Apr 7Liked by Rudolph Rigger

The "gay rights movement" has proven itself to be beyond any doubt nothing but a front for pedophiles grooming children. And pedophiles will never ever stop once they start.

The reason they cannot stop is because they are unable, incapable, of perceiving or feeling that their urges are wrong. Pedophilia is incurable, leaving only two options if children are to be protected.

There's really nothing more to say on that, not anymore than why murder can only ever have one of two just and fair punishments.

There are, simply put, actions which cannot be taken back or atoned for.

About voting and democracy: the most democratic and fair system has never been tried, for a simple reason:

It cannot be manipulated (excepting outright fraud and cheating of course, but that's always on the table no matter the system) to ensure reigning elites and upper classes remain in power and control.

And what is this system, you ask, wearily?


By giving anyone of voting age (add on requirements such as being compos mentis, legal citizen et cetera) an equal chance of being selected by random chance for becoming PM, MP, councilor in charge of polishing the Blarney Stone, what have you - total and perfect equitable representation of the voting public is ensured.

Sure, there are details to be hammered out, such as what to do if agony aunt Agatha ain't interested, and so on but those are petty details akin to having a row with the hairdresser about each and every follicle.

And lottery would make lobbying, permanent iunfluence-structures, and so on nigh on impossible: banks and corpos simply cannot groom each and every candidate, nor can they butter up and compromise every one who's been selected for service - there will always be that principled plummer from Scunthorpe that goes public with political-corporate dirty laundry, just to stick one in the eye of the plutocratic ponces.

Give it serious thought. Everyone, at every election, has a 1 in how many tens of million chance of becoming PM/MP, for one term and one term only. You think a House of Parliament or a Reichstag consisting of Joe the Plummer, Abdul the greengrocer and Oisin the chimneysweep would vote for closing off children's playgrounds to "stop Covid" or vote for an abomination like the Scottich Hate-law?

They wouldn't. What they would vote for is, when a chinless wonder pipes up in indignant falsetto about sending billions to Ukraine's puppet-regime, they'd say: "Sure mate, but you and your chums from the club go with the money, and you'll be the first to go over the top, fair dinkums, no?"

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Apr 7Liked by Rudolph Rigger

The thing about the people who “can’t” obtain voter ID is that usually they actually don’t care that much about voting. The mission of get-out-the-vote campaigns here in the US often seems to be to browbeat people who are uninformed and ill-informed and don’t give a damn to fill in a box next to Our Candidate. The disingenuousness of it repels me. It’s like raising a generation of kids who think there’s no point in learning unless it’s gonna be on the exam. It’s why the democrats are worse: they couch trying to make their candidate win in the language of “democracy” and this ennoble prioritizing ignorance over education, party politics over critical thinking.

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They must have thought - kids love rainbows and monkeys. They also giggle at butt jokes. There's the dildo thing but - hey, three out of four - you can't have it all.

As for the ID thingy - check this out. It's probably creatively edited to show the stupidity full scale, but still funny.


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Apr 8Liked by Rudolph Rigger

Some truly outstanding polemic with almost no sweary bits, from a very angry man, about the state of society in the USA. Applicable of course to the UK, Australia and any other place where the demons have assumed control.

This bloke simply nails it, in every dimension that needs nailing.


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It looks like the library contracted with another organization that hired rainbow dildo butt monkey. The other organization apologized, but I think they simply felt bad about getting rightly called out! The good thing is now hopefully other libraries know to not hire such things out.

While way more girls get sexually abused by heterosexual men, than boys do by homosexual men, your article made me ponder about going to the San Francisco gay pride parade 30 years ago, when I was in my 20s. In just the first two parades I went to, "The man - boy love association" openly marched in the parade - to absolute silence from the crowd. They were run out of mainstream gay society at least in the Bay Area. I wonder if they have a re-emerged in the modern trans movement. I've never seen such public sexualization of children (outside of the sexualization of girls in Western media that's been happening for decades). I even ventured into the hardcore leather part of the SF parade on another street, and there was no sexualization of boys. That whole pedophilia movement got pushed underground I assume... or maybe they disbanded, I don't know. But it just occurred to me that they have found a way to collectively group together again more openly in the modern trans movement.

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