Sep 10Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I used to consider myself to be left leaning. My parents voted for the Labor (that's how they spell it in Australia) Party all their lives, as did I for many years.

I belonged to a union and I was a strong supported of public health, public schooling, workers rights and a strong social security system to support those less fortunate and able than myself. All that good, socialist stuff. Solidarity, Brother!

But then somehow, to be on the left also required me to not just tolerate but enthusiastically promote homosexuality, drag queens, transgenderism, a tsunami of immigrants, BLM, Islam, antisemitism, rape gangs and general cultural replacement by effeminate fools, paedophiles, fuckheads, arseclowns, inbred dimwits, suicide bombers and knife murderers .

And I'm not down with that shit. Fuck 'em. I still support traditional left things like public health, public schooling etc, but as for the rest of the "modern lefts" bullshit, well, they can wrap it in their greasy keffiyahs, knot it with razor wire, and shove it up their collective arses.

And as for that scrawny, pallid, smug, petulant, whining, solipsistic, self entitled, piss-weak, pencil-knecked, needle-dicked, miniature Scottish toad from the BBC who can't even tell someone how to cut his hair, it made me long to be back on a parade ground bellowing drill instructions at a platoon of recruits with him right there in front of me wearing a nice 1 mm buzz cut and a frightened expression. I'd pay money to be able to do that. Or maybe they was a non-binary she. I dunno. Who the fuck cares what those imbeciles think, anyway?

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Sep 10Liked by Rudolph Rigger

I'm holding out for Democrats erecting the first statue to honour the first negro to stand on his or her hind legs.

Because that's what they are doing - honouring someone for doing something anyone can do and also did, but only because of the skin colour (or race as the yanquis persist in calling culture and ethnicity). Therefore, logically, they can erect statues honouring the first negro to use a table setting in the proper manner (Victorian), or brushing their teeth, or using soap, or...

Bleh. I feel like I need to heave.

Why not a statue to honour the first Paddy to snatch a PhD at "Oxbridge"? Or the first Jock to wear undergarments? Or the first Limey to not use the wet teaspoon in the sugar bowl?

We need to invest in the statue-making business I think. This is an effing gold mine, it is. First Lancastrian to prefer haggis over tripe-statue. First Swede to not drink and go downhill skiing in the Alps. First Russian driving sober. First American with a BMI under 40.

You know what, you should shoot off an e-mail to some rowdy raunchy British stand up-comedian (or comedienne) and see if they can't do a skit about "First statue to honour X doing Y". Or for the completely humourless version, sugggest it to Piers Morgan.

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I've got one. How about being the first person (including herself) to understand the writings of Judith Butler?

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Good one, but I think would break the uncertainty-principle:

You can either understand writing, or Judith Butler.

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Sep 10Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Immigrants eating wildlife and pets is nothing new - the U.K Swan population plus the crayfish population was/is used as a source of food by Eastern Europeans - mainly Roma I think. Dogs and cats are routinely stolen by Turkish dog fighting gangs to be used as bait to train up their dogs. You just don't hear about it because they don't want you to know. I know because I dealt with reports of it in my job. There was a section of London where I worked where the missing cat posters was sinisterly high. And don't get me started on the illegal Bush meat and illegal slaughter houses for halal meat in the U.K

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That's why I think preserving places like 𝕏, as imperfect as it is, is so important. It allows these kinds of things you mention to be known about more widely. The current Musky 𝕏 is far better than any of the legacy media outlets now operating - and it could be even better. But you do have to suffer a whole lot of toxic shite too. But that's not such a big problem, really. I find you can readily filter out most of it by the simple expedient of ignoring it.

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Sep 10Liked by Rudolph Rigger

"But isn’t the Constitution sort of woven into things at almost a biological level? Isn’t it in the very soul of what it means to be an American?"

Past tense. Very, very past tense for about half of the citizens and most of the "immigrants". So many takers, and so few makers.

The long march is nearing the point of tipping the scale, although many would argue the teeter-totter slapped to the ground on the wrong side years ago in this post constitutional world we find ourselves in. That's enough clichés for one post. Oh, and all the little dicks, have been eaten by all the pussies.

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Sep 10Liked by Rudolph Rigger

You wrote “We’ve had a sitting president revealed as being obviously incapable of doing his job, still in office. And, even worse, a whole bunch of people have conspired to defraud the American public, to hide this sad truth from them - for years. And people still want to vote for the party that engineered this?”. But the previous sitting president and his party are just as bad! The two party system is bad, and the electoral system is bad! The US needs a new revolution. The UK too. Unfortunately, some revolutions end up making things worse. But some end up supposedly making things better. The UK has had several such. For instance the so-called “Glorious Revolution”. The UK was not invaded since 1066. That’s a pity, since it thereby missed the opportunity to get a modern constitution twice (Napoleon, Hitler). But wait, it was invaded several times. A foreigner took over and foreign troops came with him! Ah, those weren’t invasions. Those folks were *invited* by parliament, no less…

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I remain to be convinced that Trump's record in his first term was anything like as bad or worrisome as Biden's, or the direction things seem to be going in right now.

I do wish the baton to defend free speech and fight woke had fallen to someone like Ramaswamy or, better still, JFK Jr.

But it's Trump vs Harris. Sigh.

Trump has some admirable qualities (I remain deeply impressed by his fortitude and strength) but, alas, also plenty of not very admirable qualities. Is he going to be the great democracy destroyer? I don't see it that way. In my view the Democrats are the ones treading that path with their control of the media, their desires for further control of the online space, their lawfare, their blatant disregard for electoral processes, their demented insistence on no voter ID, and their threats to re-write the Constitution.

Despite the rhetoric from the 'left' I just don't see Donnie boy as being anything like as dangerous.

But I agree with you - it's an unholy mess, and in the UK too - and elsewhere if the recent European election results are anything to go by. There's a lot of people out there who are getting angrier and angrier with the 'system' as it is, and that's not a good thing. We do need a 'revolution' of sorts, but revolutions tend to be bloody affairs and I pray we never come to that.

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Regarding revolution, I would love to see a quiet revolution; a sort of reversing of the quiet revolution the 'left' have carried out these last 50 years or so. I know lots of people are now itching for a sort of 1776 moment again but violent overthrow of these fascist/Marxist/whatever psychos will only leave a massive vacuum into which will flow more psychos who lust for power/dominion/riches. We are at the beginning of a century (at least) of shifting power struggles. Patience and an acceptance that we may not see the end result in our lifetime is required. It does not make me happy to say that out loud and having said that I do firmly believe that we all individually need to start standing up to whatever we come across that is unjustified/immoral; for example I stopped paying my T.V license - fuck those guys.

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"But the previous sitting president and his party are just as bad".

No. They're not.

I'm no fan of the Republicans, but comparatively speaking, they represent Angels, puppies, kittens, and unicorns farting rainbows, while the Democrats represent an open sewer, filled with the demonic spawn of Satan and the children of Cthulhu. And I'm being pretty generous there.

As Pur host pointed put, the Dems spent 4 years deceiving the US voting public, not to mention the entire world, about Joe Biden's mental capacity (or lack of it) so they could have power. They are truly evil.

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The Democrats always choose Party over Country. The only good thing they have done under Biden/Harris is provide (lukewarm) support for Israel.

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Richard Gill

The last hing the U.S. needs is a revolution. Revolutions are won by those willing to use whatever means are necessary to win. And with the exception of the panicdemic (TM Rigger) Trump’s policies during his first (and second last term) were very good, unless you are opposed to low inflation, relatively closed borders and peace.

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The toilet humour is justified.

Kamala stands for lying her way to the top (double entendre intended). And her obvious strategy is to not lessen mindless support by stating her stupid policy positions.

As for Dick Cheney, his opposition to Trump is likely personal. Trump did accuse Bush & Cheney of sending America’s young men to die in Iraq even though they knew Saddam had destroyed his WMD.

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I cast my first vote at a time when the backing of Dick Cheney would have made every real liberal recoil and choose the other guy.

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“Schoolboy humor” is so appropriate at these times. The USA has gone bonkers. After 60-years of Leftwing indoctrination (they are so good at the long game) most folks under forty are simply pre-programmed vessels of ignorance, propaganda and socialist bullshit. It’s hard to blame them for their bizarre beliefs and behaviors because they are truly brainwashed, empty-headed, easily controlled simps. But it is so easy to despise them for their actions and how they’ve destroyed America. And despise them I do. So much so that my husband and I have checked out of their world. We can no longer tolerate even inhabiting the urban/suburban worlds they routinely pervert and corrupt.

We recently bought 40-acres of land in a very rural area and have built a private village of our own. We are fully self-sufficient, off-grid, and have everything we need. The neighboring ranches are all owned by people of similar ilk. When we get together there’s laughter and good times. I no longer have to put up with being spat upon for wearing a t-shirt with “Fight, Fight, Fight” on it. Or have my truck keyed for an NRA sticker. Or being accosted at the grocery store because I’m not wearing a fucking face diaper. They are simply insufferable and at my age I just refuse to tolerate their shit. They destroy everything. They hate everything. They are indeed the most miserable people in the world. And they want everyone else to be just as unhappy.

Forget COVID, and MonkeyPox and Bird Flu…mental illness is the most dangerous contagion.

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And on another note…love Trump or not…getting shot in the head and standing up shouting, “Fight, Fight, Fight” is totally badass!

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I know what duck tastes like....have even raised a few. I am thinking there is some good reason not to eat cats, if nothing else, all the vaxxes the pets get. And the dewormer stuff. Stick to the feral cats, I suppose. Personally, I would eat squirrel long before I would eat cat, fluffy tails notwithstanding.

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