(Using the US meaning of race, i.e. kultur and ehtnicity rolled up into one):

I'm still waiting for 5 000 000 000 africans, semites, arabs and asians to apologise for all the historical atrocities their races have perpetrated on white people, each-other and any one weaker than them they could get their filthy paws on. They and their ancestors have cause hundreds of millions of deaths due to war, genocide, slavery, rape, pillaging, enforced starvation, piracy, and religious holy war - jihads. Yet, they always come crawling and demanding of the white man to save them whenever there's war and conflict in their home areas, whenever there's a natural disaster, an epidemic, a draught, a flood, starvation. Then it's always the brown, yellow and black hand reaching out begging the white man to fix what they themselves refuse to make themselves able to do.

No wonder they feel such hate for us - that is what undeserved charity, persecution complex and Dolchstoss-legend as core components of culture makes you. A hateful, spiteful, violent and ungrateful beggar.

Edgy, ain't it? The sword of truth and justice that is. Real edgy.

That's our strength as whites, and our weakness: we and only we of all races rise above the petty tribal clannish mentalities of the non-white races to embrace meritocracy and universal rights as a human being. That notion is uniquely european (incluing her cultural offspring) and has no counterpart among any other race or culture.

I'm guessing anyone reading this are feeling lots of conditioned reflexes right about now. A primal urge or need to dispute my opinion above. A seemingly spontaneus demand from the hippocampus to proclaim the above racist, bigoted and I don't know what else.

Yet all I wrote is the exact same thing non-whites living in our nations proclaim daily. I just switched the roles assigned. And if the colour or culture of the one statig a fact or an opinion matters more than the fact or opinion in itself... well. Then the one reacting that way is the racist.

The obligatory caveat (called "Brasklapp" in swedish after bishop Brask who slipped in a secret note under his seal when he was forced at swordpoint to sign a document of loyalty to the crown):

I don't hate any race. I don't see anything good in "The White Man's Burden". Let different peoples be different - in their own homelands. Go to Saudi and make out with your same-sex partner? Take the lumps for being an entitled idiot who disrespects their culture and creed. Come from Saudi to Europe and demand you be allowed to practice islam? You should be sent home in an ambulance. This is how I was raised:

When you visit someone's home, be on your best behaviour because the way you carry yourself will impact your family's reputation. When you go abroad, it's the same but for your entire people and nation.

This is the opposite of the disgusting, filthy and obnoxious hate spewed forth from non-whites allowed to settle on our continent, in our nations, day in and day out. Welcome, if you can act proper - otherwise get out or get deported with a size 12 DM boot up your backside.

As for royalty... if the people haven't voted you king or queen, you are no king or queen of mine. One of Sweden's oldest recorded laws - before the coming of the christians it is believed - said: Swedes hold the right to king elect and king depose". Shame the Danes didn't impart that on you during the Danelaw.

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The destruction of our history and culture is not accidental or the result of deep remorse for our "unique" rottenness. Only someone completely ignorant in history is unaware that humans everywhere have committed horrible atrocities. Only someone completely ignorant in history is unaware that the notion of human rights and the dignity of each and every human being IS unique to the West. An anti-human agenda is underway, as the well-being of "the planet" has now superseded the well-being of its inhabitants.

For the New World Order (they will come up with a catchier name for One World Government) to proceed, and for people to "own nothing, yada, etc," the middle class needs to be destroyed. The middle class in the world is overwhelmingly white, so we must be deracinated and made the villains in this upcoming drama. Well, at least those (MAGA!) who would resist. Soft-headed liberals can always be counted on to be very useful idiots.

This show is just getting started. It's going to be a very interesting decade.

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"One has to remark on those royal sausage fingers." That looks like one of the signs of congestive heart failure, and I've got to wonder if that's a post-vax development. If there are any pictures of his hands pre- and post-vax, they would be telling...

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I didn't know black people couldn't roll their eyes. Oh well, you learn something new everyday.

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I'm amused when I see video of Charles giving speeches on economic or social issues. Of all the people you could listen to in this world, a member of an obsolete royal family in a declining nation whose never done an honest days work in his life, this would be the last guy.

Do you think Charles has any concept, or care, of how regular people live their lives?

I don't need to hear his opinion about anything. Just put on your funny little hat, walk around the courtyard when the change the guard or whatever, and shut the **** up. 🤨😄

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I have nothing but disdain for the very concept of royalty. The notion that a bloodline (race) is somehow ordained to be superior is the mirror image of saying that a racism. I also find it baffling that the people of Great Britain continue to tolerate and worship such an elitist system. Worse still, when I woke this morning and began to sip my coffee the news (here in the United States) is showing the convoy of vehicles transporting the Queens body to be worshipped. Why?

Don't get me wrong, I have no reason to hate or even dislike Elizabeth. To my understanding she was a decent human being who played the role she was born into well. Certainly far better than her progeny have, or ever will. But here in the States we actually fought a war to be free of the crown and now our media, and unfortunately the most ignorant amongst us, worship the Royals.

I only hope that the Queen's passing begins to bring an end to the worshipping stupidity. But even if it doesn't the UK should at least take Harry & his nightmare bride back.

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CRT sprouted up because a certain number of people just couldn't let white supremacy shrivel up and die in shame in the dark corners where it went to hide. They had to fan its flames and add fuel to it, and I worry that they will grow a generation of extremists (black and white). Because not all of these little boys are going to grow up to become woman and, one way or another, Ibram X. Kendi riles people up.

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The central motivation behind Critical Race Theory is to promote racial awareness, the awareness of races as separate identities with well-defined characteristics - exactly the sort of thing the Progressive Eugenicists were up to in the late 1800s and early 1900s - and that the races should be kept apart from each other. Civil rights just hasn't worked out, and now it's a return to Jim Crow - at the insistence of the (still) minorities who have gotten at least the possibility of benefit from the civil rights laws, or at least that's the story.

What we've actually got is a group of otherwise unemployable people who are creating conflict in order to make work for themselves, in which they can become parasites and suck the lifeblood from the productive parts of society, which actually span all races - it was, after all, a black mathematician who did the work to put the US on the moon (https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/71576/black-female-mathematicians-who-sent-astronauts-space). Bad actors reside within all races and creeds, it's up to people to recognize the bad actors and to drive them from civilized society - perhaps confining them to mental institutions or prisons - so that the rest of us can progress.

It is to the great advantage of the bad actors in the Chinese Communist Party to introduce as many bitter divisions in western society, to weaken it in order to allow the CCP to have its way with the rest of the world, and make as much of a mess of it as they have done with their own country, under their philosophy of Unrestricted Warfare - and I'll bet that most of CRT benefits from CCP funding and propaganda. This comes straight out of Sun Tzu - "if your enemy is united, then divide him" - and Sun Tzu is one of the very useful things to have come from *that* civilization...

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Re those sausage fingers, not a healthy man.

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George didn't call it. He wrote the instruction manual. We should probably all learn the lesson: always RTFM...

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