Mar 2Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I did not click through, view or watch any of the degeneracy on the other side of that digital fence. And the "WTF is going on here" phrase is becoming a daily, if not hourly utterance. It is hard to tell some people they are sliding down a slippery slope, their "relativity" tells them it is us who are slipping away, uphill, towards the truth.

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Mar 2Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I suppose, at the end, society starts to eat itself

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Mar 2Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Among the oldest written laws from my home-region is a law dealing with fences. Because the fence regulated what was your, and what was mine and how they should be mended, how new ones would be erected, who would maintain them, and so on.

Including parcelling out responsibility when a poorly kept fence was trampled by a cow who then went into the neighbour's cloverfield to gorge herself.

The reason for this was, poor fences meant arguements which turns into rows which turns into resentment and petty needling and sabotage and fights and before you now it, you have two villages engaged in a bloody feud.

Remove the fence and open the border, and you /will always/ get fighting, rape, war and looting. That is the only possible outcome of "free movement".

(Chesterton should be required reading by the way.)

No disrespect to the Nazarene but that statement could only have been made by someone very entitled and privileged. You see, the making of a millstone in those days weren't done in a jiffy, nor was transporting half a ton or more of stone trivial for a private individual. I'd like to think that he meant any stone of that size and weight, rather than something that is used to feed people.

In fact, a neighbouring village from here was exporting millstones (to for'n parts) as long ago 3rd century AD. And whetstones too for that matter.

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I gritted my teeth and watched that damned video. Im an atheist, but...tiny children dressed in pancake makeup and skimpy lingerie and parading in front of adults is demonic. Those responsible should be thrown into The Pit.

I think it's incumbent on people who care, to witness this evil shit, and to encourage others to witness it. To look away is to be like the 1945 era Germans who claimed not to know what was going on in the camps. "I see nothing, I know nothing" like Sgt Schultz from Hogan's Heroes.

Bear witness, and tell your friends. Dont be afraid to speak out against it. You'll be called homophobic, or transphobic, or some such shit, but it doesn't matter. We must fight the darkness.

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This is what happens when men and women truly believe they are gods and goddesses and morality is relative. Each person can create their own "utopia" and anything goes because the moral compass has been tossed over the ledge. If everything is relative and no truth exists, who is to stop people from creating their own hell on earth, pushing it upon everyone else? It's a belief system, an ideology, a religion. This type of thing doesn't just stop overnight. Like a runaway train it seems to gain speed before the inevitable happens.

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Why was the lady putting treats into the first ones mouths like they were well behaving little dogs?


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In history, children were made into rulers, into pharoahs, into kings and queens. Childhood was not 'sacred'. In the Industrial Age, (and now also) children were/are pressed into work in factories and died cleaning machines that only their small bodies could squeeze into, at great harm to themselves. Children work in mines. I see these recent attempts to mold children on this continium. Also, this time the conversation cannot be had fully until you consider the effect of 50 years of hormone distrupting chemicals in the environment, dropping the testerone levels of all humans but beginning before birth, in the womb. These changes make the girls less girly, and the boys less boy-ey, right out of the gate. Look at the work of Dr. Shanna Swan re this.

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Earlier this week a sitting American Democrat senator suggested that “minor attracted persons” are a normal part of society and should be given dolls that look like children upon which to act out their fantasies. What the fuck!! And she was applauded for this sickening comment.


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My Dad, who was born in 1911, taught me to think for myself while respecting my elders. He was a big fan of Chesterton. in high school I loved reading Shakespeare. In 1969 I said to my bride that words were not merely vehicles of communication which transported thought. Words controlled thought.

So avoid THEY when referring to a individual. And use PANICDEMIC when referring to the clueless reaction to a virus.

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I watched four seconds of it and got the idea.

If you are “sex positive” (as used in the modern parlance) and believe “love is love,” I’m not sure there is a good argument against this kind of sickness. Everybody who supports it adopts the mindset of the pedophile who was himself abused and recreates the abuse in order to deny how badly he was damaged when most vulnerable: it’s no different, they convince themselves, than introducing children to chocolate bars or carousels or the other pleasures of life. So degrading and heartbreaking and also in denial of what it is to be a girl or a woman, and what females need and desire.

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I did not watch the “Pride” piece. I believe sexual orientation is thrust upon us rather than chosen and so OTOH I do not believe in discriminating against homos, but OTOH, they obviously have an agenda to change society and have influence disproportionate to their numbers. And, I believe the influence is harmful.

The attack on language is per se harmful and should be resisted or we will lose our ability to think reason and think logically. A child can be a he or a she but a child cannot be a they.

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A friend sent me a photo last autumn of an event in Amsterdam along similar lines, except it was a parade on boats - adults as far as I could see but still I was utterly appalled at this public "exposition" of S&M etc, in the name of Pride. I suspect it was far less disturbing than your Spanish event. I deleted the Amsterdam photos and, having seen them, I have not opened your link. The corruption of young children in this way is beyond the pale. Pride exposed for what it is. Doesn't Pride come before a fall? But whose fall I wonder?

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