I’m never going to call for a waiter again—just in case.

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You can still call for a waiter. The difference would be the hand part. Instead of showing your entire palm, extend just 1 or 2 fingers. Do NOT use the middle finger alone. Use the first finger (pointer) alone or with the second (middle) finger. Alternatively, you can spread all fingers apart and move hand a small bit. These should help you in obtaining the help you wish for in a restaurant.


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Good instructions. However, when we go out to eat it's usually at a place where we wait at a counter, or go around to get the food ourselves, so I'm probably not going to have to worry about it, anyway.

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It's a ridiculous Commie smear, those are the people doing this, they're the authoritarian Left, and if you don't hit back hard (like as with any bully), they'll make your life hell even after you submit to their nonsense. Never ever apologize to those louts, either, they deserve no respect or consideration, everything about them is weaponized. As for the Hitlergrüss, you can see the Man Himself doing it a couple of times in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8djBkIW-NiU - and it's bloody obvious that it's not the same as Musk's gesture.

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I like how there’s a warning at the opening to this video. Lest we think the producer is condoning or supporting the Nazis. Sad times.

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Since I was almost arrested once for waiving to my wife, I think I can call myself an expert on this topic.

(Also, having fought running battles in the streets with real nazi skinheads in the 1980s ought to count for something, nicht war?)

The acceptable ways of raising your arm are:

1) Closed fist, while shouting. Caveat: looking the wrong way, or being in the wrong place, or not wearing the correct colours and symbols makes this a criminal act.

2) Index finger, alt. four fingers pointing to the sky, while screaming about Allah and Mahomet. This is never a crime, not even if you are threatening criminal acts or are celebrating acts of terror and genocide, provided you have the right racial origin.

3) Middle finger raised from a fist. See caveats above.

4) Index and middle finger raised, palm facing yourself. See caveats above.

5) As four but reversed. See caveats above. Addendum: if it is in a sporting event context or a similar celebratory one, this gesture is safe for anyone.

6) Arm extended at 45 degree angle from shoulder, held straight. Safe if you are Palestinian or other moslem ethnicity, otherwise this is a criminal act in most Western nations. See caveats above.

Basically, if you are an indigenous [insert European nation here] or "white man" then it's a safe bet that anything but keeping your hands in your pockets is disallowed. Because equality, y'all.

For English speakers, a lot of things must now count as Haram. Toasting "To Victory!" f.e. is Verboten, given the associations. As is phrases such as "'E wouldn't know me from Mohammad!" or "Don't get your knickers inna twist!". To say nothing about Alsatians (the dog). Real name is German Shepard.

And since it is well-known that right-wing extremists use the code "sheeple" for normal people, and a German Shepard leads and drives and directs the flock. . . Having such a dog or liking the breed is basically you being Hitler.

"Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, I made you out of clay..." (Dreidel dreidel dreidel)

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Oh shit, I have four Alsatians, I mean German Shepherds, I must really be a vile Nazi. I think Elon and I should be sent to the Gulag together. That would be a fitting punishment.

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A proper Nazi salute is made with a straight right arm and wrist, not with a bend right wrist.

Only the Fuehrer himself sometimes resorted to such a sloppy execution and got away with it.

Lauterbach, the cretinous German health minister with completely rotten teeth, who obviously also had to comment on Musk's, actually made a far more accurate salute himself a few years ago.

It's all pretty pathetic, desperate and boring.

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I think I know that you can get a potato to run a light bulb. I didn’t realise they could do IQ tests as well.

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“Should we simply make raising one’s arm in the red danger zone in the picture above illegal? That would be awkward. If you were putting your hand up to ask a question you’d have to remember not to traverse this naughty zone and just thrust straight up.”

The best response I’ve seen to this was a montage of 4 pictures, of Obama, Hillary and a couple of other left/libs, all making exactly the same gesture as Musk (and with equally little context of course). I’ve just wasted half an hour trying to find it again, but it’s been submerged in the floorless foam of Substack aaargh

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I saw that one yesterday too in a meme compilation.

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They might of course have been AIed 😂

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I’m in real trouble as my rehab exercises for a frozen shoulder have me Seig Heil-ing on steroids on the hour, every hour. Maybe I should sue my Physio.

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Looked like a Nazi salute to me.

Clumsy execution. True.

Musk has done this gesture before.

And his boy trump is a known Nazi sympathizer, who talks fascistic screed constantly.

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck......

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Please stop lying about President Trump and his supporters.

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Hello trumpTroll.

How are you today.

I have been listening to

trump-speak for >10 years now.

Everything it sez is some form of lie.


trump is a vicious, flaming, malignant narcissist.

Very adept at conning the ignorant and uneducated.

I studied Abuse Dynamics when I attended University.

I know what trump is.

I am wise to its tricks.

You. Apparently. Are not.


Kindly specify of these "lies" you think I speak.

I want to know exactly what is on your mind.

Thank you for your time. :)

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I’d get someone to look at that TDS it’s getting really bad.

Hope you recover 🤞

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TDS=Total Dissolved Solids, and/or

TDS=Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Are you calling me a demented shithead?

Doesn't apply to me.

Not no how. :)

Interesting insult, nonetheless.

Have a nice day. :)

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and thanks for the German lesson 😂

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Well said. Thanks.

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Indeed, "Ich fühle mit Ihnen" expresses emotional synchronisation and not thanks. Repeated translation and re-translation can be fun. "I feel for you" might also be said in a dark room. Re-translation: "Ich taste nach Dir." And then: "I grope you." Elon bad!

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Democrats/creative gesture interpreters are claiming that what makes Elon's arm movement a Nazi salute is that it starts on the chest.

But in these archival videos that show a wide range of salutin' Nazis, the salute is always coming from the side of the body or, if from officers, the head, never from the chest.


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The point was to get us all the talk about it the next day. Success.

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