In German, the words for amnesty (Amnestie) and amnesia (Amnesie) only differ by a T. Which looks like a hammer.

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Forgive? Yes, as that is a personal, heart issue.

Forget? Reconcile? Call a truce? No. You made it clear that you’d rather my family lose our jobs and be banned from society, in other words, starve or be imprisoned.

I forgive your madness. I forgive that you got swept up into this cult, ignoring all of us warning it was a cult. But we can no longer be friends. That would require trust. And I trust that you are a threat to my family and me.

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Forgiveness requires an apology. They have not apologized, and they are not going to.

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"when we were in the dark"

no lady, that one is not going to fly.

for there were those that were in the light the whole time.

standing in the light and shouting "do not just do something, but stand there and watch" until they were silenced by the likes of you.

you could have been in the same light as they were, but you chose to stay in the dark.

you were the one with the fine education and the influential position.

you were the one that could have made the difference.

but you chose not to.

you chose the dark side.

so no, no amnesty for you.

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I know people who will welcome Oster's fatuous oopsy-daisy. They're full blown Covidian believers. They did terrible, willfully stupid things to themselves, to their children, to other helpless relatives. They supported and in many cases clamoured for increases in the anal sadistic pharmaceutical marketing programme. They'll be lucky if they avoid the harms other people have suffered from the pseudo-vaxxes. I can forgive them, in some senses of the word, but it's clear none of them have learned anything. It's equally clear the main perpetrators and their gleeful stooges would attempt this again tomorrow.

This needs to be seen in the greater context of the West's slow motion murder/suicide. The oligarchs are cannibalizing everything, with eager political assistance, in an effort to shore up assets that are entirely fictitious. The hawks are demanding wars we can't win. The academy and the media are perjured. Amnesty is a bad joke.

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It’s funny, the leftie loonies on reddit are also saying hell no to this amnesty, for the complete opposite reasons lol. Apparently science denying anti vax cultists need to apologise first for killing grandma

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That's the thing about the feeble minds that so easily get sucked into the cult mentality. It's virtually impossible to snap them out of it.

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I'm still un-gooed.

When word of the vaccine first broke I thought it was a good thing, and I probably would have gotten it. But the number of shear lies and exaggerations concerning the mortality of the virus were already growing. The continued denials of the origins by government and the media were blatant. The demands that everyone mask up when it was known masks were useless. And the censoring had gone from a minor nuance to a totalitarian level. It all made no sense. Then the mandates began even though it was obvious the "vaccine" was ineffective at preventing infection and/or transmission.

It simply became impossible to even consider what we were being told were true.

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I'm pretty sure we all knew a year ago that this was going to happen, that the Covidians would eventually claim: "We couldn't have known that we were so full of shit! The abuse we heaped on you was just a big mistake!"

That excuse isn't even worth the toilet paper it's written on. Until the Covidian Fascists apologize, make reparations, and make sure that it won't happen again, we will not forgive them.

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Emily Oster's ears must be burning worldwide. They're probably visible from the ISS.

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The best way I’ve found to deal with the madness, the incivility, the hatred and constant castigation is to deem those guilty parties irrelevant. They were and are meaningless idiots. They’re relegated to the barrel of nothingness. My husband and I lived our lives in quiet and determined defiance - by ignoring them all. Tuning out their squealing. Passing by them

as if they’re invisible. And as for

forgiveness...the next few years of death, sickness and destruction for them will be their payback.

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Justice is revenge. No revenge, no justice.

In modern society, revenge is deferred to the state's arbiters of the state's definition of justice, which is indeed arbitrary.

One of the oldest known saying/proverbs in swedish is "Rättvisa sitter i spjutstångs ände", meaning "Justice rests at spear's end" - note that it doesn't state which end.

That can only be forgiven, which can and has been compensated and made up for.

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Forgiveness always. That's for me. Bitterness, resentment and blame just chews you up, it made for some pretty nasty people out of a lot of you; on all sides. However, you are quite right on the 'you can fuck right off' with the amnesty side. I don't have a weapon to hand in, I never used one even though I was hounded, abused, belittled, told I was irresponsible and that my children were murderers by their sheer presence. So yes, I can forgive all that. But like a comment below suggests: I can never trust most sheep and the powers that be ever again. Which is sad. For me at any rate.

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Refusing to forgive does not necessarily result in "bitterness, resentment and blame."

Dwelling on things you cannot change does.

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They are gently suggesting They be granted amnesty.

For deceit and treachery, resulting in mass murder and genocide.

People have been vax injured, many permanently. People have lost jobs, homes, money.

The They now gently suggest to be granted amnesty for committing vast and egregious crimes against humanity.

If They are sorry for any thing at all, it is that Their plot to enslave the People of Earth to WEF/CCP tyranny has failed.

Their criminality and corruption must be dealt with most harshly.

And without mercy.

To set an example so that this sort of thing can never happen again.

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Exactly. Through the entire ordeal, I rally-cried for a Nuremberg 2.0. And I will continue to do so until it either happens, or my dying day, whichever comes first. #NEVERForgiveNEVERForget

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"One must, it is true, forgive one's enemies-- but not before they have been hanged." -- Heinrich Heine

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Not really worth reading, but here is a non-paywalled link to the Atlantic article: https://archive.ph/DuGUX

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Absolutely fantastic article. I’ll post to Twitter. Everyone should read it, we’re all pissed.

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How about she offers an apology? Nah, what a stupid idea.

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