I personally think your Dad is still proud of you. That was a very thoughtful article, that I could tell gave you no pleasure to write. The strong response felt by yourself (and multitudes of others) is the equal and opposite reaction to the extremely predatory nature of these cultural talking points and actions that WILL end up in a very evil bad place if not rigorously pushed back upon and defeated. We are already witnessing just a taste of how awful such a world can be.

Thank you for taking it seriously. May God grant us grace and fortitude to not grow weary in the battle, and bring about ways to restore what is good and right and true in our world.

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I'm pretty sure that a red dwarf is now a thermically non-conforming star of colour.

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Is it now okay to say colour again?

I have no idea what words are most likely to offend, or I would be trying to get them into every conversation.

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Are you referring to the British spelling, or the term in general?

Here in Germany, the term (mostly "of color") is being used in strange ways, cf. this page meant to educate children (SWR is a state broadcaster):


"Schwarze Taxifahrer of Color" means "Black taxi drivers of Color", the use of capital letters being as strange in German as in English. Whites, on the other hand, are being referred to as "weiße" (in italics), where gramatically it should be "Weiße".

Rosa Parks was a courageous woman but this is idiotic.

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It was more a swipe at the idiotic fact that last year, a high ranking FIFA spokesman was sacked for using the word coloured to defend his "coloured" players.

Suddenly that word was verboten, without anyone being notified of the rule change.

I don't care any more, as they change the "rules" more often than they change their clothes.

So F them all and if they're offended, then I consider that a win.

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Now I see the problem. "Coloured" bad, "of colour" good.

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Marvellous stuff Rudolph. If they didn't want to pick a fight, then they shouldn't have started mentally abusing children.

Note to activists. Do not bring your rainbow coloured dildo to a gun fight. It's only going to end in tears.

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For 25-years I was a police officer and for 15-years I worked in the juvenile division. I routinely arrested people for doing things, perverse, disgusting, and disturbing. Today those same people are being praised and uplifted and lauded as some sort of heroes! It literally gives me a headache if I dwell on it too much. How low we have fallen as a world. Thankfully, I’m a woman of strong faith and it’s on that which I hold tight and pray for the world, hoping it’s not too late.

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Satan definitely has his minions out and about upon the face of our Earth.

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The word tolerant, as used by the left, translates to muzzled compliance in the rest of the sane world.

The word discrimination has also been redefined by the left, away from its true meaning of being able to discern right from wrong, good from evil and sane from mentally ill.

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Not sure if you know or not but that commentary in the 'cummie cutie' dialogue includes the use of MAP and that stands for 'minor attracted person'.

I like the graphic above that, the back of the van.

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I thought being attracted to minors, or at least acting upon that desire, was illegal? I have tried to avoid this nonsense by not paying attention. What on earth have I missed here???

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The attraction has long been a thing. Taking action on it is illegal (for now).

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"They" are trying to make it acceptable and "normal." Possibly because of the Obiden family being in charge of the world, Pedo Peter and Hunter.

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Did you see the slide and swimming pool video. Classic.

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I don't remember it if I did. I've seen enough disturbing videos of Hunter, mostly disrobed. 🤢

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It's (MAP) used to normalise pedophilia by degrees. It's sort of like Xeno's paradox but with age of consent.

Our local HBTQP-movement (RFSL) is all for it. Their board is or used to be 2/3s convicted homosexual rapists and/or child ausers, kiddie porn and so on with the usual LGBTQP-stuff. (I can't be bothered to keep their diagnoses, I man acronyms, straight.)

So if they can make 50 year old man and 16year old boy normal, they can then make it 15, 14, 12, 10, 5.

Which is why all "gay rights movements everywhere is driving hard to make criminal records fall under confidentiality clauses.

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What TeeJae says. And also the gender warriors started moving in that direction a few years ago. If you search MAP on Twitter, which supports this criminality in spades, cover your eyes.

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I can't quite believe your post has me arguing about root vegetables. I'm getting quite irate!

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Would tuber-lieve it - it's a turnip for the books. Swede better all calm down.

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Ha ha ha ha!

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"those mysterious and undefinable beings known as women - are having their rights and privileges trampled over for the sake of sparing the feelings of a few." - OMG, YES! THIS!

"Transing away the gay." - I'm SO borrowing this!

Don't hold back, Rudolph. Tell us how you really feel (LOL). I suppose I, too, should apologize to your dad because I thought this was brilliant, and so accurately (and refreshingly) expressed my own sentiments on this topic. Thank you!

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RIP to your father.

I think you're right. We need to speak out loudly against this insanity. The left's calls for tolerance is how we got intoo this mess. Now that they have achieved cultural dominance (business, media, academia), tolerance has been discarded like a used bus ticket when the destination is reached.

Can a coherent society exist where truth and even reality are up for debate? No.Truly, nothing less than civilization is at stake here, I believe.

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having just learned what 'map' stands for from one of your commentators, I think your rant is somewhat subdued. I can understand your reluctance to vent but... actually not really. Silence is compliance, as they say.

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If I tried to express what I really think about those who would abuse kids it would be unprintable. When someone abuses a kid they're not just doing something unspeakably appalling in that moment, they're murdering a future.

The promotion of gender crap to kids is trying to get kids to think about issues they are not ready for and won't understand. It's sickening, debauching and degenerating.

It will not end up where these gender activists think it will. They seem to have some vision of a 'utopia' where everyone is nice and tolerant and free and happy to stick their bits and have things stuck in their bits in all sorts of ways, with all sorts of people, as many times as possible, without consequence. It isn't going to work out like that. You're just going to end up with a generation with a high percentage of seriously screwed up people - literally and figuratively.

Not so much of a sexual revolution as a sexual devolution.

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Really good post. I agree with the need to speak up against trans and gender extremism. We can't stay silent because then it will take hold even more. I feel the same about racism, I do think prejudice and bias does exist. We can't stay silent and let this opportunity to further right some longstanding wrongs go by.

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Why would you mash turnip? Pickle it, it's delicious!

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I seem to have stirred up something of a turnip's nest

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I'm curious: what exactly is meant by turnip in the English-speaking world? It is not what we in Germany call Kohlrabi (the Wikipedia page is speaking of "German turnip"), is it?

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Apparently (according to Google), the Kohlrabi, or German Turnip, does not belong to the turnip family. A turnip is a root vegetable, the kohlrabi is cruciferous, but in my opinion, it is similar in taste.

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Kohlrabi is better than turnips, IMO. Chilled, raw, with salt. Nice and crispy. Yum!

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die englaender wissen es scheinbar selber nicht mehr, aber turnip ist von je her der rutabaga.

und der rutabaga heisst steckruebe auf deutsch.

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Do not confuse the turnip with the rutabaga (swede)- turnips are absolutely not swedes (the vegetable variety, not Scandinavian variety). And yeah, we absolutely do know ourselves, thank you very much!!!

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To cause further confusion, Kohlrabi is called Kålrabbi in swedish, which is simply the swedish pronounciation of the german word.

But that isn't stopping our wokesters from thinking it has something to do with jewish priest - rabbi.

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In Northern England, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and parts of Canada (Quebec, Newfoundland, Manitoba and the Maritimes), the word turnip (or neep) often refers to rutabaga, also known as swede, a larger, yellow root vegetable in the same genus (Brassica).

Baldrick must come from the northern part of england than.

and if anyone knows his turnip it must be him!...

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In England and Scotland (having double checked with my ex-husband who is a Scot and is now thinking I'm planning an early Burns Night supper), I can confirm that a turnip is a turnip (smaller, white fleshed root vegetable often with a purple outer skin and can be eaten raw) and a swede is a swede (a larger, yellow root vegetable which can't be eaten raw (or at least, I wouldn't)) and is completely different from a turnip . And no one I have met, from any part of the UK would refer to a 'neep' as a swede (or rutabaga as you wish to call it). A neep, is a turNIP! I don't mean to be pedantic, but I'm British and English (and Jewish, but that's by the by) so I'd like to think that I know my common seasonal vegetables.

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Many thanks for all the explanations. What a complicated business, makes me feel like a vegetable.

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to be honest, i had to study the subject myself as it is quite confusing to me that in my first first language, dutch, koolraap is not the same vegetable as in my second first language, german, kohlrabi, is, but is called steckruebe.

we used to eat it quite regularly in my youth so i knew what it looked like and could rely on the images to identify it.

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Well I seem to be getting quite irate about my vegetables!

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Mashed turnips are good. My Mom put them in with the potatoes, carrots, and onions in with the beef roast. Yum!

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They definitely add a certain 'something' to a dish- I always put one in when I'm making chicken soup!

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Standing ovation, man!

A note: the PC crowd of the day in the 1960s tried this very same thing back then, riding the coat-tails of homosexuality being de-criminalised. The objective was the same as the HBTQP-types today: groom children and make pedophilia normal. While not all homosexuals are pedophiles, virtually all pedophiles are homosexuals or non-discriminatory.

And pedophilia cannot ever be cured or even mitigated, as the person does not perceive anything wrong with his or hers actions, which is why either life-long incaceration without exception or parole, or execution is the only way to prevent further assaults on children. And (it's been twenty years or more since I read up on this, so caveat as necessary) as a pedophile typically averages more than 10 victims over his or hers lifetime, well ,that's a whle lot of children saved if we consistently just put the molesters away or down, as I prefer, evidence permitting as even such scum have a right to due process).

If you do a deep trawl for "legalisation of pedophilia" and "political lesbianism" you should be able to dredge up old stuff from the sixties, where then-prominent people in sociology and languages use their skills to try to make it seem like it is society making pedophilia a problem. The arguments are 100% the same today and the ones making them are either child-abusers themselves, or useful idiots.

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Excellent mugshot

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My stepfather rarely said anything derogatory about anyone either.

Like you I have no desire to cause harm, or other hurt anyone's feelings. I also have no desire to allow those with serious mental illness to infect others, especially childen, with their delusions. I cannot speak for the spread of disease in the UK, but here in the States gender dysphoria is a contagion and seems to be the first to ever be transmitted via social media. It also seems to prefer blue environments to red.

Here in the States about 20 years ago we had a different contagion that thrived in blue environments that caused adolescent girls to seek to become pregnant. That disease was less trendy & accepted by society and most vociferously spoke out against it which led to a more rapid containment.

I'm fortunate that my stepfather (92) is still alive, but he has become much more likely to let his true feelings escape into the wild. If he were to read Stonewall's tweet I'm certain his response would be along the lines of "those assholes should die of the screaming shits."

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