I am hopeful that “We The People, which was and still is a real “grassroots” movement will have our say in November l! I. Believe we are in for a “SEA CHANGE,” so that probably makes me an optimist!

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I deeply appreciate your synopsis! Ignoring the obvious is not kindness; it’s madness!

I believe people in this nation are beyond the charade of “ The emperor has no clothes!”

This whole Covid thing was NOT science, it was an exercise in exploiting money, power, and nihilism all dressed up in expediency, which is a term of a need for lack of normal process and applying the lack of ethics known as “ the ends justify the means!” Just ask any dictator now or throughout history!

The students and professors enamored with destroying western civilization and specifically America for some simplistic communist utopia is naive and infantile!

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Thanks Mark

Being in the UK it's hard for me to properly assess "the mood of the nation" in the US, but I can't imagine it's good right now.

Some of the stuff I'm seeing, the continued TDS, the lawfare against political opponents and others who do not share the "correct" ideology, the subversion of government institutions (the CDC, FDA and FBI come to mind), and of course the crippling debt and awful decline in the standard of living for many, really does beggar belief.

Things are not much better in the UK. We've been sliding down a very slippery slope for some time now.

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Quality meme.

I said when Biden started that I didn't think he'd finish his first term. Still time for me to be right!

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My 2020 New Year's prediction was that Biden wouldn't last out 2020 because of the obvious cognitive decline.

I was wrong on that, but I don't think I was wrong on his cognitive decline being that serious. I don't think he's been fully capable for his entire term.

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My liberal friends literally lost their minds when Trump won in 2016. People I knew for decades acted worse than 2 year olds having a tantrum. If Trump wins the election I’m looking forward to the subsequent wailing and gnashing of teeth.

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Stephen, I agree with you 100%. My liberal friends and family went on the war-path for four years. Anti-Trump signs, writing public articles, negative social media, and picking verbal fights with me knowing my Trump fondness. It’s been hell.

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My husband and I are the only members of our families who are Conservatives. The last eight years have been a mess. I finally had to tell my family that I simply will never discuss politics or vaccination mandates with them. Period. On the positive side, I’ve been working the past three years as the Chairman of a conservative PAC and have met some wonderful, faithful patriots.

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Earlier, you had to actively seek out the Bizarro-world stuff (or have a mental breakdown making you unable to unsee it in the first place).

From ca 2000 it will instead seek you out, Gieger's facehugger-style.

Here's one from ages past:

If you were a patient in a mental hospital and refused the pills, that was taken as an indication of how ill you were - it was seen as proof of you not realising you were ill.

But if you ate the pills, it was seen as proof of how ill you were, since you needed the medication.

Do note, this was obvious as a Catch 22 to patients - but not to the psychiatrists!

Or how about this:

The mental asylum for the criminal insane called Säter housed the worst och the worst, including cannibals. Barred windows, fences, barbed wires, et cetera.

Except fire dep. regs. trumped all other regs so the barred windows could be opened from the inside.

Which was obvious to the inmates, but not to any politician or decision makers, as a flaw.

Maybe my examples (which are real, not made-up) are not exactly the same thing you talk about here, but most definitely one of its roots.

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When Obama said during his first term that he was going to “fundamentally change America” he meant it. It wasn’t a threat (although millions of us saw it as one) it was a promise. Installing President Oatmeal Brains into the White House just gave Obama, Rice, Jarrett the additional time they needed to finish the job. And unless we turn out in November in big enough numbers so that the election is Too Big to Rig then America is doomed. And as America goes…so goes the world.

My father, who was a John Birch Society member used to talk to me about this stuff back in the 70’s, saying that plans on the Left had long been in place to bring down America, and the family thought he was an alarmist. Sorry Daddy…you were right. I’m watching it happen in real time.

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"surreal", indeed.

Partly because it's Canada Day -- Happy Birthday Canada! 😉🙂 -- I'm reminded of a song by Canadian icon Leonard Cohen, "The Future (It is murder)", which argued that "The blizzard of the world has overturned the order of the soul":



Though maybe more relevant, particularly given our Prime Minister's predilection for gender woo, is another song, a bit of "Canadiana", "I am a Lumberjack", from Monty Python 😉🙂:

"I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay; I sleep all night and I work all day; I cut down trees, I skip and jump; I like to press wild flowers; I put on women's clothing; And hang around in bars"


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Who was running the country??!!! I’ve been saying it for the last 3 yrs - it’s been Obama and Susan Rice. And I’m shaking in my boots if they put Mike O up there as the next one……

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Worry not. Many of the woke CRT Marxists don't intend to vote for Biden because genocide.

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Jeff’s knowledge and good humor when reporting the serious, the ominous and the ludicrous gives me faith that all is not lost. Today he covers Europe’s political upheaval. It’s promising.

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you left out the key word "our" as in "threat to our democracy"

Exactly whom that pronoun refers to remains mysterious.

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