It’s the season of Christian good will and fellowship, but only if you agree to be multiply Goo’ed.
The hatred and vitriol spewing forth, like those damnable Brussels sprouts on Boxing Day, towards the unGoo’ed is astonishing. It has been building for some time, as we can see from this tweet back in August. It has only gotten worse.
But the holiday season has brought out, again, the best in people.
The UK government is going to launch a campaign to help the homeless this Winter. They’re being offered accommodation to help them get through it. Heart-warming and affirmative, and just makes me want to watch It’s a Wonderful Life again.
That’s so damn decent of you, good sirs!
But the twist in the tail, or the sting in the arm, if you like - is that this is only being offered in return for getting an injection of the Glorious Goo. Here’s the headline in the Telegraph:
Rough sleepers to be offered accommodation for Covid jab in race to tackle vaccine hesitancy
Don’t want the Goo? Well, you can die, cold and alone on the streets - we don’t give a shit about YOU
Such wonderful compassion and humanity on display. And some pretty bizarre logic too. I’m sure homelessness has increased this last 21 months, along with all the other things we’ve made much worse by going all OCD (Obsessive Covid Disorder). But are they really this desperate they’re going to target a very small percentage of the population like this? What is this going to achieve on a national scale?
Yet more propaganda and coercion dressed up as compassion and care.
You don’t need a PhD to think like a scientist. We can all see that things just don’t stack up in Cthulu Covid World. Inconsistencies are one of the key things that drive science. It’s also one of the key techniques for checking to see whether you’ve got things right. I tried to get my students to appreciate the power of inconsistencies, but too many never quite got it.
So I had some beautifully bonkers answers to questions. One of my favourites was the question about a bouncing ball. The ball loses a bit of energy on each bounce, and the question asked about the height the ball reaches after the 3rd bounce.
I had more than one negative answer. This would mean that the ball bounces - maybe to 1 metre after the first bounce, then maybe to 75cm after the second, etc. But after the 3rd bounce the ball crashes through the floor (this is implied by the negative value). The problem isn’t in the answer itself, we all make mistakes doing maths. The problem is that very few students thought “hang on, this can’t be right”.
It’s this ability to cross-check our thinking against what we already know that is so fundamental to science. It’s part and parcel of the scientific method. That one incongruity can be fatal to your carefully-developed theory - that one mismatch between your Palace of Perception and reality.
Take any strand of science and follow it, and you’ll find it ties in with many other strands of science. There’s a deep, and often beautiful, consistency across the various disciplines and sub-disciplines. Research is mostly done where the inconsistencies stack up - where the various threads don’t combine to make a beautiful tapestry.
With the ‘official’ covid narrative we have the most pig-ugly tapestry ever woven (I apologize in advance to all you pig lovers out there). In a rhetorical excess of alliteration, simile and mixed metaphor, it’s the Post-Picasso, Pandora’s Piss-Pot of Pig-Ugly Pictures.
The vaccines are “safe and effective”, but don’t go near an unvaccinated person because they’re not effective in the presence of the unGoo’ed. You need 2 of the things. No, 3. Oh, wait a minute, you need 4. Had the AZ jab, madam? Don’t worry, they’re all “plug and play”, you’ll be fine having the Moderna as a booster. Next time try the Pfizer one, we hear that’s quite good, and who wants to have pizza for every meal, eh?
One “expert” (she must be an expert coz she has “Prof” in front of her name, see) actually said words to the effect that we need to lockdown now because in a few days, when things have turned around and infections are reducing, it will be too late to see how lockdown could have turned things around.
That’s some God-Awful Mobius strip you have in your head, Prof.
Quick, we need one of them there circuit-breaker things. Yes, we do. But the circuitry we need to interrupt is the unscientific infinite loop of despair that’s buggering up your brain.
Talking of circuit-breakers it reminds me of another student answer. When asked a question about the current in a wire in a building, the answer the student came up with was 10 thousand trillion amps. I’d love to see someone try to put that current through typical wiring in a building - well, ANY wiring, typical or not. The building would voom like several billion parrots.
Among your others possible talents you are a great satirist. Combining factual information and humor is a difficult thing to do and you do it very well. I actually laugh while reading.
Sir! We parrots could not care less about them ugly pigs and damnable Brussels sprouts, but we looked up the verb "voom" in the dictionary, could not find it, and therefore will have to classify it as a microaggression.
It seems that in Berlin they also won't let the unvaccinated homeless into shelters anymore, and at the same time they are driving them out of the underground stations, because Covid.
Bonus points for mentioning Möbius strips!