It’s funny how the leftists want the working class to “rise up” except for when the working class actually rises up. Then they call them names and seek to harm them.

It’s turning out that the left never really was for the working class — that rhetoric was never anything but a vehicle to power. Only the useful idiots believed they meant it. And now it’s plain for all to see.

How many “progressives” will repudiate the left (or leftists repudiate the “progressives” — I’m not sure which it is now, but there is a distinction) now that the mask is off?

Did leftists ever really stand for freedom? Freedom of speech, freedom of association, bodily autonomy? If they did, where are they? Why aren’t they in the streets?

Oh, I know, they are cowering behind their keyboards, throwing epithets at the people who did what the leftists lack the courage (some might say will) to do. Their childish selfishness is on display, and it’s not a good look.

The “left” is, and always has been, a fraud. No doubt there were sincere believers, but those sad, naïve souls were duped in the most perfidious way. It’s time for intellectually honest people to not only abandon the left, but repudiate it publicly and in no uncertain terms. Failure to do so is moral failure of the worst sort.

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I'm not even sure the fight is between 'right' and 'left' anymore. I have always considered myself to be more on the left than the right politically - although these days I have been described by some as "far-right" which is somewhat amusing. These terms, like 'racist', have lost any potency or rationale.

I think the real battle lines are between individualism/collectivism and liberty/authoritarianism. Obviously there has to be a balance for any well-functioning society in these things - but we've got things so out of kilter, so out of balance, in all sorts of ways over the last few years. I would argue that, somehow, lots of people seem to have lost any real sense of proportion. I don't know why. It's odd.

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I guess that was my thesis in an oblique way. The “left” has become the social-justice, pronouns, laptop crowd who are repulsed by the working class, evidence of which is apparent in Canada.

That shift is becoming apparent in US politics as well, with a huge migration to the Republicans in the traditional voter base of the Democrats (e.g. Virginia), mostly thanks to Donald Trump’s and Ron DeSantis’ redefining of the party. I think the wholesale importation of what were supposed to be “D” voters may end up being the most hilarious and well-deserved backfire ever.

The social and political lattice is being liquified and recast. The relationship between the people and the government has been permanently altered, doctors, as agents of the criminal pharma companies, have ruined their credibility, science as a priesthood is indelibly stained. These are probably all good things. Or will be shown to be, in due time.

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In just two years my shaky but sincere belief that trade unions were a generally good thing (having been an activist/rep for twenty years), and that Labour were the least worst option, has evaporated utterly. For the first time in my life I'm not even a union member (even the Wobblies told me "not a good fit..."!)

And it's spoiled papers all the way in f__ pointless elections except the most local. (Our ward councillor is someone we've known and respected for 20 years)

It's not a short read but Modern Heretic suggested a new paradigm to replace Right- Left Punch & Judy politics (my words not hers). I'd definitely recommend it:


Another in a long sequence of great posts Rudolph, thank you.

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At one point, trade unions probably were a good thing. But, as with government, when there’s lots of money involved, before long the organization’s interests begin to depart from its stated objectives. Unions became all about the dues rather than the interests of those they were supposed to represent. Everything they did became about how to increase revenue, worker be damned. There’s a term for it: institutional imperative. It’s a common phenomenon.

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You have a way with words, and I like it. I like it a lot! Tx.

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Thank you - very much appreciated

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Good essay...again.

It was clear to me that a revolution was underway as I watched the riots engulf the US in the aftermath of a career felon dying of a drug-induced heart attack. Statues were toppled and policemen forced to endure frozen water bottles and plastic bags of feces and urine hurled at them (Chicago); no one was arrested. The higher-ups wanted this to happen.

Add in a blatantly stolen election in the US and the last brake for the worldwide revolution was removed. Biden just extended his emergency powers indefinitely and the US Capitol is undergoing renovations...permanent concrete structures for protection are being built around it. This is just getting started.

I bought the deadly virus narrative for several months, huddling at home, assiduously wiping down my delivered groceries with sani-wipes, so I make no claim of being on Team Reality from the start. But I know many people who were: Polish immigrants to the US. Being raised under deceitful governments, an overwhelming majority of those I know were immediately dismissive of the Covid scare. I thought them foolish; they, hardened by years of oppression, saw the fraud for what it was. I was the fool. The vast majority remain non-GMO humans, refusing the injection, their senses correct on this too.

I believe that economic collapse is imminent and frankly the point of these last 2 years. Western governments are hopelessly in debt. Those that brought about this woeful condition want to manage the collapse and Greatly Reset the game board with them in an unassailable position of dominance. That's the only explanation for the over-the-top stupidity and cruelty that "liberal democracies" have committed these last 24 months that makes sense to me. I'd love to be proven wrong.

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Thanks John - some very interesting points there. You've probably already listened but Maajid Nawaz's interview with Joe Rogan is well worth a listen


He discusses his thoughts on the background to all this

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After listening to the podcast,, Nawaz is right about this, I think. Those behind this inhumanity will lose in the end, but I see lots of suffering ahead. Nawaz is buoyed by the fact that we greatly outnumber them...but maybe mass vaccination's goal was to whittle down our advantage.

People who so willingly trample human rights will not shy away from taking human life.

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Thanks for the video link. I will check it out.

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I couldn't agree more John. The collapse and reset was the point for everything, along with the snatch and grab of all our freedoms on the way out.

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I think you are absolutely right. The decades of money-printing have a price and the bill will come due abruptly. As Nawaz said in the Joe Rogan interview, all the “vaccine passport” nonsense has been about controlling movement to help suppress the riots when there’s no food.

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Really great post. 👍🏼

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thanks so much - very much appreciated

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When considering whether a government should have a particular power, a useful rule of thumb is to imagine the politician one hates the most. Then imagine him having that power.

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Well put, thanks!

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thank you for the read - the feedback is very much appreciated

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The Sturmabteilung in the thirties, the BLM today. Samt thing, same purpose and function.

The leaders of BLM and Antifa would do well to consider the fate of Ernst Röhm.

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The police could have called in sick, but they liked the power too... Since they're exempt from the jabs... Anyway, before the jabs, deaths were in line with previous years. Average age of con-vid death was around life expectancy, that means it's not reducing life span.

So I don't buy anything about the lab leak bs story!


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