This brings back memories of when my 93 y/o mom was in the hospital with COVID. Very mild case, but the docs rushed her to the hospital “just in case”. One of the nurses lamented of their bout with “the disease” - this nurse continued to test positive for three months, and was sent home, after each positive testing, with full “covid pay”. Nurse felt fine, no symptoms, but directed to stay home - with full “covid pay” - for three months!!

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Another great article in this series. I wonder if the series would change the thinking of a full covid narrative believer. For those who were struck dumb with fear, I don't think so. Their risk assessment will always be towards doing anything and everything to lower the tiniest risk. There are some true believers that do see something was awry, but if they were struck dumb by fear once, how many will be struck dumb by fear again if they are again given a few doses of powerful propaganda?

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This answer about "The Science(TM)" used to justify their bullying businesses about face coverings may tweak your sense of humour:

“In terms of the scientific basis for social distancing requirements and Government’s advice, I believe this may have originated from a study undertaken in the 1930s..."

More in this early post of mine:


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It was almost like a vaccine was the end game that was required and everything else was geared to achieve this aim wasn't it?

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"...social justice of interpretive Lego..."

Standing ovation, just for that one! Now I want to see a theater-troupe perform this on stage. "Tetris: The Musical" or something like that.

I still want a study checking the correlation of toxoplasmosis and believing in masking et cetera; I suspect it's close to 1, simpy based on prejudice and the recent study from Finland showing the clear correlation between woke opinions and mental illness.

Just a minor thing, thanks to the wife having been in gender studies (feel free to snigger):

Laws against homosexuals/transsexuals/transvestites were entered in the german criminal code in the 1870s and earlier - they were already long on the books when the nazis were voted into office.

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