If only they had cameras in the late Roman Empire. That way we could compare and see exactly how far along we are to complete societal collapse.

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Yes! People don’t realize how bad it was in these past civilizations.

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Well, as the collapse comes several centuries after christianity becomes the state religion...

Long as they were polytheists and stuck to their own traditions, it worked just fine. When they got themselves a priest-class for the only game in town (what later becomes known as the Roman-Catholic church, formely known as the cult of Jupiter), a capitalist corporatist owner-class not ever having to risk life and limb achieving riches, power and fame, and became complacent in general, it went to Heck in a handbasket inside 200 years.

The US is what, 200 plus change? And you've started importing quite a few moslems, and they ain't lukewarm about their fatih let me tell you.

Not that Europe is doing any better.

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You remain the wind beneath my wings. 😊

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Thanks for the laughs RP, much needed!

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It's really a wonder Lia Thomas hasn't been approached by Victoria's Secret yet. Look at that cleavage!

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Saved a few of those thanks!

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Who is the other person in the picture? I’ve seen it in social media but have no idea where or why it was taken.

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Speaking of gender-issues, this is apparently something that can happen nowadays:

"Incarcerated transgender woman Demi Minor impregnates two inmates at NJ prison" from the NYP, 17th of July.

While the actual text touches on several real issues re: incarceration, that headline really brings home that no matter jargon, -isms, norms, creeds and faiths - reality trumps everything.

And the reality is, if you have testes and penis and a Y-chromosome and the rest, you are a man. A male. A he. Doesn't matter what you call youself. Reality does not care about your conceit, wishful thinking or other.

Like I asked my wife's co-workers whn she was in academia, and my own when I was in the thick of it, and students and co-workers down the years: "Show me how to hammer a nail in a [value system] manner."

As everyone knows, there aren't any such manner, whether feminist or kosher, halal or christian or marxist.

There's the right way, and the wrong way.

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Your finest yet! Still laughing... Going to be a good day today.

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Fancy that - a theoretical physicist who is a thousand times funnier than any of the woke 'comedians' going around.

Much appreciated, Mr. Pokery

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Maybe make it a regular feature?

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Thank you for the laughs.

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That was funny! The times surely are strange. Paul Kingsnorth has an interesting take on things in his latest essay, which I happen to agree with. Has a paywall on substack hence not posting but some are free to read and the latest one maybe.

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Omg, I laughed so hard, thanks for the belly laughs. 😂

Getting sprayed by the cars driving by in the rain - not toxic masculinity. Grabbing women by the pussy without their consent - toxic masculinity.

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