"Garçon, a bucket for m'sieu.

And perhaps a hhose."

I think someone gave the Bidens an offer they couldn't refuse.

Or worse, someone or a group of "them" wrote up that letter, signed it or had it signed, and published it on their own say-so, betting that the Biden-backers would back down rather than risk confrontation and escalation and all sorts of nasty things coming to light.

"Listen, Jill, Joe gets to be president until after the election, you keep your cash and your pensions and whatnot, Hunter gets a sweet deal and you get your book-tour and everyone keeps schtumm about you-know-what. Tell me where you'd get a better deal."

"The salmon mousse!"

Or Covid.

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Eat this not poisonous wafer thin mint Joe… it’s also not laced with real MRNA we normally only give to the plebs.

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I watched a video of Trump repeatedly picking up the hat of a marine guarding air force one, after it kept on getting blown off in high wind.

Obviously the media ignored that, as they couldn't spin it negatively.

I watched a video of Biden shouting "clap you stupid bastards" to the assembled military audience.

The media conveniently ignored that one as well, for some reason.

Biden is a prick and always has been.

Fuck him.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 23

The Democrats are all puppets as are a large percentage of Republicans ( The none MAGA ones)

The real masters are the Rothschilds et al. At the top of the food chain are the Uber wealthy old families, you know, the real owners of the IMF, ECB, FED, BOE, etc. Soros and now slime bag mini Soros are only foot soldiers of these families. They filter billions into these NGO's etc to spread marxist poison into Education, Government, Media, etc. It is not Soros's money. The global reach of the plan of destruction is obvious, and if you miss the coordination of White European countries and USA forced open borders, designed to destroy and create chaos ......then you have to be extremely dumb and utterly mind controlled not to be able to grasp the much much bigger picture. (not you Rudolph, I mean in general) Biden was never anything, he's a grubby little criminal, as are his entire party. They have power to fuck with anything granted to be in their sphere by the real masters. They have zero choice over things the Families want to do with their various territories. This is the same all over the globe, in every country. If voting made any real difference, it would not be allowed. Until Trump came along..... then the vote was not allowed to stand, hence the colossal crime of stealing the election of 2020. Mind you, this was just the first time it was so obvious, Obama never won fairly, neither did Bush. Its been rigged for a long time. So it looked like it was becoming to big to rig.....Trump was never going to lose to Biden, and "THEY" knew that even they could not bear face try to cheat that blatantly and expect anyone to buy him being the winner....so BANG BANG BANG and when that failed....Plan B, get rid of the senile sock puppet in time to launch a less unbelievable ( but still unbelievable) new sock puppet they could at least attempt to spin a story of a fight, with fake polls, fake news, and attempted gaslighting of the planet....just enough to at least have an out from the fake election results they have planned yet again.

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The only way to win is to make it too big to rig. If the 40% of registered Republican voters who never vote all came out to vote this time it would be impossible to cheat that big. Voter apathy is a real problem.

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I agree...... it's sad to see it, fear is what the dems use to motivate their side to vote, that and cheating of course.

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BAM!!! Rigger, I could not have said this any better. You may not be an American, but you definitely understand this bullshit we are living through here. Now...let's put this out there...Nobody has seen Joe since he was flopped into the black SUV last Wednesday heading home to isolate himself from (cough, cough) another bout of COVID. Most of us aren't buying that nonsense. Then on a Sunday afternoon his people announce his departure in a post on X???? How fucking strange is that??!! The letter wasn't on official letterhead, he didn't address the American people, his own staff didn't even know about it and found out on X.

We want to know:

1. Who actually wrote and signed that letter?

2. Is Joe even still alive - Proof of Life, please.

3. If he's unfit to run and has remained hidden away who the fuck is running the country?

4. If he's that unfit shouldn't he step down as POTUS?

Although, the idea of Cackles Blow Job stepping into the White House is terrifying and the entire world should be concerned! Just when I thought the state of my nation couldn't be any more bizarre...

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> "Nobody has seen Joe since he was flopped into the black SUV last Wednesday ..."

LoL. I won't believe he's even still alive until I see him swimming in the Potomac -- and not belly-up ... 😉🙂 But in case you missed it, it would have an historical precedent ... 😉🙂


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I'm afraid at this point, if Joe is alive (and that's doubtful) that he would drown in his bathtub! LOL

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🙂 Seems that Matt Taibbi & Company are asking that question themselves:


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Jordan Schachtel of The Dossier has been in contact with LA LEOs who have reported to him that some kind of emergency occurred and that Biden was rushed to ER, then to AF1.


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Ah yes, you see and speak truth .. that is dangerous so watch your back ...

Save for Donald here and Nigel there both of our countries are in deep do-do.

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if you worry about speaking the truth, you already lost.

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So you were off by 3 years on that one prediction, what's 3 years among friends? 😉😊😋

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Who was assassinated? I get that Blackrock missed Trump (on purpose) but who was assassinated? The fire chief Comparatore was collateral damage not an assassination.

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I think you probably don’t shoot. If Trump had not turned his head about 30 degrees or so at the last split second he would be dead. I think you have watched too much television.. where the magician catches a rifle bullet in his teeth.

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Missed him on purpose 😂😂😂🤪

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On purpose?


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Next you will be saying Sandy Hook was faked.

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