I’ve just realised that the Bee Gees hit More Than a Woman might have an unintended double meaning…

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For good music to go mad(der) to, I recommend 'Hocus Pocus' by Focus.

It covers all the bases.

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It's always 'so genius' to teach children that burning books is a relevant way to express oneself. While they are burning their own possessions, why don't they throw in the house and their furniture?* I would say burn up the car, as well, and if it's a Tesla, well, that will probably take care of itself. Finally, because people who burn books obviously never change their minds about much, I would like to applaud their imagination as well, for being so prescient and confident about the future of their beliefs and the ability of their memories to record the 'alleged heresy' for posterity.

* for the added warmth, of course

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Regarding Sam Elliott's rifle...I have a lever action rifle chambered in .357 magnum, to go with my .357 S&W revolver. Rifle and sidearm in the same calibre represents a very handy capability.

A lever action rifle can provide a very high volume of accurate fire at useful ranges. It can be topped up through the loading gate without taking the weapon out of action. And a powerful pistol round like the .357 magnum hits like a train out of a rifle length barrel. All while looking like a harmless old cowboy gun rather than an evil black rifle. While looking deceptively harmless they really are very closely equivalent in capability to military assault rifles, and...errmm....every home should have one.

All that being said, Mr Elliott has turned out to be a damned fool in his ridiculous support of that vile Harris thing. Shame on him.

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I do envy you Americans your arsenals. Can you imagine being a Brit, armed with no more than a cricket bat? We are sitting ducks.

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Close, but no cigar. I'm a fair dinkum, bronzed son of ANZAC, aka an Australian. Our firearms laws are thankfully nowhere near as loose as in the US, but still more permissive than in the UK.

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Wow, didn’t realise you were allowed such luxuries down under! The Tyranny was taking a bit of a risk going so hard over Covid….

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