We are, it is said, living in a world drowning in dangerous things like misinformation. I think we might have a different problem; we’re drowning in asymptomatic information (contraction : ass-information). Stuff that has none of the symptoms of meaning.
If you’ve ever worked for a large corporate entity, you’ll probably already know the kind of thing I’m talking about. In these strange parallel universes, they have something known as an HR department. The things staffing these departments are, in my view, the single best piece of evidence we have for the existence of alien lifeforms. They talk and write and operate in a way that defies human explanation, and you’ll certainly never meet one of these creatures outside of the highly artificial and protected environment of the corporate world.
I lost count (along with the will to live) of the number of personnel “initiatives” that were introduced by the space lizards the HR dept where I worked. What was wrong with last year’s1? I thought that was “designed” to transform the whole culture and efficiency of the organization? Not questions you could easily get away with.
These days, of course, these ‘training’ initiatives, designed to transform you into the perfect corporate zombie, are mostly written in the new language of Wokish.
Wokish is a new language that operates in a different way to all previous languages. It is designed to sound meaningful, even quite important and grandiose, whilst conveying no meaning whatsoever.
Wokish is something we’ve all had to come to terms with and, with a little practice, one can become quite fluent in it. Here’s one I prepared earlier :
The hermeneutical injustice of cisheteronormative co-dependent and cross-fertilized systemic linear temporality pervades every quasi-interaction, disadvantaging the hermeneutically marginalized in ways that perpetuate whiteness and white supremacy.
If it sounds like non-sense, it’s because it is.
How many more paragraphs, just like this, do we need to read? You need only to take the briefest squint at the utter horseshit that emanates from university ‘humanities’ departments and how that leaks out into society, like some ghastly mind virus escaping from its lab, to realize this kind of stuff is everywhere. It’s gone far beyond the corporate space lizard shenanigans of a typical HR department.
But it’s very similar - you’re just applying the same baffling meaningful meaninglessness at a society level, rather than simply at corporate level.
Thus we end up with the meaningful meaninglessness of things like “climate justice” which is the idea, if we can even legitimately elevate it to the status of an idea, that certain groups, usually characterized by melanin content, are disproportionally affected by climate change, and that they deserve some kind of justice for this injustice that has, apparently, been heaped upon them by the (obviously) white supremacist climate.
Of course, this involves things like significant input of taxpayer money to fund things like governmental money laundering schemes climate reparations.
Every time you drive your (petrol) car, you selfish bastard, some poor kid in Africa is being hit in the goolies by climate change, don’cha know?
I’m sure you all have your own favourite examples of assinformation. We have seen it, seemingly since historical records began, from our politicians. These are people we pay to sound important, but who almost always convey precisely no information at all.
Another example of meaningful meaninglessness, this assinformation, was the phrase so dutifully trotted out during the, erm, ‘pandemic’. Remember them telling us that nobody is safe until everybody is safe?
What does this asinine effluvium even mean?
It all reminds me of the Imhotep zombies in the movie The Mummy (45s)
You’ll notice how John Hannah’s character has to play along with it all in order to effect an escape - and even then he’s discovered. There’s a lesson to be learned there when it comes to all the woke pandemic of virtue signalling.
So, it should come as no surprise at all to learn that the WHO’s latest foray into global control protecting our health is an almost textbook example of assinformation.
The mysterious, but rather wonderful, internet entity known as Eugyppius has recently delved into the latest WHO proposal to make us all safe from the deadly scourge of The Future Pandemic of Doom™ (otherwise known as the Runny Nose of Ruination™). He claims to have read the document 5 times, but I think he’s lying. No human could read that thing 5 times and not slip into a vegetative state. Perhaps he’s an alien lizard escapee from some HR department.
These clueless fuckers are (probably literally) salivating over the possibility of some future global Holy Shit We’re All Going To Die™ event.
In order to protect ourselves against this clear and present threat to humanity we must do all sorts of stuff, they claim. We must, for example, have a “One Health Approach” which, they claim, means the following :
“One Health approach” means an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants and the wider environment (including ecosystems) is closely linked and interdependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate change, and contributing to sustainable development
It all sounds so important and meaningful, doesn’t it? But read it more closely and you’ll see it’s all just assinformation. It’s meaningless gibberish.
The words you really need to focus on here (just ignore all the other meaningless fluff) are “integrated” and “unifying”.
We all know what that really means don’t we?
It’s more of the stuff we saw during covid, only this time operating at a centralized global level.
What’s abundantly clear is that if we’d simply done nothing, and I mean literally nothing, to ‘manage’ covid at a society-wide level, we’d be in a better place right now than we are.
I’m not suggesting that doing nothing would have been the right thing to do - but of the two options (a) do nothing and (b) do what we did, then option (a) is the clear winner.
But the control freaks at the WHO (and elsewhere) actually think that our ‘pandemic management’ during covid actually made things better!
It was so good, so effective, in fact, that we must get it in all in place at a global level - just in case there’s another worldwide bout of the Sniffles of Sorrow™.
There’s (at least) two unspoken assumptions that characterize this document. First of all that this stuff is necessary and, secondly, that it’s the right thing to do. There’s this implicit assumption that, had this only been in place from the outset, then covid could have had much less of a global impact.
It’s a failure to recognise that, by far and away, the biggest negative impact came not from the disease itself, but from our response to it.
But they want to set this in stone, like Moses giving us the Ten Commandments, so that in the event of the emergence of another Sore Throat of Significant Threat™ we’re all up and ready to clamp down on society, whilst doing bugger all to mitigate against the effects of whatever little nano-nasty is assumed to be circulating.
There’s an argument circulating, in response to the covid response, that ‘pandemics’ of respiratory viruses are, largely, a work of fiction. As I understand it, the idea is that these things have been circulating for thousands of years and that we’ve built up, as a species, a considerable degree of cross-reactive immunity, so that the probability that some totally novel virus could emerge from a spontaneous mutation (or even be non-spontaneously created in a lab) to give rise to a significant degree of morbidity and mortality is extremely low to the point of insignificance.
I don’t know whether this claim is close to the truth, but it seems to be much closer to the truth than the assinformation we were served up during covid.
I think, to some extent, this is a red herring. Even if this position was incorrect, that pandemics of respiratory viruses are not largely fictional, then it does not make the global response as indicated by the WHO the right thing to do.
Even if, tomorrow, we were faced with CoronaKaka v2.0, which did constitute a legitimate pandemic, then we should not be doing the same shit that didn’t work for the original CoronaDoom™.
Doing the wrong things in response to a disease is idiocy, but the WHO want to turn this into a globally integrated and unified idiocy.
The thing that the notion of a ‘pandemic’ does do, is to weaponize our fears against us. This was a massive technique of manipulation during covid.
There was an old meme circulating which you probably remember; what if they gave a war and nobody came? A quick squint at Wikipedia suggests this phrase was popularized as a result of a 1966 magazine article criticizing the Vietnam War with the title “Suppose They Gave a War and No One Came”.
We can adapt this for the WHO’s latest attempt at a power-grab through assinformation
Welcome to the Age of Assinformation™
There were always lots wrong with these initiatives, so this is a very rhetorical question
"It’s a failure to recognize that, by far and away, the biggest negative impact came not from the disease itself, but from our response to it." -- Substitute the word "event" for the word "disease" and you have a general postulate that holds true, in so many ways, about so many things.
The preoccupation with “Mis” and “dis” information is telling. For at least fifty years our public health institutions have been giving us bad information about the things that make us healthy and long-lived. The problem with people is not that we are too stupid, lazy, or weak-willed to follow their instructions; we are more prone to illness precisely because we’ve listened to their advice. (Eat low fat foods! Eat more frequently! Never skip a meal, especially not breakfast! Ultraprocess foods like meat and milk for hygienic reasons ! Dont feed your baby peanut products! Don’t go outside, even in winter, without spf 50! Exercise will make you lose weight! Etc.) How in the world could anyone think we should be more limited in what information we have access to— and that it should be under the purview of gov’t agencies?