I walk your path. It's all on the table for re-evaluation now: JFK's assassination, the vaccine/autism connection, 9/11, even this drama in Ukraine...pretty much everything. It all stems from another back in the day...

Back in the day, the government never coerced us into taking vaccines. Semi-official media organs never printed stories about how selfish we were and how it was acceptable to deny us employment and even hospital care, for refusing to be injected. The government, in some areas, even conferred second-class status on citizens based on whether or not one received a shot that does not reduce transmission. A good number of these tyrants are black, oops...people of color, who were apparently born without a sense of irony.

Here in the US, it is almost entirely a liberal/Democrat phenomenon; Republicans will let you live your life as you see fit. I went from being a loyal Democrat to someone who would crawl a mile over broken glass to vote if it meant denying them the reins of power.

The UK government has a very thin bench if they send out the likes of Dr. Jane to sell this poison. She couldn't sell tuna to starving cats.

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"I’ve been asked this question of whether Carlos said this or not many times. I can assure you he did. He was a personal friend of mine, and when I was doing the research on Kill Zone I called him and asked what he thought about the “official” story of Oswald being the lone nut with a Carcano could do what the Warren Commission said. He laughed and said that they tried to duplicate it at Quantico at the USMC Sniper Instructor School. He said they used a 6.5 Carcano with 4x scope (he didn’t mention if it was a cheap Hollywood Optics scope like what was mounted on the “Oswald” rifle.) But I’m sure they bore sighted it before trying to duplicate the feat of 3 shots in 5.6 seconds on a moving target in a high to low angle. He said after several tries they simply could not duplicate it on the conditions Oswald would have had. It takes time to fire a shot, work the bolt, get back on target and get the proper eye relief from the scope to fire the next shot.

I didn’t record the phone call but I took notes. When I wrote that part of Kill Zone I sent it to him to make sure it was correct. He said it was. ... One poster, Arnaldo Fernandez brought up the exchange in Kill Zone between the author former military officer and sniper Craig Roberts, and his friend Carlos Hathcock. Hathcock was the greatest sniper of the Vietnam War. Something like 95 confirmed kills. So dangerous Hanoi put a bounty on his head. For 25 years, he held the record for the longest kill shot, he killed someone from a mile and a half away. Craig's book noted that Carlos said that he had tried to do what Oswald did, since he ran a SWAT team school with an obstacle course. They set up everything just like the WC said. He tried it more than once and could not duplicate it." https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26705-carlos-hathcock/

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Very interesting. Thanks. For years, at family gatherings, my BIL used to bend my ear about the inconsistencies in the official narrative of JFK's assassination. Honestly, I paid polite attention, but never gave it much thought until recently.

Being awakened to how over-the-top evil my government is, I am now convinced that JFK was assassinated by elements of the US government.

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Thanks. I will definitely check it out.

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This great article presents me with yet another opportunity to apologize for the superior arrogance with which I mocked "fringe lunatic anti-vaxxers" 20 years ago and mused- purely for the praise of my doctor to regard me as another Educated Professional- that maybe vaccines ought to be mandated under law and enforced as firmly as need be be because "we're all in this together" and after all, it's just nonsense religion making them think this way.

At least back then when you were a 20-something idiot with fantasies of utopian authoritarianism, the whole world largely ignored you and preserved people's rights.

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I relate and concur

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It's something I regard as a significant and alarming cultural shift. Just one generation ago, you were free to express whatever unwise, ridiculous beliefs you wished (and to govern yourself by them!) , but this did not translate into being given social power and authority- your ideas had to be proven relatively wise or feasible.

Now you simply have to shout them loudly enough.

I'm frankly glad society was sufficiently elastic to protect itself from my purple-haired socialist idiocy. And I'm glad I lived in such a wonderful country that I could live long enough to become wise without being jailed or killed for my stupid ideas along the way.

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I hear ya. I'm glad to have outgrown post-modern nihilism. The irony isn't lost on me either. Back then I thought I represented chic counterculture, when in fact I was just apeing the ascendant culture. I now know what counterculture truly means, and what it costs.

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>> I hear ya. I'm glad to have outgrown post-modern nihilism. The irony isn't lost on me either. Back then I thought I represented chic counterculture, when in fact I was just apeing the ascendant culture.

I couldn't have put this better myself. This was my arc. But I think it's a pretty normal part of growing up- however, the current culture we have gives free destructive rein to immature thinking.

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So we can stop prefacing our anti-covid jab commentary with, "I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but..." https://shumway.substack.com/p/4-im-not-an-anti-vaxxer-nkay?s=w

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Well done. I think it will soon become an axiom that the difference from conspiracy theory to fact is 3 to 6 months.

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Thanks, R. You comment convinced me to finally write the companion piece, on conspiracy theories. I finish the article asking for a word for your theory to fact axiom. Don't have it yet. https://shumway.substack.com/p/8-im-not-a-conspiracy-theorist-nkay?s=w

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Good essay.

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Nailed it. As I read this I felt as if I could have written it myself. Back in the day when being an anti-vaxxer meant being against "vaccines" I dismissed the Jenny McCarthys of the world as lunatics looking to blame someone for their child's autism &c. I believed the "experts" who said vaccines were safe and effective. And working in EMS, I even began getting the annual flu shot as I came in contact with the patients infected with ??? every day. That all changed with #WuhanFlu and the Goo.

Like many I intended to get it myself, but it being a new and new type of vaccine I was going to wait and let others step up to be guineas. Then the censorship began, followed by the mandates and I decided I would not be getting the Goo, ever.

Now, after digging and reading articles and studies, including the Berenson article you included, Malone, RFK Jr., &c. I'll never even get the annual flu vaccine again.

Now I'm off to watch that Python skit.

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"Nobody was popping up telling us that really things like VAERS and the Yellow Card Scheme were basically a load of untrustworthy shite." Back in the day, Pfizer lauded VAERS. Steve Kirsch quoted them in his Substack from March 9:

"Pfizer applied for an FDA waiver to not have to record certain safety data on the injections because they claimed VAERS was the system that would tell us if there were safety issues with the injections. Then the mainstream media disparaged VAERS data for the past year and acted as if it was not as significant as it really was.

"In reality, on page 3 and 4 of their waiver request, Pfizer says VAERS is a 'robust' system that is 'designed to detect safety concerns with vaccines.' They even used this excuse for their suffix waiver claiming they didn’t need to have an FDA designated suffix that would help 'ensure safe dispensing practices and optimal pharmacovigilance' because the VAERS system was 'adequate' and that any other safety reporting requirements would be 'redundant and burdensome.'" (Under heading nubmer 6 - "Pfizer defended VAERS"

Source: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/10-things-you-should-know-about-the?s=r

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At the latest, when they started to throw in donuts, bratwurst and lottery tickets with the goo, anyone with a still functioning BS detector knew that they better abstained from getting injected with it.

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It takes a minimum of four years to test a vaccine for safety and effectiveness - this from an acquaintance who had worked at Merck for 30 years. So rushing through this testing in six months just isn't enough. Since I'd had COVID in March 2020, I decided to wait for at least six months after introduction and wide use of the vaccines - as they were based on a novel, untested methodology - before making a decision. And during that time, CDC announced that the vaccines neither prevented infection, nor stopped spread, which meant that they didn't work, period. I wouldn't risk any vaccine which didn't, at a minimum, prevent infection, and since I've done lab work in microbiology, I've had more vaccine shots than most people can dream of, and have been exposed to some of those bugs - and haven't gotten sick. And then there's the fact that the manufacturers and providers got themselves totally immunized from any sort of liability if their products were defective, which means that the cost for treating adverse effects would be paid by me. No thanks, no deal. And that products liability immunity is still very much in place, wherever the shots are administered, and was in force before the first shot was given.

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The Swine Flu Vaccine - 1976: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bOHYZhL0WQ Same propaganda, same techniques, but much less overt coercion...

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In the context of GVB's latest paper, it seems especially insane to inject children with the Goo. Unless your desire is to ensure that the pandemic never ends, of course.

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