Agree that woke and Covid mania go together. Is it linked to the biology-denying transgender movement as well as a general woke weirdness? I notice this in my (now former) friends, the ones who are woke are the ones most into the covid lunacy. It cuts across generations too, there are a lot of woke 70 year olds where I live, a famous English university city, funnily enough! The city went nuts around 2014 when they started flying the rainbow flag at any opportunity that presented itself.

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WW1 dealt a body blow to Western Civilization. Wokeness threatens to kill it.

For me, acceptance of transgenderism was the point where I became terrified about where this March Of Progress was leading. If fundamental facts (male/female) are so easily discarded, madness is given pride of place...where will this end? How can you coexist with people who deny reality? On what basis can you find common ground?

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Makes perfect sense, fits with everything we have been seeing for the past six years at least. Cry my beloved country. Cry humanity.

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Right after reading that paragraph about the Yale professor Christakis, I immediately stopped reading and opened up a YouTube tab to see what you were talking about. I had never heard of it before. I searched it up and yeah, it's still there. Fascinating. I didn't read his wife's letter, but while watching that video, I tried hard NOT to allow your paragraph skew my perspective on what I was viewing. Yes, I thought Christakis had patience and compassion, but without knowing the whole story, it was difficult to not 'side' with the students. I also tend to root for the underdog.

Then I kept reading your post thinking, where is he going with this? You wrapped it all up and brought it home, and yes, we do have serious problems going on right now, and it's very troubling to think that this is causing a much deeper shift into the 'psychosis'. Fear and safety is at the core of this, and human minds get wrapped up and stuck in their own little locked up bubbles creating this little world of complete koo-koo for coco puffs psuedo-realities.

That recently added movie on Netflix, 'Don't Look Up', is an interesting take on this sort of thing too. No matter what the world crisis, there's going to be a load of fruit-loopy people thinking that the Kool-Aid is the real deal and they'll keep consumming it over and over.

The question is how am I, how are we going to deal with it? Right now, I'm stuck in isolation because as an unvaccinated person in the UK after returning from another country and I have to take a Day 2 test, a Day 8, and I've also opted to do a Day 5 'early release' test too. There's nothing I can do to speed up the lab to process my test, so I just have to sit and wait. My Day 2 test came back (negative) this morning, six days after sending it out. SIX days. My Day 5 was on Sunday so I could be free again, and those (negative) results only just came back a couple hours ago. THREE days after sending it out. Today is my eighth day. And I'm about to send out my PCR test because I'm required to do so even thought both my Day 2 & 5 are free and clear. The amount of complete stupidity of this is beyond comprehension. And this isn't even the kicker.

My child 1 and 2 and me tested negative for our Day 2s. My child 3's (10-year-old daughter) Day 2 test just came back last night (after also SIX days of waiting), and guess what? It's POSITIVE. She already tested positive back in late September. She's never had any symptoms. (We all had Covid in late September, and she was the only one with no symptoms. She was bored out of her mind because my husband and I, on the other hand, were in bed for a few days.)

So last night, I get pinged with the email telling me that my daughter's PCR test is POSITIVE, from a test taken nearly a week ago. Then, this morning, I get my Day 5 test result back negative. Hurray! I'm free! But noooooo. Because I'm not vaxxed, and I live with someone who tested positive, I now need to isolate for 10 days (from the date of the test). So, for a few moments I was free, and now I'm supposed to isolate until Saturday.

You just can't make this shit up.

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Thanks MaryAnne - it is a ludicrous pantomime isn't it? Hope you and your family are all well.

The Christakis incident was a bit like a mind-bomb for me. I didn't quite "root for the underdog" in this case, although that is my normal disposition too, because of the crazy disrespect I was seeing. I am probably too old-fashioned, but I could not comprehend how these students could be so bullying and disrespectful to a Professor - quite independently of precisely WHAT their beef was.

I learned a lot more over the following months. Several university-based incidents like the Lindsay Shepherd debacle, the Evergreen lunacy and others, only increased my perception that there was some horrible cancer of the soul lurking - and that this was going to spread in a very damaging way.

Throughout this I noted a rise in the notion that it was our job to protect the emotions of others. To some extent we should do that as decent human beings. I certainly didn't, and still don't, want to cause any harm to others - but the list of emotional mines I could set off with innocent comments quickly became unmanageable and absurd.

When a university lists things like "the best person should get the job" as a microaggression you know things have gone more than a little wonky.

It's going to take time and effort if we're going to avoid living in some ghastly Demolition Man, or Hunger Games, type future.

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Check this out - https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/the-initiatory-path-towards-mass - and the priming for this has been going on for decades - in public education - see https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/mass-formation-is-nothing-new-its and references cited therein...

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Thanks. I just came across one of Jordan Peterson's tweet about a recent Rolling Stone article about Joe Rogan. https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1481452888866136065?s=20

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The psychotic reaction to covid and woke ideology are the same exact thing, which is why it's the same exact people doing it.

Mass formation psychosis describes it perfectly.

There are too many apes in the jungle and they're finding excuses to beat each other's brains out with rocks in ways the silverbacks will tolerate.

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Just stumbled across your writings after reading one of your comments on Rounding the Earth. A great piece of work this is. I look forward to reading your others

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Thanks so much Rob - much appreciated.

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I think it's very racist of you to post that photo. Promoting the narrative that white women are at risk from mobs of...

Oh, wait. Never mind.

Thank you for the lovely post and the term "wokorona virus."

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"...childish petulance." From over privileged college students?! Say it ain't so, Joe! 🤨😑🙄

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haha - yes, being a university student does seem to extend one's childhood (I'm not certain my childhood has ended yet) - but these students were displaying behaviour more akin to temper tantrums in a nursery.

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The woke stuff was the proof-of-concept test for the covid hysteria.

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Even quantum theory has huge discrepancies


Not to mention virus theory and the veritas leak said it was a bat vaccine lol not a virus.


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