This is a still taken from the movie Marathon Man in which Laurence Olivier promotes trust in dentists in the same way governments and Pfizer have promoted trust in vaccines.
I have another red flag. I live next door to a retired GP who is well-connected with the medical-science community in our famous English university city. In April 2020 we had an email conversation about the PCR testing (this was when testing was scarce). He and his colleagues could not understand why the government did not recruit university medical science labs (attached to university hospitals) around the country to administer covid tests. They were all set up for it as that’s what they do every day. Instead the government set up an entirely new system of private company testing. I’m guessing this happened in other countries too since they all copy each other. My hypotheses for this is that keeping it out of universities meant they could cycle higher with no questions asked.
What bothers me are the obvious disinformation signals.
The Lancet study that killed HCQ. It was 100% fraudulent and withdrawn two weeks later. How did this study get published? Who paid for it? Why didn't HCQ get allowed again after the paper was withdrawn?
The reasons for your questions will be revealed over the next few years. Here are a couple more that have me scratching my head:
--Why did Alex Berenson use a segment of airtime reserved to discuss censorship of anti-narrative voices in the media to disparage Dr. Robert Malone and ivermectin on Friday?
--Was it because Dr. Malone began connecting the dots and warning about the worldwide totalitarian movement going on?
--Why doesn't Berenson ever "go there?"
--Isn't it weird that Alex Berenson complained that his anti-covid books were ignored by MSM and reviewers, but one of his novels was sold for film adaptation at, presumably, a small fortune?
--Is that novel another "Anna Karenina" or is it, as it is for so many tomes written by politicians, just a way to pay off/bribe individuals performing a useful task for corporations?
I really like Alex Berenson. I think he just lost his temper, he’s a bit irascible. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical of Robert Malone at first, I still am a bit. He could be CIA but working for the good side (if there is a good side to the CIA). Berenson does have a blind spot with Ivermectin but so do the pro-Ivermectin team. It’s probably not a wonder drug, although it seems it is a good drug for covid. Berenson knows a lot about politics, more than most scientists. I do too and when you know how politics operates you see more cock up than conspiracy. That said, there are far too many red flags as the good professor has pointed out. The elites are so hapless that they’d never be able to pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude. Perhaps therein lies the answer?! The mind still boggles.
I have been in contact with doctors who would question the sincerity of anyone who attacks IVM too vociferously. Wonder drug? Who cares? Appears to work for C19, as per a BUNCH of studies from reputable people? Yes. Seems to have been targeted specifically early on to discredit it? Definitely. <Shrugs> Berenson? Who knows?
I don't think Joe Rogan asked Malone why he got the vaccine, maybe he did, but I don't remember hearing it. I've been skeptical of Malone too. I'm still trying to figure him out. What bothers me is WHY — especially how he's so against the vaccine — WHY did he get vaccinated? And 2 doses? Has he ever publicly explained that?
Well, I can answer that question, pretty much directly from Malone's mouth. (I was on a conference call with him a few months back.) Initially, he figured the vaccine was safe, at least safe enough. He and his wife wanted to travel, and he figured, "Hell, might as well take this thing and avoid any travel hassle." Later on, as the (unrealistic and unusual) pressure to get vaccinated ratcheted up, his doubts began to rise. Fast forward, and he noticed that asking questions, even as someone with a pedigree such as his, was aggressively decried. That pushed him over the edge, apparently. (To be clear, that's what he said. I make no pledge to its veracity.)
Given that many of us--myself included--took a while to sniff-out the feces being strewn, I do not fault him for this. Plus, I have many people--some who whom I love--who have accepted The Narrative™ hook, line, and sinker. Am I smarter than all of them, or is it just dumb luck that I happened to figure it out---assuming that I have figured it all out? I do not mean to be a Malone apologist, nor does he need one. Simply attempting to answer your question, since I have a bit of information, albeit just a bit.
Thanks for this. Yeah, I think he explained something like this on Rogan. It actually seems like a lot of people had that kind of attitude, deciding to take the vaccine thinking it'd make life simpler. But, Malone? He's the inventor of the damn technology, for crying out loud. Surely for him there's got to be a strong deep understanding that this shit is just no bueno. Still, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm a paid subscriber to his Substack, and I like reading his posts.
I don't think it's dumb luck that you figured it out. I'd give you more credit than that. In fact, I think nearly everyone here deserves more credit than just dumb luck. You actively CHOSE NOT to follow the sheep drinking all that Koolaid. That's a clear conscious, educated, calculated, and possibly an intuitive choice. I definitely don't think it's luck.
You are very kind, but if this COVID Dumpster Fire™ has taught me anything, it is the power of narrative. With apologies for being long-winded, let me share a personal theory. (I say this with the caveat that I enjoy being able to declare that "I didn't drink the Kool-Aid.")
Have you ever watched one of those late-night infomercials in its entirety? At the start, most of us would be thinking, "Geez! There is no way anyone needs 128 socket wrenches in a custom leather case." Thirty minutes of messaging, marketing, manipulation later, and all but the strongest among us is thinking, "Hell, I certainly don't need 128 socket wrenches in a custom leather case myself, but, they sure would make a nice gift for Uncle Harold!"
Now, imagine months and months of the same type of crap, provided via all media, using the same tools, to convey COVID messaging. And this time, just for spice, they throw fear into the mix, along with the messaging, marketing, and manipulation! In that context, it strikes me as amazing that so many of us were still asking, "WTAF?" So, yes, for the time being, rather than let my ego convince me of being (obviously) smarter-than-those-other-losers, I would instead chalk it up to dumb luck. And, be glad it happened. Of course, YMMV!
For me, I’m not a TV watcher. Plus I worked in a hospital and saw the lies firsthand. The combo of the two opened my eyes real fast-so, for me it’s not necessarily related to intelligence. Also I think personality traits play a big role- I’m not a big social media fan and don’t crave approval from my peers. My friend (oops! EX friend) who cares about all that nonsense was first in line to condemn all the unvaxxed.
I too am grateful for these pockets of covid sanity, but I wonder how much longer these places for confirmation will exist. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but shortly after George Floyd died in the summer of 2020, Google was rigged--conservative/Christian websites were completely inaccessible via the search engine for a few hours. An innocent glitch, they implausibly announced.
Klaus Schwab and a lot of his buddies are pretty closely tied in to the Club of Rome. and one of the main concerns of this club is population which has grown beyond "carrying capacity". If you look at "Limits to Growth", published in 1972, it predicts depletion of important non-renewable resources - mainly fossil fuels. Mechanized agriculture is entirely dependent on fossil fuels - as is pretty much everything else. But it's food production which is the bottleneck.
Capitalism is dependent on growth of capital, and this growth is exponential. The WEF people are really interested in economic growth - they really want to keep it going. Unfortunately, resources which fuel growth - fossil fuels, primarily - are finite and being depleted. Once used, they're gone. So exponential growth has a limit point. And population growth is directly correlated to growth in energy use, too.
So, to keep things going in the way the WEF people want, population growth would have had to be controlled - capped - by, say, 1980. That didn't happen, population has at least doubled since then. So, by this argument, and with this set of facts, population has to be reduced. And growth has to be capped. And the question is, how?
Global nuclear war would do the trick, but the people who run the WEF really don't want that - nor does any sane person - which at this point, includes very few people from the US/EU ruling class, or so it would seem - Ukraine, anyone?
So there has to be another way to get this done. A drug which kills people, not outright for the most part, but over a period of about five years, and which sterilizes children before they reach reproductive age, that would do the trick. If you could get 80% of the world's population to voluntarily take this drug, within about 5 years, the problem would be a long way down the road to a solution. And you'd want to selectively kill off non-productive, non-creative populations - the "woke", the people with "bullshit jobs" - trimming deadweight, so to speak. Unfortunately, you can't really get people to voluntarily take such a drug or give it to their children, at least under normal circumstances.
So, you have to create abnormal circumstances - like a worldwide pandemic - and the drug is the "vaccine"... And that would work. And maybe it has.
It struck me as pretty obvious at the time - no stop to infection, no prevention of infection - the two effects a vaccine must have, at least for infectious disease, so they're not vaccines at all. And then there are the "side effects" which were probably known beforehand, given the legislation in each country banning products liability lawsuits, and those "side effects" - actually the *only* effects - are premature death, stillbirth, and sterilization. So it struck me as pretty obvious that this wasn't a public health measure, rather the opposite - a "kill shot" - and that's what I've called it since maybe April 2021. And I know about Limits to Growth and its updates - and so do WEF (who have scrubbed every mention of it from their website except for on lightweight "debunking" presentation from 2021) whose first Davos Conference in 1972 *featured* Limits to Growth and in fact WEF people may have sponsored it. And LtG has been shown, at least the BAU - Business As Usual - scenario, to have pretty closely tracked actual trends for the past 49 years, in a study published by KPMG in 2021. I'm not surprised by the drop in live births, that would be a predictable outcome, given the tendency of spike from vaccine to concentrate in ovaries and the female reproductive system - a fact known by Pfizer in a Japanese pre-release study.
I won't live long enough to see, but do you think that the babies that are being born will also have fertility problems? My guess is yes, but Then I am still arguing with the premise that we are out of energy.....
Your questions strike me as rhetorical. Nearly all of them can be answered on the basis of a few principles, none of them having to do with science or logic (except perhaps political science and financial logic.) And you obviously know that. These were the kinds of questions one asked during maybe the first six months from March 2020, but we then lost our naivety when it become so obvious how all errors pointed in one direction. The only relevant question for me now is whether, as the scientific narrative "collapses", it will make any dent in the enormous hatred/incomprehension felt by a large fraction of the population for those of us who never bought into it. No politician will oppose that group. I fear we'll be trying to navigate our way through this dystopian society for the rest of our lives. I really hope to be proven wrong. As many commentators have pointed out, the lockdowns were only the latest, and spectacularly successful, consequence of creeping socialism/authoritarianism that had been going on for years, a trend which people like me chose to ignore.
You raise some very important questions - thanks for that.
Yes - a lot of the questions I have been asking myself almost from the start. Too many things just didn't fit right. It was like having bits of a jigsaw puzzle but working with the wrong picture on the box. I still don't have any adequate way of fitting all the pieces together. I've tried looking at this from all sorts of angles, and haven't found a set of motivations and reasons that satisfy me - maybe it's a jumbled mix and I'm looking for reason where there is none.
The heavy influence of Pharma can clearly be seen, but the societal restructuring in the face of a not-so-deadly pandemic is much harder to explain without resorting to ideas that seem a little too "conspiratorial". The gap between the data and the correct interpretations of it, and the actions and policies of governments is too big to easily fill with notions of incompetence or panic. When such a chasm exists between reality and government response it's all too easy to fill that void with colourful theorizing.
I, too, think the trends before covid have played a part in shaping the response. When one can be considered "hateful" for questioning the notion that a biological male is actually a woman, for example, we can see these pressures for conformity to a particular perspective that runs counter to science and common sense - but is supposed to be for some vague "greater good". It's this growing appeal of collectivism that has pushed things too far in the case of covid - and authoritarianism is just the logical consequence of collectivism, in my view.
Actually I am not proposing any particular conspiracy theory. Only that -- as you agree -- every single one of these "failures" by government health authorities all tended in a single direction - to make the pandemic seem worse. That means they were intentional. I guess all I am saying is that your list is really an enumeration of what they lied about, rather than why they lied about it.
Apologies if I appeared to be smearing you with that dread "conspiracy" word.
Honestly, I'm at a loss. The only way I can find a "best fit" to answer all of these kinds of questions is to think along "conspiracy" lines - and that troubles me greatly. There does seem to be a hidden agenda - it's all way, way too much for a virus with such a low IFR.
But I'm also not at all comfortable with this kind of "God of the gaps" argument either - just because I can't (currently) explain everything does not mean we're all being manipulated by a group of Bond villains on steroids with some dastardly scheme for mankind.
One thing seems very certain though - big Pharma are very definitely not your friends. They like your money - they don't give a shit about you. In an emergency I'm actually OK with zero liability (not that this has been an emergency) but only provided the product is non-profit - and every single piece of data surrounding it is fully open and transparent - including the financial data to ensure it's being provided non-profit. They shouldn't be able to have it both ways. No liability - no profit.
"At the end of December 2019, Wenliang, an eye doctor from Wuhan, noticed an allegedly unusual incidence of pneumonia. It remains a mystery what is unusual about 44 patients in a over polluted city with over 8 million citizens during winter."
If we were in grade school, I would swear you copied off my paper! Many good questions. Few, if any, plausible answers that do not involve graft, deception, evil, and frankly, all manner of totalitarian bullshit.
I don't know if I copied the link correctly. I've never tried it before. Please forgive me if it is in error.
If this link does not take you to an article about "The Great Reset," stay on this site and search Klaus Schwab. It's the article from January 6th of this year (2022). Please read it. It is the best article I've read on it yet.
Excellent! With minor complaint: by boosting the number of questions to the magic 42, you are disencouraging readers to formulate more. Luckily, I am resistant to subtle advice (says my wife):
Why no cohort analysis? Everything, I mean everything (case rates, hospitalizations, deaths, vaccine efficacy, vaccine safety) should have been studied that way. At least in Germany, cohort studies are absent. It's not lack of money.
Haha - it wasn't meant to be advice - I've been writing this for a few hours and was just getting a bit tired. 42 seemed like an appropriate place to stop.
I would very much welcome further input - like yours!
Reading all these interesting and thought-provoking comments makes me want to hear these discussions presented at a live conference with all of these master thinkers like Riggery, Eugyppius, El Gato Malo, Joel Smalley, Nawaz, Yeadon, Berenson, Malone, just to name a few. I think there is or was some seminar in the States, but let's have something hosted here in the UK!
That distance came from a middle school science fair project. The paper that followed, co-authored by the student's father--who happened to work at a national lab--was published during the Bush II years, IIRC.
As an aside, and maybe due to boredom, I actually looked the paper up, again. (For those with time to kill, here is it: The mind reels at the fact that national policy has been established based upon the assumptions of a 15-year old student, basically because her Dad happened to work at a national lab! Clown World was in full swing, even back then.
I was in the post office earlier (without a mask- I'm continuing on my rebellious journey of non-mask wearing although it is 'against the law' (apparently)-I was a relatively sensible teenager/uni student so I'm clearly having a mid-life crisis)-anyway, I was perfectly happy to keep 2m away from absolutely everyone, as someone had the most godawful BO.... there's always an upside :)
Easy. The police in Germany are using sticks of that length to check the 1.5 metre rule on protests. Sticks longer than that would run into physical problems (they might break, they might be too heavy, they might not fit into the trunk of the police car).
Yes. And #44: why have they been saying it's ok to mix and match injections... of substances that are still under experimental trial to begin with!?!??
I have another red flag. I live next door to a retired GP who is well-connected with the medical-science community in our famous English university city. In April 2020 we had an email conversation about the PCR testing (this was when testing was scarce). He and his colleagues could not understand why the government did not recruit university medical science labs (attached to university hospitals) around the country to administer covid tests. They were all set up for it as that’s what they do every day. Instead the government set up an entirely new system of private company testing. I’m guessing this happened in other countries too since they all copy each other. My hypotheses for this is that keeping it out of universities meant they could cycle higher with no questions asked.
And make certain people lots of money too.
What bothers me are the obvious disinformation signals.
The Lancet study that killed HCQ. It was 100% fraudulent and withdrawn two weeks later. How did this study get published? Who paid for it? Why didn't HCQ get allowed again after the paper was withdrawn?
The ivermectin study conclusion that changed, after a $40 million grant from UnitAid:
The reasons for your questions will be revealed over the next few years. Here are a couple more that have me scratching my head:
--Why did Alex Berenson use a segment of airtime reserved to discuss censorship of anti-narrative voices in the media to disparage Dr. Robert Malone and ivermectin on Friday?
--Was it because Dr. Malone began connecting the dots and warning about the worldwide totalitarian movement going on?
--Why doesn't Berenson ever "go there?"
--Isn't it weird that Alex Berenson complained that his anti-covid books were ignored by MSM and reviewers, but one of his novels was sold for film adaptation at, presumably, a small fortune?
--Is that novel another "Anna Karenina" or is it, as it is for so many tomes written by politicians, just a way to pay off/bribe individuals performing a useful task for corporations?
I really like Alex Berenson. I think he just lost his temper, he’s a bit irascible. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical of Robert Malone at first, I still am a bit. He could be CIA but working for the good side (if there is a good side to the CIA). Berenson does have a blind spot with Ivermectin but so do the pro-Ivermectin team. It’s probably not a wonder drug, although it seems it is a good drug for covid. Berenson knows a lot about politics, more than most scientists. I do too and when you know how politics operates you see more cock up than conspiracy. That said, there are far too many red flags as the good professor has pointed out. The elites are so hapless that they’d never be able to pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude. Perhaps therein lies the answer?! The mind still boggles.
I have been in contact with doctors who would question the sincerity of anyone who attacks IVM too vociferously. Wonder drug? Who cares? Appears to work for C19, as per a BUNCH of studies from reputable people? Yes. Seems to have been targeted specifically early on to discredit it? Definitely. <Shrugs> Berenson? Who knows?
I don't think Joe Rogan asked Malone why he got the vaccine, maybe he did, but I don't remember hearing it. I've been skeptical of Malone too. I'm still trying to figure him out. What bothers me is WHY — especially how he's so against the vaccine — WHY did he get vaccinated? And 2 doses? Has he ever publicly explained that?
Well, I can answer that question, pretty much directly from Malone's mouth. (I was on a conference call with him a few months back.) Initially, he figured the vaccine was safe, at least safe enough. He and his wife wanted to travel, and he figured, "Hell, might as well take this thing and avoid any travel hassle." Later on, as the (unrealistic and unusual) pressure to get vaccinated ratcheted up, his doubts began to rise. Fast forward, and he noticed that asking questions, even as someone with a pedigree such as his, was aggressively decried. That pushed him over the edge, apparently. (To be clear, that's what he said. I make no pledge to its veracity.)
Given that many of us--myself included--took a while to sniff-out the feces being strewn, I do not fault him for this. Plus, I have many people--some who whom I love--who have accepted The Narrative™ hook, line, and sinker. Am I smarter than all of them, or is it just dumb luck that I happened to figure it out---assuming that I have figured it all out? I do not mean to be a Malone apologist, nor does he need one. Simply attempting to answer your question, since I have a bit of information, albeit just a bit.
Thanks for this. Yeah, I think he explained something like this on Rogan. It actually seems like a lot of people had that kind of attitude, deciding to take the vaccine thinking it'd make life simpler. But, Malone? He's the inventor of the damn technology, for crying out loud. Surely for him there's got to be a strong deep understanding that this shit is just no bueno. Still, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm a paid subscriber to his Substack, and I like reading his posts.
I don't think it's dumb luck that you figured it out. I'd give you more credit than that. In fact, I think nearly everyone here deserves more credit than just dumb luck. You actively CHOSE NOT to follow the sheep drinking all that Koolaid. That's a clear conscious, educated, calculated, and possibly an intuitive choice. I definitely don't think it's luck.
You are very kind, but if this COVID Dumpster Fire™ has taught me anything, it is the power of narrative. With apologies for being long-winded, let me share a personal theory. (I say this with the caveat that I enjoy being able to declare that "I didn't drink the Kool-Aid.")
Have you ever watched one of those late-night infomercials in its entirety? At the start, most of us would be thinking, "Geez! There is no way anyone needs 128 socket wrenches in a custom leather case." Thirty minutes of messaging, marketing, manipulation later, and all but the strongest among us is thinking, "Hell, I certainly don't need 128 socket wrenches in a custom leather case myself, but, they sure would make a nice gift for Uncle Harold!"
Now, imagine months and months of the same type of crap, provided via all media, using the same tools, to convey COVID messaging. And this time, just for spice, they throw fear into the mix, along with the messaging, marketing, and manipulation! In that context, it strikes me as amazing that so many of us were still asking, "WTAF?" So, yes, for the time being, rather than let my ego convince me of being (obviously) smarter-than-those-other-losers, I would instead chalk it up to dumb luck. And, be glad it happened. Of course, YMMV!
For me, I’m not a TV watcher. Plus I worked in a hospital and saw the lies firsthand. The combo of the two opened my eyes real fast-so, for me it’s not necessarily related to intelligence. Also I think personality traits play a big role- I’m not a big social media fan and don’t crave approval from my peers. My friend (oops! EX friend) who cares about all that nonsense was first in line to condemn all the unvaxxed.
You are asking the same question that occurred to me, just last week. Thank you for the confirmation!
I too am grateful for these pockets of covid sanity, but I wonder how much longer these places for confirmation will exist. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but shortly after George Floyd died in the summer of 2020, Google was rigged--conservative/Christian websites were completely inaccessible via the search engine for a few hours. An innocent glitch, they implausibly announced.
This party is just getting started, I fear.
Amen, brother.
Thank you for that explanation. Makes total sense. I see the same in others too.
Exactly. Well described! 💯
Klaus Schwab and a lot of his buddies are pretty closely tied in to the Club of Rome. and one of the main concerns of this club is population which has grown beyond "carrying capacity". If you look at "Limits to Growth", published in 1972, it predicts depletion of important non-renewable resources - mainly fossil fuels. Mechanized agriculture is entirely dependent on fossil fuels - as is pretty much everything else. But it's food production which is the bottleneck.
Capitalism is dependent on growth of capital, and this growth is exponential. The WEF people are really interested in economic growth - they really want to keep it going. Unfortunately, resources which fuel growth - fossil fuels, primarily - are finite and being depleted. Once used, they're gone. So exponential growth has a limit point. And population growth is directly correlated to growth in energy use, too.
So, to keep things going in the way the WEF people want, population growth would have had to be controlled - capped - by, say, 1980. That didn't happen, population has at least doubled since then. So, by this argument, and with this set of facts, population has to be reduced. And growth has to be capped. And the question is, how?
Global nuclear war would do the trick, but the people who run the WEF really don't want that - nor does any sane person - which at this point, includes very few people from the US/EU ruling class, or so it would seem - Ukraine, anyone?
So there has to be another way to get this done. A drug which kills people, not outright for the most part, but over a period of about five years, and which sterilizes children before they reach reproductive age, that would do the trick. If you could get 80% of the world's population to voluntarily take this drug, within about 5 years, the problem would be a long way down the road to a solution. And you'd want to selectively kill off non-productive, non-creative populations - the "woke", the people with "bullshit jobs" - trimming deadweight, so to speak. Unfortunately, you can't really get people to voluntarily take such a drug or give it to their children, at least under normal circumstances.
So, you have to create abnormal circumstances - like a worldwide pandemic - and the drug is the "vaccine"... And that would work. And maybe it has.
Looking at the date you posted this....I hope you realize how prescient you were...
have you seen the latest drop in live births ?
It struck me as pretty obvious at the time - no stop to infection, no prevention of infection - the two effects a vaccine must have, at least for infectious disease, so they're not vaccines at all. And then there are the "side effects" which were probably known beforehand, given the legislation in each country banning products liability lawsuits, and those "side effects" - actually the *only* effects - are premature death, stillbirth, and sterilization. So it struck me as pretty obvious that this wasn't a public health measure, rather the opposite - a "kill shot" - and that's what I've called it since maybe April 2021. And I know about Limits to Growth and its updates - and so do WEF (who have scrubbed every mention of it from their website except for on lightweight "debunking" presentation from 2021) whose first Davos Conference in 1972 *featured* Limits to Growth and in fact WEF people may have sponsored it. And LtG has been shown, at least the BAU - Business As Usual - scenario, to have pretty closely tracked actual trends for the past 49 years, in a study published by KPMG in 2021. I'm not surprised by the drop in live births, that would be a predictable outcome, given the tendency of spike from vaccine to concentrate in ovaries and the female reproductive system - a fact known by Pfizer in a Japanese pre-release study.
I won't live long enough to see, but do you think that the babies that are being born will also have fertility problems? My guess is yes, but Then I am still arguing with the premise that we are out of energy.....
Your questions strike me as rhetorical. Nearly all of them can be answered on the basis of a few principles, none of them having to do with science or logic (except perhaps political science and financial logic.) And you obviously know that. These were the kinds of questions one asked during maybe the first six months from March 2020, but we then lost our naivety when it become so obvious how all errors pointed in one direction. The only relevant question for me now is whether, as the scientific narrative "collapses", it will make any dent in the enormous hatred/incomprehension felt by a large fraction of the population for those of us who never bought into it. No politician will oppose that group. I fear we'll be trying to navigate our way through this dystopian society for the rest of our lives. I really hope to be proven wrong. As many commentators have pointed out, the lockdowns were only the latest, and spectacularly successful, consequence of creeping socialism/authoritarianism that had been going on for years, a trend which people like me chose to ignore.
You raise some very important questions - thanks for that.
Yes - a lot of the questions I have been asking myself almost from the start. Too many things just didn't fit right. It was like having bits of a jigsaw puzzle but working with the wrong picture on the box. I still don't have any adequate way of fitting all the pieces together. I've tried looking at this from all sorts of angles, and haven't found a set of motivations and reasons that satisfy me - maybe it's a jumbled mix and I'm looking for reason where there is none.
The heavy influence of Pharma can clearly be seen, but the societal restructuring in the face of a not-so-deadly pandemic is much harder to explain without resorting to ideas that seem a little too "conspiratorial". The gap between the data and the correct interpretations of it, and the actions and policies of governments is too big to easily fill with notions of incompetence or panic. When such a chasm exists between reality and government response it's all too easy to fill that void with colourful theorizing.
I, too, think the trends before covid have played a part in shaping the response. When one can be considered "hateful" for questioning the notion that a biological male is actually a woman, for example, we can see these pressures for conformity to a particular perspective that runs counter to science and common sense - but is supposed to be for some vague "greater good". It's this growing appeal of collectivism that has pushed things too far in the case of covid - and authoritarianism is just the logical consequence of collectivism, in my view.
Actually I am not proposing any particular conspiracy theory. Only that -- as you agree -- every single one of these "failures" by government health authorities all tended in a single direction - to make the pandemic seem worse. That means they were intentional. I guess all I am saying is that your list is really an enumeration of what they lied about, rather than why they lied about it.
Apologies if I appeared to be smearing you with that dread "conspiracy" word.
Honestly, I'm at a loss. The only way I can find a "best fit" to answer all of these kinds of questions is to think along "conspiracy" lines - and that troubles me greatly. There does seem to be a hidden agenda - it's all way, way too much for a virus with such a low IFR.
But I'm also not at all comfortable with this kind of "God of the gaps" argument either - just because I can't (currently) explain everything does not mean we're all being manipulated by a group of Bond villains on steroids with some dastardly scheme for mankind.
One thing seems very certain though - big Pharma are very definitely not your friends. They like your money - they don't give a shit about you. In an emergency I'm actually OK with zero liability (not that this has been an emergency) but only provided the product is non-profit - and every single piece of data surrounding it is fully open and transparent - including the financial data to ensure it's being provided non-profit. They shouldn't be able to have it both ways. No liability - no profit.
Indeed. Note also how they worked an anti-cash angle into the whole thing: "Cash so dirty! Me no want touch cash! Digital payments only!"
you could have gone until 44 ;)
"At the end of December 2019, Wenliang, an eye doctor from Wuhan, noticed an allegedly unusual incidence of pneumonia. It remains a mystery what is unusual about 44 patients in a over polluted city with over 8 million citizens during winter."
If we were in grade school, I would swear you copied off my paper! Many good questions. Few, if any, plausible answers that do not involve graft, deception, evil, and frankly, all manner of totalitarian bullshit.
I don't know if I copied the link correctly. I've never tried it before. Please forgive me if it is in error.
If this link does not take you to an article about "The Great Reset," stay on this site and search Klaus Schwab. It's the article from January 6th of this year (2022). Please read it. It is the best article I've read on it yet.
Excellent! With minor complaint: by boosting the number of questions to the magic 42, you are disencouraging readers to formulate more. Luckily, I am resistant to subtle advice (says my wife):
Why no cohort analysis? Everything, I mean everything (case rates, hospitalizations, deaths, vaccine efficacy, vaccine safety) should have been studied that way. At least in Germany, cohort studies are absent. It's not lack of money.
Haha - it wasn't meant to be advice - I've been writing this for a few hours and was just getting a bit tired. 42 seemed like an appropriate place to stop.
I would very much welcome further input - like yours!
Reading all these interesting and thought-provoking comments makes me want to hear these discussions presented at a live conference with all of these master thinkers like Riggery, Eugyppius, El Gato Malo, Joel Smalley, Nawaz, Yeadon, Berenson, Malone, just to name a few. I think there is or was some seminar in the States, but let's have something hosted here in the UK!
I'm definitely a master something - but not, alas, a master thinker - you do me far too much credit - but thanks anyway!
Why no largescale efforts to establish seroprevalence on population basis?
(some exceptions: UK, India)
Why did CDC stop recording asymptomatic vaccinated cases???
To hide the fact it happens. If they're giving it to each other, they can't blame us and send us away.
Where on earth did the 1.5 metres come from???
That distance came from a middle school science fair project. The paper that followed, co-authored by the student's father--who happened to work at a national lab--was published during the Bush II years, IIRC.
As an aside, and maybe due to boredom, I actually looked the paper up, again. (For those with time to kill, here is it: The mind reels at the fact that national policy has been established based upon the assumptions of a 15-year old student, basically because her Dad happened to work at a national lab! Clown World was in full swing, even back then.
I was in the post office earlier (without a mask- I'm continuing on my rebellious journey of non-mask wearing although it is 'against the law' (apparently)-I was a relatively sensible teenager/uni student so I'm clearly having a mid-life crisis)-anyway, I was perfectly happy to keep 2m away from absolutely everyone, as someone had the most godawful BO.... there's always an upside :)
“The first principal of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Easy. The police in Germany are using sticks of that length to check the 1.5 metre rule on protests. Sticks longer than that would run into physical problems (they might break, they might be too heavy, they might not fit into the trunk of the police car).
44. What engineered virus, which killed people average age around life expectancy... And why would China let us in their bio labs?
Another one worth asking: Why in hell was pfizer allowed to vaccinate the control group of their trial WELL before end of trial?
Rudolph, this was a great list, but unfortunately you will be ignored because you
make absolute sense. They don't WANT to answer your questions.....
Yes. And #44: why have they been saying it's ok to mix and match injections... of substances that are still under experimental trial to begin with!?!??