Mar 6·edited Mar 6Liked by Rudolph Rigger

WPATH says it “is and always has been a science- and evidence-based organization whose recommendations are widely endorsed by major medical medical organizations around the world.”

Yet as Michael Shellenberger twixted when releasing the WPATH Files, “[The] American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH. It is considered the leading global authority on gender medicine.”

So the medical profession relies on WPATH for its supposed expertise, and WPATH cites that reliance as an endorsement of its authority. It’s like M.C. Escher’s “Drawing Hands,” but with scalpels.

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After reading stories from trans people who have serious regrets about their surgeries I’ve come to realize that these “counselors” and “doctors” recommending and performing these surgeries are as evil as Satan himself. They never fully disclose the absolute failure of the procedures. The lifelong medical and health issues. The high suicide rate of transgender individuals. How can these poor, mentally disturbed patients have even the slightest inkling of “Informed Consent”? It’s simply barbaric. It’s sickening how the world is being told to applaud these Dr Mengeles when we should be sending them to trial for crimes against humanity.

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I'll tell you who should be tarred, feathered and then burned at the stake, it is those doctors who, for profit, perform these barbaric surgeries on otherwise physically healthy individuals, who without exception have profound mental health challenges. Those doctors are monsters. And, next in line, people like the crazed Marci Bowers who make a career out of urging others to embrace the madness and pay themselves handsomely for their efforts.

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Regarding rhe dangerous people mentioned in footnote 2, check out the creature 3rd from the left, top row in the picture of "women".

If I saw that thing walking towards me, I'd reach for my gun and the silver bullets, along with the garlic, the holy water, the crucifix and whatever the hell else might be useful in protecting me from demons.

I'm an atheist, but I'm really starting to feel like there are actual demons in human form walking among us.

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As if I didn't laugh hard enough at the names Ingrid Pitt* and Pippa** Slow, you break out Pips Bunce on top!

The world is flat, mostly. The mountains and deep sea crevasses are but miniscule crinkles in the surface, when compared to the girth of the planet. It is not however a disc, carried through space on the backs of elephants standing on a turtle (the science is still out on the sex of said turtle, however).

Sorry, but I'm in too good of a mood to take the gender-hoo hah seriously today.

The Sun is out for the first time in a fortnight, and the snow is melting. Just a foot to go now.

*Pitt in swedish is slang for penis.

**Pippa is slang for intercourse.

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Genitalia Diversity: I believe what the smart, savvy people in Wokeland do is keep a spare set....one for every occasion.

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WPATH says, “The small percentage of the population that is trans or gender diverse deserves healthcare and will never be a threat to the global gender binary.”

That “threat” bit is so bizarre, even by the standards of these creeps. How even to read that in terms of the mission of a medical society? It’s completely political (not to mention mendacious and disingenuous).

Public concern is growing that “gender-affirming care” is harming patients, and WPATH’s response is that the (rapidly growing) numbers are still too small to make a demographic dent globally.

If a group dedicated to a rare condition like ALS were accused of unethical medical treatments, would their defense be that no matter what’s going on, the numbers are too small for outsiders to worry about? These people can’t even convincingly fake ethics and empathy.

Ok, I’m off to check the diversity of my genitals; it may take a little while.

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I enjoyed this post, and for some weird reason it reminded me that after reading a Calvin and Hobbes comic that made reference to it, my son has been asking me about “Nude Descending a Staircase.” The world can be a very weird place and it’s good to be able to laugh about it. (I think what that weird lady was trying to say is that because some people have smaller bits and pieces than others, gender exists on a spectrum, which I find extremely offensive and frankly racist.)

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