Sorry, can't stay coherent on this topic.

Rapists such as these should be crucified alive with eyelids and cheeks and lips cut off, at any border where illegals cross over.

That's the most polite way I can put my feelings and opinions on this matter.

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Vlad the Impaler had a good idea. Maybe the pendulum is swinging back to those times. It has certainly swung that far in the other wrong direction.

This current inversion of reality cannot last.

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I’m with you, Rigger! I feel like the last four years I’ve been slowly getting sucked into some world-wide brain melting cesspool. And frankly, I’m done even trying to make sense of that which is unexplainable. The Left has played the long game and it is finally coming to fruition. Dumb them down, drug them up, destroy the family, delve into the ludicrous as if it were reality…and now world-wide the bulk of the population are simply brain-dead automatons. Easily controlled. Always fearful. Immature and weak. It’s quite sad.

My husband and I just purchased a small ranch of forty-acres in a very rural area of NE Arizona. We are done trying to live amongst the crazies. Time for some peace as we try and enjoy our “golden years”.

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What you write of here is an actual (rather than pretend) pandemic, isn't it? Stepping back from the problem like you've done here allows a good view of its scope. Doubt that it's just unfortunate human word and ideology choices causing this centralized rot to spread so widely and pervasively. Something to think about more from a stepped-back point-of-view. See https://sketchplanations.com/looking-under-the-lamppost for an illustration of the situation. Your post marks one foray into the dark likely containing the lost keys.

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My sense is it's a purposeful breakdown of norms and rational, reasonable, logical thinking. Get people to disengage from their countries' organizing systems and it's easier to institute global technocracy and fascism (otherwise known as public private partnerships).

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> "If you can get your head round this, then please help me out, because I can’t."

What makes you "think" that the law has to be consistent? Or that it should be applied that way?

You might reflect on Dickens' "the law is often an ass" -- not surprising given who creates the laws ...(a bunch of arseholes if the truth be known) -- and Mill's "tyranny of the magistrates". Although the tyranny of Vox populi is often just as bad if not worse since there are mechanisms for appeal in the former:


As for your "what is a woman?", the best answer is, of course, "adult human female". Though, as US biologist PZ Myers points out, many "ciswomen" no longer qualify as females. HTH ... 😉🙂

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