The title reference here is to a charming little ditty from the 60’s. It was Luxembourg’s entry into the 1967 Eurovision song contest, originally in French. Here’s the great Jeff Beck playing a cover version (2m 57s)
Ever since we had the Great Pandemic of Puzzlement, and probably for a few years before that, I’ve found myself looking at some news item, plumbing the depths of eloquence, and muttering with bewilderment
What the actual fuck?
A day or two ago I realized it had become
What the actual fuckity fuck fuck?
I learned that America’s shining example of manhood, laptop man himself, one Mr Hunter (where’s my baggie?) Biden had been pardoned of his crimes.
And not just any old crime, either. No mere recording his legal expenses in the wrong column for him (34 felony instalments worth of a single payment), but ALL crimes he may (or may not) have committed from 2014 onwards.
What the actual fuckity fuck fuckness with fucky bits?
Perhaps he really does have bodies in the basement. It wouldn’t have bothered Sam Harris, so he probably doesn’t need a pardon for that
“Hunter Biden Literally Could Have Had the Corpses of Children in His Basement - I Would Not Have Cared” (Sam Harris)
Harris was, of course, referring to the, erm, burying of the laptop story before the 2020 election by the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party mainstream media so as not to upset Josef Biden’s chances against Trump (just in case the vote rigging wasn’t going to be enough).
In Harris’ mind (such as it is) even this price would have been worth it to stop Trump - which kind of says rather too much about Harris’ morals perhaps?
I mean the guy could even have put pineapple on pizza (which ought to be an executable offence) and Harris would not have cared.
But, hey, no one is above the law, right?
To be fair, I suspect it wasn’t Resident Biden who signed off on this since he’s probably not allowed to play with anything sharper than a crayon these days - and certainly not anything that might be as sharp as a tack.
Why from 2014?
Gosh, that’s a real conundrum that one. I’ve been trying to figure that one out for the last 3 nanoseconds and nothing, nothing, springs to mind.
It’s like those other great conundrums of our age, why the FDA wanted to hide covid trial data for 75 years, why governments won’t release the full record-level data for the jabs, or why the UK government won’t release (or collect) information on the great benefits of immigration.
Just so very hard to figure out.
To have Hunter questioned about, oh I don’t know, his vacations in Ukraine, might be pushing things and the poor guy might have ended up being Epsteined.
Yea verily doth it stinketh.
Now, it’s entirely possible my mind might have been addled a bit by wearing too many tin foil hats (it’s so those 5G transmitters can’t send alien mind control signals directly into my brain), but does anyone else get the impression that our governments and institutions are demented denizens of the most corrupt quagmire of shit we’ve ever witnessed?
And that’s it for the short rant today - I needed to get that off my chest and I thank you for your assistance in helping me do that. And to finally exorcise the frustration so I can get on with my day
What the actual fuckity fucking fuckness of fuckosity and fuckeration?
I know. These bastards pull this massively corrupt, vile shit that strikes at the heart of the rule of law and civil society.
And they get away with it. Every fucking time. The Biden crime syndicate, for that is what they are, will get away scot free. Meanwhile, in the UK, don't tweet anything mean, or you'll find yourself before the beak and into the slammer PDQ.
The idea that Hunter can be pardoned for crimes that he can't yet been accused of is absurd. He could've machine gunned busloads of nuns while snorting cocaine naked in the street, and there's nothing anybody could do.
It's like Macchiavelli's Great Princes...the law is what they say it is, and it only applies to the little people, not them
I grind my teeth at the thought of it.
Peace attend thee
All through the night
Guardian angels God will send thee
All through the night.