Thank you for all the Brussels Sprout recipes - much appreciated. I may even try some of them out.
On other vegetables.
If you need to do all that shit just to make sprouts edible, I feel I’ll get a better result with a vegetable I do like.
I hope you all had, and are still having, a great festive period.
I find myself in a bit of a lull between indulgences. I wasn’t planning to write again until the New Year, but I find myself at a bit of a loose end.
But something struck me, as it so often does. A festive meal, folks all gathered, and one is just getting over a bout of something or other. But it was OK, we were told, because it wasn’t covid.
That’s right - this person had got themselves tested, to make sure.
Why? Just, why?
At the moment, my nose is trying to do its very best impression of Niagara Falls, but I’m not going to ‘test’ myself. For anything.
I will walk around trying to kill as many grannies as I can. As I have always done before this became equivalent to genocide back in 2020. I will, thoughtlessly, pay with cash at times - because I’m just like that.
Covid has been given this kind of ‘superhero’ status amongst all the viruses and other nasties we’ve been living with over the course of my lifetime.
Obviously, if I was really ill I wouldn’t be wanting to spread the joy. But, before covid, most of us weren’t too bothered if someone showed up with a bit of a sniffle. Jokes were made about what we’d do if we were given the sniffles by the biohazard in our midst. The thought of testing ourselves to see what caused the sniffles was not even on the agenda.
Now it’s a case of well, it might be CoronaDOOM™ - and granny might be there. Not to mention the many thousands of immunocompromised individuals who popped out the woodwork back in 2020 that we’d never really bothered much about before, much less even heard about.
It became our responsibility to keep everyone ‘safe’. From us.
Now, we’ve been told in a recent paper that, even the act of our breathing is leading to GlobalBoiling™.
As if spreading the CoronaDOOM™ wasn’t enough.
Stop breathing you selfish bastard. Not only will Granny not get a cold, she won’t be boiled alive.
Before 2020 it was enough to look after your own health. Now you have to look after everyone else’s.
I agree with the principle that if you’re ill with something that is infectious then it’s best to keep it to yourself, so to speak. Be sensible. If you’ve got flu, then please don’t try to bravely soldier on and go visit granny in the nursing home.
But what if you have asymptomatic flu?
Yeah, right. Even now, after all the covid silliness, I feel your boss would not be best pleased if you wanted 2 weeks off work because you ‘had’ asymptomatic flu.
Do we test ourselves for everything, just to make sure we’re ‘healthy’ and not a ‘danger’ to others? Or is it just covid that has been given this special, ‘superhero’, status?
If not, why not? We could be killing any number of grannies, even if we don’t have covid. Isn’t it best to be safe? To know you’re disease-free and fit to go about your business without killing a wrinkly.
And why do I feel that, if they could get away with it, the horror-cabal of Pharma, WHO and Government, would implement such a mass screening regime for everything?
But have no fear. You see, we’re not going to be subject to that, because we have the Perfect Pricks of Protection. That’s right - we have vaccines.
Get yourself injected with every possible vaccine to protect us from every possible dastardly diseasy thing and you’ll have done your bit. As we know, nobody is safe until everybody is safe.
What’s more, getting as many pricks into you as you can confers superhero status
Although I have to say that the guy in the top right panel here is making me think more of cavity searches than health. He certainly looks like he’s ready for a good firkle and seems quite determined about it. I wonder what Captain Cavity’s superpower is?
As we know, people can die of diseases. If there was a way to give someone a mild form of the disease, or even something which didn’t cause any disease symptoms at all, but which stimulated the body’s immune response so that when Mr Boss Bug came along the body had already upgraded all its weapons, we’d think that was great. I would, anyway.
The idea of vaccines is wonderful.
If they work.
Some appear to do so - and even seem to confer protection more widely. The studies from Guinea-Bissau have shown that giving newborn infants a Polio vaccination (live, attenuated, vaccine) reduces childhood all-cause mortality - even when there’s no Polio about.
It’s almost as if the body has some kind of evolutionary adaptation to respond to infection that helps it to fight off subsequent infections from different pathogens. This has been likened to a kind of ‘training’ of the immune response.
The thing is, all of this work was done back in the days when we all thought vaccines stopped you from getting infected in the first place. That was the whole point of them - or so we were led to believe. You didn’t even need to worry about transmission because if no-one was getting infected in the first place then there would be no onward transmission.
Fast forward to 2020 and onwards and The Science™ changed. Not only was any form of natural immunity, and disease-acquired immunity, dismissed, but vaccines were now about reducing symptoms, not protecting you from getting the disease in the first place.
You can see the difference in approach with the measles vaccine results. Although deaths from measles had shrunk to very low levels - it wasn’t the killer it used to be - there were still a lot of cases. Kids were getting infected. When the measles vaccine was introduced in the US, in the sixties, within a year cases had reduced from the half a million per year level to the 20,000 per year level. That’s with 60% vaccine coverage and a virus, measles, that is 6 times more contagious than the CoronaDOOM™.
Of course, if you don’t believe in some aspects of the germ theory of disease then this result makes no sense, but that’s a discussion for another day.
What did we get with the covid “vaccines”? Much higher coverage in a shorter timeframe - and they were shit. They didn’t prevent cases at all.
The covid vaccines were shit vaccines in the traditional sense but, it was argued, they were great Vaccines™. They didn’t do what a vaccine was supposed to do (pre-2020), but they did protect you from serious symptoms. Or so we were told.
There seems to be scant/mixed evidence they did even that.
The evidence we need to properly figure out whether they were even good Vaccines™ is not readily available for some reason. We have to rely on partial data - or data that has already been manipulated by the official bodies. We can’t even trust the data properly anyway because of the unholy mess surrounding the disease classification when it came to covid.
This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you do Science™ in 2023.
And then we had the side effects. Those very ‘rare’ side effects. Or, to put it into post-covid nomenclature, we had Rare™ side effects.
No matter that all of the monitoring systems for side effects that were in place were showing a safety signal that stood out like the boner in an autogynephile’s skirt. And we’re not talking about a small lump in the Skirt of Deception, but a tumescence the size of the friggin Eiffel Tower. It was the scary thing in the changing rooms of innocence.
The weird spectacle of so many Experts™ just cavalierly dismissing this alarming safety signal was astonishing to me, but then I suppose I was, foolishly, thinking of science rather than Science™.
The whole covid thing to many people - and I suspect to all of my readers - looks like some kind of CoVoodoo. Mystical Medical Mumblings along with the Incantations of Intervention and the Facecloths of Faith.
It was like we’d gone back to a world of demons and magic and spells; a world of superheroes and supernatural powers. Three centuries of the Enlightenment wiped out - just like that.
Covid, and what it represents, isn’t, of course, the only attack on Enlightenment values and progress. We also have the rise of censorship under the guise of ‘safety’. The de-industrialization of the planet under the guise of climate ‘safety’, and the queering of everything under the guise of gender ‘safety’.
The fight isn’t over - not by a long way.
I probably won’t write any more until the New Year now - and so, in advance, I wish us all a great 2024 at a personal level. There’s not much hope I have of a great 2024 at a society level. May we all be made a lot less Safe™.
I don’t want a fuckton of pricks to feel Safe™ - I’m quite happy not being a Superhero™.
All this talk of pricks reminds me of my all-time favourite insult :
I’ve met some pricks in my time but you, Sir, are a fucking cactus
The past several years have proven that the Absurdistan Caliphate is still alive.
And your "cactus" retort has been permanently added to my rolodex of replies.
Thank you for all the humor, explanations of difficult mathematics and entertaining wit and euphemisms of Britain.
Big yes to this entire post.
As to RR’s complaint that “I find myself at a bit of a loose end”: there are exercises for that (though sadly, not yet a vaccine).
Happy new year, Rigger!