have been based on Muhammad because there are no statues of Muhammad... I also do not consider the meme mockery of Christ but actually a consequence of Christian teaching itself: turning the other cheek, acknowledging suffering, speaking for the weary and burdened, and always fighting idolization. Tom Holland's (not the Spiderman actor) book "Dominion" is great on the long arc of Christian thinking in our culture.
Yeah, I get that. But it’s the fact that the expletive has become so common-place that it’s now meme worthy. A statue of Buddha just wouldn’t be the same (although the Babylon Bee could probably make it work). And when did you ever hear someone whack their thumb with a hammer and cry out, “Buddha” or Mohammed or Krishna or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? It seems there is only one name under heaven that is worthy of man’s profanity...
Personally, I don't think the meme was mocking Jesus at all.
I know some people get a bit huffy when one "takes the Lord's name in vain" and so on - but, for heaven's sake, Jesus wasn't even his real name (a closer English equivalent would be Joshua). And as for the "Christ" bit - well, he isn't The Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
I think old Josh himself would find this meme funny. If you approach his sayings from the Aramaic (eg the Peshitta version of the NT) then you can appreciate what a good sense of humour he had. He's far from the po-faced and dreary representation that we get from 2,000 years of Christian bungling and misinterpretation of his teaching. And I have the highest respect for his teaching - he was a cool dude who could party with the whores and the sinners and change their lives for the better.
I think it's a measure of the maturity and confidence of Christians that they can take this kind of thing "on the chin" and not strap on a suicide vest, or behead someone, for example.
If we take "by their fruits ye shall know them" as a useful metric, then some other religions one could mention do rather come across as having a bunch of spoiled immature children as followers who throw tantrums at the slightest provocation. Unfortunately, being adults, they have access to some dangerous toys.
Jesus takes the fall for 1 000 to 1 500 years (depending on your origin) of church dogma, persecution and perfidious rule by terror, grift, superstition and gaslighting, to use modern terms.
The church and the dude's story and the book and the faith are conceptually intertwined and he's the figurehead so... easy target. Mocking in good faith is one thing, doing it for real in the West today?
That's like a four-year old threatening to run away from home.
If you ever get the chance to talk to some "creative" type when they are ragging on a dude that never hurt nobody and just asked people to try and get along, do what I did to a stand up-"comedy" lady once: "Good one, luv, now do one about Mahomet!"
(And I'm not christian, far from it but I do cleave to that Ur-tenet of Germanic-Nordic culture: One Rule for All, or no Rules for anyone.)
I used some common sense and didn’t read Joe Nocero’s bs garbage comment. But I would like to flag and report it.
The best thing on the net today is Matt Orflea’s Compilation on Pfizer’s ineffective vaccine. I see all of the usual suspects except that FB guy. This is well worth your time.
Professor Rigger. Thank you for this. It is brilliant. Who knew the dangers of thinking for oneself? I did see one statement which is inarguable. It is true that you will die if you don’t take the vaccine. But some of us have taken care not to risk dying from an effing vaccine that doesn’t work but seems to weaken immunity.
The campaign to vaccinate everyone with an unproven vaccine was mind boggling but it wouldn’t have worked if the world had more Influencers like The Good Professor Rigger, whose mind clearly isn’t boggled.
I saw that video over on Twitter and made the mistake of watching the whole thing. It was not a mistake because the video is misleading or misrepresents any facts. For the record, it does not. Watching it was a mistake because I nearly got pissed all over again. At the almost-scripted propagandizing. At the paid celebrity promoters. At the news personalities who were useful idiots. (To call all of them "useful" is a bit of a stretch, but the term-of-use is currently in vogue.) Most of all, the video featured a bunch of people for whom I had respect at one time. I am reminded of the cartoon showing The Statue of Liberty weeping in response to a person saying, "...but we got scared." #WeAreSoScrewed
Imagine if it had been real......and that vaccines really work. The entire subject is so dirty, so unspeakably evil, that only a braindead person does not think to ask.....if it's real science, why is everyone involved in pushing vaccines a lier and a crook? , and now we can add, "first degree mass murderers" The orders for this did come from the top.... if you do not know the families at the top, you need to wake up some more. The evil is so un speakable that the majority of people can not acknowledge it, because to do so would burst their bubble of unreality. Watching that video, can you not see that there was global coordination, not just the media as the video demonstrates, but political, and institutional. ALL TAKING ORDERS FROM A SMALL GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS. FACT. So now, do you know who they are?
The smallpox and polio vaccines do work, but they took decades to develop. Rushed, experimental vaccines don’t work. This was a conspiracy created by Pfizer and promoted by almost every MSM Leftist on the planet, but I didn’t see America’s most powerful man promoting it. His name is Obama. Perhaps he knew the slogans were bs. This piece by Matt Orfalea is brilliant and conclusively proves that former Leftist David Horowitz, creator of FrontPage Magazine, was right when he said decades ago “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”.
I don’t believe the polio story. Polio was on a rapidly downward trajectory before the “vaccine “ due to better sanitation and other improvements in the general health of the population. I’m firmly in the no virus camp now after a year of reading, listening to experts and understanding the “science “ of virus isolation. ( and lack there of). However the subject is as hard to have a conversation about, with anyone who has not studied its terrible science, as it is to have with a person who believes building 7 fell into its own footprint at free fall speed due to some fires. It’s not a debate I care to have, and it’s not my place to educate anyone. So I’ll simply say thank you for the reply. 🤠🖖🏼
Not to mention that smallpox by its own nature made it possible to vaccinate against it. I for one am grateful we didn't have to usethe old method of cutting a wound in the base ofthe thumb and rubbing dried smallpox scabs into the bleeding wound.
That was the standard method up until modern sanitation, cleaner drinking water and better food dropped cases by more than 90%, decades before any inocculations started.
Epic...THANK you for sharing with really was a carpet bombing of propoganda, wasn't it?
You gotta wonder about the vast majority of people....paid to parrot propoganda...wonder how they justify it to themselves??? Reality though, is most people have no conscience and it doesn't worry them a bit. They are sheep.
I think if we could destroy the underlying religiosity of the vaccine sacrement...the rest of the global edifice might come tumbling down??? Although the 1% now own everything, ...all means of production, all newspapers, tv, the internet (yes, the internet is no longer the internet, it is OWNED)...all assets, and all the genetic code of everything on earth...all the plants, seeds, trees, and they are about 80 percent on their way of owning each of us Genetic code....
I know I won't live long enough to see the end of this...but I still hoping by some miracle..humanity will revolt.
And all the elites will have everything they own, including us, ripped away, and will suffer as we have suffered under this facist bid to own the world and everything in it.
The propaganda was off-the-scale crazy. I've never seen anything like it (or maybe in previous decades it was just *much* more subtle?). Carpet bombing of propaganda - I like that. I might steal it 😂
The thing that this compilation highlights beautifully, one of several things actually, is that the messaging didn't even have any internal self-consistency. Safe or not safe? Which is it? Yet so many people fell for this **obvious** BS.
I always used to be "reasonably" sceptical of mainstream media, journalists and governments, politicians and government institutions. My default position now is simply to assume they're lying - ALL the time - until shown otherwise. I think my new 'covid-inspired' position is going to be correct more often than not.
Just in the UK there was an astonishing and coordinated persistent campaign to ramp up the fear, of shaming, of exploiting guilt, of bullying - it was quite extraordinary. This was happening pretty much everywhere across the globe.
It's the global nature of this invidious campaign that really makes one wonder how this degree of 'uniformity' of ill-intent and propaganda could have arisen? The uniformity of approach even extended as far as the individual sound bites. We had a period where they launched the "threat to democracy" sound bite. Then they launched the deathbed "I wish I had been vaccinated" campaign. These are just two examples of many where the **same** messaging was rolled out. It was either coordinated or just the most astonishing coincidence in the history of mankind. Take your pick.
Steal whatever you like!
The global nature of it to me shouts that it was planned globally..and when you start to look at how and who, the only thing you can think is that our deep states were corrupted or made part before already of something not national but allegiances to global.... and the only global entity ...or entities...have been working towards this for some time....and when you throw in a decade of rehearsals....thean only conclusion isn't pretty...we are far deeper down to a one world tyranny and the cage is almost closed...than I originally thought three years ago...
“no one is safe until we’re all safe” - that gives the game away right there, it's a tacit admission that the vaccines don't prevent infection, thus can't stop spread...
It was amazing wasn't it?
It was straight from Orwell. It astonished me that so many people **still** thought the vaccines were wonderful after they decided to launch this particular propaganda slogan.
Thanks for reminding me. Fuck them. Forever.
And when they've fucked off forever - they can go fuck themselves some more
This reminds me of all those times my children scraped their knees on the pavement, and I ululated and tore my hair, falling on my own knees and asking God WHY?!? Only to drag myself up again, cast my eye on the nearest bystanders, and screech, “You! You unclean monsters weren’t wearing knee pads, and now look what you’ve done!”
The real long-term winners here aren’t the vaccines*, I would note, but the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antidepressants, and benzodiazepines.
*Or, as I like to think of them, Band Aids, that, as it turns out, only stay on long enough to give their wearer hepatitis. I did get an autocorrect to Band AIDS and told it, hey, autocorrect, that might be a little too offensive and make us sound like conspiracy theorists, but thanks for the laugh! Makes me wonder if I should start asking AI to write my comments…
Thanks for reminding of that wonderful word "ululation". It isn't used nearly enough 😂
Rudolph, I do like a good laugh. And strange as it may seem to some, it is possible to maintain a sense of humour while being a self-professed, Bible believing Christian. As such your ending meme would be considered by many to be deeply offensive. But JC is such an easy target eh? What is it about the person of Jesus that invites such public mockery? Does He really make people that uncomfortable? Just as well it wasn’t Muhammad...
The meme could not have been based on Muhammad because there are no statues of Muhammad... I also do not consider the meme mockery of Christ but actually a consequence of Christian teaching itself: turning the other cheek, acknowledging suffering, speaking for the weary and burdened, and always fighting idolization. Tom Holland's (not the Spiderman actor) book "Dominion" is great on the long arc of Christian thinking in our culture.
Lots of paintings depicting him though. Very popular motive in islamic art right up until the 18th century.
Yeah, I get that. But it’s the fact that the expletive has become so common-place that it’s now meme worthy. A statue of Buddha just wouldn’t be the same (although the Babylon Bee could probably make it work). And when did you ever hear someone whack their thumb with a hammer and cry out, “Buddha” or Mohammed or Krishna or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? It seems there is only one name under heaven that is worthy of man’s profanity...
A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
And it will attract all the attention of the people in its surroundings, for better or worse.
Personally, I don't think the meme was mocking Jesus at all.
I know some people get a bit huffy when one "takes the Lord's name in vain" and so on - but, for heaven's sake, Jesus wasn't even his real name (a closer English equivalent would be Joshua). And as for the "Christ" bit - well, he isn't The Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
I think old Josh himself would find this meme funny. If you approach his sayings from the Aramaic (eg the Peshitta version of the NT) then you can appreciate what a good sense of humour he had. He's far from the po-faced and dreary representation that we get from 2,000 years of Christian bungling and misinterpretation of his teaching. And I have the highest respect for his teaching - he was a cool dude who could party with the whores and the sinners and change their lives for the better.
I think it's a measure of the maturity and confidence of Christians that they can take this kind of thing "on the chin" and not strap on a suicide vest, or behead someone, for example.
If we take "by their fruits ye shall know them" as a useful metric, then some other religions one could mention do rather come across as having a bunch of spoiled immature children as followers who throw tantrums at the slightest provocation. Unfortunately, being adults, they have access to some dangerous toys.
Jesus takes the fall for 1 000 to 1 500 years (depending on your origin) of church dogma, persecution and perfidious rule by terror, grift, superstition and gaslighting, to use modern terms.
The church and the dude's story and the book and the faith are conceptually intertwined and he's the figurehead so... easy target. Mocking in good faith is one thing, doing it for real in the West today?
That's like a four-year old threatening to run away from home.
If you ever get the chance to talk to some "creative" type when they are ragging on a dude that never hurt nobody and just asked people to try and get along, do what I did to a stand up-"comedy" lady once: "Good one, luv, now do one about Mahomet!"
(And I'm not christian, far from it but I do cleave to that Ur-tenet of Germanic-Nordic culture: One Rule for All, or no Rules for anyone.)
I used some common sense and didn’t read Joe Nocero’s bs garbage comment. But I would like to flag and report it.
The best thing on the net today is Matt Orflea’s Compilation on Pfizer’s ineffective vaccine. I see all of the usual suspects except that FB guy. This is well worth your time.
Professor Rigger. Thank you for this. It is brilliant. Who knew the dangers of thinking for oneself? I did see one statement which is inarguable. It is true that you will die if you don’t take the vaccine. But some of us have taken care not to risk dying from an effing vaccine that doesn’t work but seems to weaken immunity.
The campaign to vaccinate everyone with an unproven vaccine was mind boggling but it wouldn’t have worked if the world had more Influencers like The Good Professor Rigger, whose mind clearly isn’t boggled.
Joe Biden’s unvaccinated illegal immigrants don’t even get a flu shot or a bottle of aspirin.
I guess he thinks they are safe.
...without a “social contract”.
I saw that video over on Twitter and made the mistake of watching the whole thing. It was not a mistake because the video is misleading or misrepresents any facts. For the record, it does not. Watching it was a mistake because I nearly got pissed all over again. At the almost-scripted propagandizing. At the paid celebrity promoters. At the news personalities who were useful idiots. (To call all of them "useful" is a bit of a stretch, but the term-of-use is currently in vogue.) Most of all, the video featured a bunch of people for whom I had respect at one time. I am reminded of the cartoon showing The Statue of Liberty weeping in response to a person saying, "...but we got scared." #WeAreSoScrewed